Rallying the soldiers

As the sun rose the next day, the soldiers all started to wake. Both sides readied themselves for the battle which was inevitable. Their leaders have already arranged plans and strategies for today's battle.

"Yabei, get into your position." Jun Min said lightly.

"General, are you sure that you're going to battle personally?" Yabei prudently asked.

Jun Min nodded. "To ensure victory, we need to eliminate most of their soldiers. Compared to us, the number of soldiers the enemy has is overwhelming which is why we need to play our cards as swiftly as possible."

"What about your wounds?"

"They have healed and the bruises are almost gone," Jun Min answered. There are almost no traces from the wound anymore with the medicine the doctors gave him. He could move around freely and there were no restraints on his body. After resting for a good time, he was already spirited enough to start the battle.

Seeing their young general all up and ready to fight, Yabei can only stand back. He returned to his post while hoping that nothing bad will happen to Young General Jun. They can imagine the rage of Jun Qing should he find out that his nephew had gone through another round of torment with wounds.

Jun Min didn't bother with his generals having questioned him. He knows that they were only worried about him and even if he chose to discipline them later, they would still make the same choice. He felt grateful for having those loyal soldiers.

"You're up?" Soujin was standing on the wall while looking towards the soldiers below the wall.

Jun Min nodded. "Are you ready? The battle is about to start."

"Of course."

Jun Min clasped his fist towards Soujin and went towards his horses. The battle will soon begin and he moved to his position. Looking at the soldiers behind him, Jun Min smiled. Even without him saying anything, they would surely follow him without any question, but this time he will talk.

"The Kai Kingdom and Pan Kingdom had allianced themselves in order to beat us up. They think with greater numbers, they will have greater advantage, which probably goes down to the basic rules where the more the people, the more powerful they are." Jun Min's eyes swept across his soldiers. They were all watching him with a heated gaze, waiting for his next words.

"Can the same basic rules be applied to us? You have undergone the training which I personally arranged and you overcame it which is why you are all here. Now, it's time to show the result of your training and make them see with their own eyes just how powerful we are!"

With that statement, the soldiers were all riled up even more and they all roared. Jun Min smiled and signaled towards Soujin to begin the battle. His soldiers were all ready and pumped up.

When other people looked at those highly spirited soldiers, they felt like they were dreaming. How could those soldiers' spirits be so abnormally high? Just how strong is Jun Min to make his soldiers willingly follow him with such fervor even without him saying anything before the battle and increase even more after he talked? When the battle finally started, their questions were all answered.

Jun Min's battle was like dancing, he will strike everyone around him with his swordplay that is quick and decisive. The soldiers in front of him were incapable of stopping him at all. From the viewpoint of people on the sidelines, Jun Min is not only a powerful general, but that movement of his is also beautiful and it was hard to explain it with words.

"He's like a flower."

"A blooming flower in the battlefield."

Because the ones who watched Jun Min battling didn't only come from his soldiers, this was the first time they saw such a battle that can be considered art. Accompanied by Jun Min's face that can only be described as a flower boy, they came to one conclusion. Thus, the nickname for Jun Min was born. He is the 'flower of the battlefield'.

On the other hand, Soujin was also leading his soldiers and ruthlessly slaying the enemies' soldiers down. His speed was even faster than Jun Min which made his battle prowess even more terrifying. While Jun Min was focused on attacking the lower-ranked officers, he was heading towards the enemy's headquarters and ruthlessly slaying his way there.

Facing two great generals like them, the enemies fell into a dilemma, which one should they face off first? Finally, the great general moved personally and clashed with Soujin.

"You're not bad, young lad."

Soujin looked towards the man in front of him. He was the Great General Wei from the Kai Kingdom and Soujin had heard about him even from his young days. This general is a capable general on the battlefield and exceedingly powerful. His lips curved into a smirk.

"Please give me some pointers, General Wei."

General Wei smiled. "If that is your wish, young lad, I will accompany you."

With that, the two of them clashed and the soldiers surrounding them had to move away to allow these two to fight more freely. If they were to stay around these two, they might get killed because of a mistake. Who would want their death to be so vexing?

Soujin's sword aimed towards General Wei shoulder from above, but General Wei blocked it perfectly. He pushed Soujin back and attacked the young general with his enormous strength, nearly sending Soujin back. Soujin's eyes narrowed, the fight is not going to end that quickly.

As the two generals were fighting, the soldiers didn't stay idle and they too were fighting with all their power. They clashed with the enemies' soldiers and continued their fight ahead. Especially Jun Min's soldiers, they were all fighting with high battle spirits.

Even Fan Ying was not an exception. He didn't stay idle and ordered the people on his squad to advance even further to attack the enemy. The fight has just begun.