Wounded arm in Exchange for Life

Jun Min continued to fight his way through the enemy ranks and finishing off most of the soldiers on his way in. This way, the number of soldiers from the enemy will reduce by a lot just from his and his soldiers' attack.

Jun Min finally faced off with a good general and matched with him for a lot of clashes. Both of them cannot get a higher hand and they were in a stalemate for some time. Jun Min didn't suffer many wounds from him since they are mostly well-matched with Jun Min starting to gain advantage bit by bit.

This continued until the sun started to set when Jun Min suddenly felt danger coming up from the side. His instincts told him that something bad would happen if he didn't take any action. Breaking apart from the stand-off, he quickly scanned his surroundings before his gaze locked in towards a certain direction.

Because of the faint light, he cannot see the surroundings very clearly, but soon he could make up a vague image of a person standing on top of a carriage holding a bow. The arrow was not aimed towards him, but towards Soujin, who was still busy fighting.

With Soujin fighting the great general from the Kai Kingdom, they could move freely and continue attacking the enemy with their more skilled soldiers. If Soujin were to get wounded, it might turn the tables around.

"Yabei!" Jun Min hurriedly called his general who promptly came forward. Yabei took the strike from the general when the latter charged again as Jun Min quickly thought of a way to protect Soujin from this far away place.

Soujin and General Wei were fighting at a close range and they can be said to be equally matched. If someone were to sneak attack him, he might get killed and this was something Jun Min did not want to see. He needed to stop the arrow at any cost.

The arrow fired and Jun Min turned to Yasha, who had been fighting on his side and didn't allow any enemy soldiers to come close. He ran to his direction and used the other party's body to stand above the soldiers.

"Stay still!"

Yasha was startled, but his body stayed still. Jun Min stood in the way between the arrow and Soujin, so he had the chance to stop the arrow. By standing on top of Yasha, he used his sword to block the arrow. In a few split seconds, the arrow arrived in front of Jun Min as he blocked it with his sword.

The powerful arrow pushed him back violently. Jun Min gritted his teeth as he received the heavy arrow with his sword. His feet left Yasha's shoulder, but at least, he managed to stop the arrow. He deflected the arrow towards the enemies on his side as he kept on falling backward.

"Young Master!" Yasha dashed towards Jun Min because behind Jun Min was the general from the Pan Kingdom. That general had released himself from Yabei and prepared his sword to strike Jun Min.

Jun Min promptly tried to move, but he was in the air which restricted his movements. Looking at the sneak attack from that general, he braced his heart to receive it.


The sword stabbed into his left shoulder.

"I got you, General Jun!"

"You're not!" Yabei had caught up and he quickly killed that general. The happy general met his end because of his carelessness. Even before he could process what had happened, Yabei had finished him off.

Yabei turned towards Jun Min and pulled the sword out from Jun Min's shoulders. "General!"

"Ssss… I'm alright. Give me my bow and arrow." Jun Min said as he endured the pain on his left shoulder. The sword had penetrated him quite deeply and it seems like there will be some mark left behind after this.

Yasha quickly handed the bow and arrows to Jun Min who readied himself.

"Let me borrow your shoulder."

"Young General, do you wish to…?" Yasha got the feeling that Jun Min was up to something crazy, but he could not bring himself to not obey his words. He bowed down and held Jun Min firmly standing on his shoulder.

Jun Min looked towards the one who shot the arrow. He was still standing on the carriage and Jun Min could not make up his features with the sky darkening. It was not important anymore, what he wanted was to shoot that person down as payment for getting a wound on his shoulder. This is a battlefield and it's also normal to target the most threatening person first.

Enduring the pain on his left shoulder, Jun Min held the bow and aimed straight towards that person. That man had finally realized that his arrow failed to reach the target, but when he was about to ready his bow and arrow again, an arrow had already made its way towards him and pierced through his heart.

"Sixth Prince!"

Jun Min faintly heard their screams and his eyes widened a bit. Among the two kingdoms, only the Kai Kingdom has so many princes and it seems like that arrow man is also one of them. But really, that kingdom is amazing to be able to produce so many talented princes…

"General!" Yamin rushed up from behind. She was fighting on the other side thus, she failed to get here when Jun Min was wounded.

Yasha put Jun Min down as the little boy held onto his shoulder. "It seems the wound is quite deep. I won't be able to use my left hand for some time."

"We need to return. Please give your order, General."

Jun Min nodded and shouted, "Return!"

As Jun Min's side started to move back, the enemies were also starting to move back. Fighting in the dark is not suitable unless they have night vision. Unfortunately, the only one who has that among them is only Soujin who can still see things as clear as day. With that, he could match up with the great general in front of him.

"The battle today has been brought to a close. You should return, young lad."

Soujin noticed that his soldiers were returning, so he chose to stop his barrage of attacks and looked towards the calm general before him. The fight had been really fun despite them being enemies and he had been brought to death's door countless times.

"We should fight again."

"We'll see, young lad. Maybe you will, maybe you won't."

General Wei sighed in disappointment. If only Soujin came from the Kai Kingdom, there will be much hope for the future for them. Unfortunately, it was just his wishful thinking and Soujin won't leave his motherland easily.

Soujin led his soldiers back while thinking about that battle just now. When he returned, he was surprised to know that there was someone so shameless as to try to sneak attack him, but the one who got hurt is his best friend.