
The journey back was quick with Soujin's lead. He was familiar with this area thus making their journey shorter and quicker. When they arrived at the border, Jun Min found his soldiers and went over to organize them. Among them, Yasha and Yamin were also there.

"Young Master, we have directed the soldiers here," Yasha reported. Back then, when they reached the capital of the Mountain Kingdom, Jun Min sent them away here, for he didn't want them to get involved with the matter in that kingdom.

Jun Min nodded. "Did they get enough rest?"

There was a huge difference between journeying as a whole army and journeying alone, that's why Jun Min asked that question. He barely got any sleep, but his soldiers should've had enough time to rest because they arrived earlier than him.


"We are going to march again. The Kai Kingdom is leading us into their territory," Jun Min said calmly. He had heard some of the battle reports from Soujin during their journey here and he could fill in the rest after having stayed here for some time.

"Yes, General!"

After arranging the soldiers, Jun Min returned back to have some rest before departing.

Capital of Ming Kingdom

"You have become really famous, old man," Yan said sarcastically. He has finally returned back to the capital with Nanglong Souka tagging along. The old man just laughed and waved it off because the whole matter was not because of him, rather it was because of another extraordinary person.

Nanglong Souka got down from the carriage as Yan continued his journey towards the Kai Kingdom. Yan had no intention of staying inside his residence just because he was being grounded by his father. He still has some matters he needs to attend to.

The old man walked towards the palace and got permitted to enter as soon as he arrived there. Inside, all the officials are now looking at him with friendly smiles for what he had accomplished.

"Nanglong Souka, well done," the emperor said upon seeing that Nanglang Souka has attended this morning's court.

He nodded. "Thank you, Your Highness, this subject dares not take all the credit."

"How was the reaction from the Yuan Kingdom?" one of the officials asked. They hadn't heard about the details because the ways to send messages are limited. The only news that they received is that the Yuan Kingdom has pulled back their armies and they aren't going to attack the Ming Kingdom anymore. If they want the details, they will need Nanglong Souka to explain.

"The emperor of the Yuan Kingdom is wise and he pulled back the army after some negotiation. He accepted the goodwill of Ming Kingdom and willingly pulled back his army," Nanglong Souka vaguely narrated the conversation.

The emperor was truly happy because of this progress. He turned towards the messenger who just arrived.

"What is it?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, General Soujin has been found safe and sound. He has returned back to the northeast border."

The emperor nodded. Seeing the cautious gaze from Nanglong Souka, he could only ask the other officials to explain. It was then that Nanglong Souka came to know that his grandson was chasing after one of the assassins from the Kai Kingdom and fell from a cliff. Miraculously, he survived and returned back to the border in a matter of days.

"Why was he chasing after that assassin?" Nanglong Souka knows that Soujin is not a reckless person and normally he wouldn't bother chasing after one small fry. Does this assassin have another identity?

"The assassin is the Seventh Prince of Kai Kingdom," Prince Ming Gong interjected.

"I see… what exactly happened that day, how did he fall from the cliff?" Nanglong Souka turned to the messenger again.

The messenger was feeling pressured from Nanglong Souka's gaze and stammered on his words. He could only say that the Seventh Prince of Kai Kingdom had prepared a trap which made a part of the area around the cliff get destroyed and caused the general to fall. That trap also cost the prince his life.

With that area belonging to the Kai Kingdom and the location being near the border of the Mountain Kingdom, it was expected that such traps were placed in the area. However, the target had changed from the Mountain Kingdom to the Ming Kingdom.

Nanglong Souka nodded. "What happened down the cliff?"

"That… he fell down with General Jun Min and General Jun Min gave him some first-aid which helped General Soujin recover…"

Nanglong Souka's eyes widened. Jun Min is in the east? Didn't he get wounded badly from the fight with General Tou and couldn't move from his bed around two weeks ago? How come he suddenly arrived at the east and fell down with Soujin?

Hearing the unexpected name, they were all surprised for no one would ever predict that the young general had gone to the northeast. His timing was really good, appearing on time to stop the Seventh Prince of Kai Kingdom while at the same time becoming someone who helped Soujin.

The emperor felt even more burdened. This name is truly like a plague and whenever this name is voiced, unexpected news would arise. Despite him feeling vexed, he cannot do anything and could only continue with court. That young general's luck is too good.

"Jun Min has gone to the east? That boy's healing rate is really quick," Ming Hui commented. He knew that Jun Min is capable, but he would never think that the boy would become really important in their plan.

"But, it's good that he's with Soujin. Only Yan is left… that brother of ours is truly slow."

The person before him can only laugh dryly. Ming Hui dismissed him and returned back to his room. His demeanor quickly changed into an innocent young girl as he turned towards the girl who's busy trying to play the sound right from her zither.

"Lanying, you still can't find the correct note?" he asked softly.

The girl, Fan Lanying, raised her head awkwardly. "I'm sorry, Princess. It seems that my talent in music is quite low. I will need your help here."

Ming Hui smiled. "Come over here, I will help you."

"Thank you," Fan Lanying smiled back happily.

Seeing that smile, Ming Hui sighed in his heart. 'Until when should I keep on this façade? I want to return back to being a man soon…'