Do men also learn needlework?

Soujin is indeed a capable general. Despite his body being riddled with wounds, he could still climb on the narrow path to the top using swift movements. It didn't take him a long time to reach their destination, the top of the cliff.

"Put me down," Jun Min urged. Soujin was surprised because he could feel that the person on his back was really light. He almost forgot about her existence if not for her reminder.

Soujin turned his head back. He carefully put Jun Min on the ground as the little kid sat down. She still doesn't have the energy to walk.

"Can you walk?"

"A bit," Jun Min said awkwardly. She truly cannot pass off as a guy if this keeps on, they would surely think of her as a weakling. If the soldiers who had seen her fight knew she thought like this, they would definitely have the urge to beat her up to vent their grievances from getting their body beaten black and blue by her.

Soujin, after putting her down, dashed off to the trees nearby before returning back with some fruits. He handed some of them to Jun Min who accepted it gladly.

"After you have recovered enough energy, we will go to the east border."

Jun Min nodded. Eating the fruit has indeed helped her a lot. It did not require her much time to recover some of her strength and they can walk towards the border. Besides, walking on a flat ground is easier than climbing that steep wall.

Soujin stopped for a while. He whistled and a horse came before their sight before being followed by another horse. They are the horses that the two of them used before. It seems like they were waiting near the areas where their masters fell off the cliff previously.

"Can you ride the horse?"

"I can," Jun Min felt that she was continuously being insulted by Soujin during their journey back. It's not like she's that weak to the point she cannot walk at all, she still has some energy from eating and sleeping a few hours.

Soujin nodded. "How's the situation on the Mountain Kingdom border?"

"Its fine," Jun Min answered. The more accurate way to say it is that the Mountain Kingdom won't attack them anymore. As long as the Jun family is still guarding the border, they won't have any intention of attacking anymore since it was Jun Min who had helped them through their crisis. But this is a secret that she cannot divulge, not even to Soujin.

"The Kai Kingdom is more obstinate. You will find out soon enough that they're stronger than the Mountain Kingdom."

"I'm sure about that," Jun Min smiled.

After riding the horse for some time, they reached the border. Soujin's soldiers were there and they looked highly worried about Soujin. Seeing their general alive and kicking, they sighed in relief.

"Call the doctor, do you need one, Jun Min?"

Jun Min shook her head. If the doctors here examines her, they would surely find out about her gender. Besides, she's not hurt at all, only tired from exhausting her energy over and over again.

"Then, you go get some rest first."

"Wake me up when it's time to leave."

The soldiers hurriedly prepared rooms for both of them in separate places. Jun Min took a bath first before changing and sleeping on the bed, still with her face mask on. She didn't dare to take it off in case there is someone daring enough to get inside without her knowing, for example, Soujin. With his martial arts, she wouldn't realize that he's already near her until he's really close.

Soujin looked for a doctor he knew. Since he's on the battlefield, there are only some doctors which he's familiar with and knows about. He would never let an unknown doctor check him in case they're sent by the enemies to harm him.

"How is my wound?" He asked.

"It's already healing, the first aid was well done. Seems like the one who did it is an experienced person," the doctor said.

Soujin nodded. He's not really surprised since a soldier normally learns a bit about this kind of things. But for Jun Min to be so proficient, he must have been wounded a lot in the past, that's what he thought.

"Your wound has been stitched neatly too. Have you treated it before?" the doctor asked again. This time, he was feeling surprised because he knows that Soujin would never let a stranger come close to him.

Soujin shook his head. "No… only the first aid."

"The one who did the first aid is amazing. Let me dress the wound again."

As the doctor checked his wound again, Soujin thought about Jun Min. The one who did the first aid should have been him, but why would he stitch the wound? Do men also learn needlework? Maybe he will try to ask him about it later.

Dressing the wound didn't take a long time and Soujin returned back to his room to sleep. His soldiers are all watching and guarding him. They won't let anyone come close to their general and put him in some kind of danger.

The next morning, Soujin prepared horses for them to go towards the border. Given that he had taken a few days off from leading the army, they shouldn't have gone too far into the enemy territory unless the enemies are still luring them. Soujin has confidence in his soldiers that they wouldn't commit such a mistake.


"Little kid, wake up. It's already morning," Soujin personally went to Jun Min's room.

Jun Min hurriedly dressed up and fixed his appearance before opening the door. Looking at the highly spirited Soujin, he truly wonders just who among them is the one who got hurt. Why is he still looking so spirited while Jun Min is the one who's tired?

"The horses are ready. Let's go."

Jun Min followed after Soujin towards the field and ride on his horse. She looked towards Soujin who's riding on his horse too. He waved his hand and Jun Min along with the soldiers marched towards the northeast border.

As they were riding the horses, Soujin looked towards Jun Min with a curious look.

"What is it?" Jun Min didn't feel comfortable under his gaze.

"I want to know, do the men in Jun family learn needlework?"

That was the question he hoped that the other party would never ask. Jun Min stared coldly then he just ignored that general.