It’s Worth it

"You're saying that Jun Min got hurt because he was trying to hold back the arrow?" Soujin looked towards the soldiers who told him the news with a complicated feeling. He was just feeling happy about the fight, but this news had brought him great displeasure. That Kai Kingdom would actually use such an underhanded method.

Another feeling he had was worry. He's worried about Jun Min's wounds especially because the other party got wounded because of him. He doesn't want his best friend to lose his life just from protecting him.

With that in mind, he walked in large strides towards Jun Min's tent only to be stopped by his best friend's two guards, Yamin and Yasha.

"You're not allowed to go inside."

"I want to know Jun Min's condition."

"He's fine. The doctor is treating him and you're not allowed to distract him."

No matter what he did, the two loyal guards won't let Soujin step inside. Soujin also could not forcibly force his way in because he's worried that he might get in the way of the treatment for the other party. Because of that, he was forced to wait outside.

"General, you need to rest first." Soujin's bodyguard, Lou, was telling his Master to rest. Lou would not appear by Soujin's side often, but he's a guard that has been watching over Soujin and protecting him from the shadows. There are times when his enemies sent some people to get Soujin and Lou would be the one to handle them.

He only appeared right now because he and the other guards were worried about their master. Soujin's body was riddled with wounds from the fight with General Wei and he needed treatment fast.

Soujin glared coldly and Lou quickly disappeared.

"Jun Min, are you alright?"

Jun Min only wounded his left shoulder and it was not really that bad, it will only limit his movement for the next few days. The doctor whom he brought along with the army was currently cleaning his wounds, making him constantly grit his teeth to bear with the pain.

Hearing Soujin's question, Jun Min took a deep breath. "I'm going to be alright. You just go and rest first."

Despite Jun Min's voice sounding weak, Soujin was relieved to hear that the other party can still talk. At least, it means he is still conscious and not really wounded heavily. Only after hearing the voice of Jun Min did he return back to his camp and treat his wounds. The guards who were watching in the dark clasped their hands towards Jun Min in secret. They were thankful for him for easing Soujin's worry.

Jun Min looked towards the doctor and said with a weak voice.

"Is it done yet?"

"Bear with it a bit, this time the wound is quite deep. It might leave some mark on your back." The doctor said with a tinge of regret. Because he is one of the personal doctors of the Jun family, he knows that Jun Min is a girl. Before this, Jun Qing would make sure that no wounds were too deep to leave a scar and he would prepare all kinds of medicine to erase the mark. But with the wound this time being this big, the doctor knows that it will be pointless.

'Such a beautiful lady yet she has scars on her body, what a pity.'

"I know," Jun Min had thought about this possibility from the start. When he got wounded by the sword from his recklessness, he knows that the wound is deep with the possibility of leaving scars. But, he doesn't regret it.

"I will try to make a good medicine, so it won't leave any scars."

"Thank you."

After Jun Min finished with treating the wound, he called Soujin who unexpectedly was willing to come so quickly. It didn't take even a minute for the man to appear, fully bandaged in his arm and several other body parts. The man is looking towards the also bandaged Jun Min with a creased brow.

"You shouldn't have blocked that arrow."

"It's fine, an arrow for a life is worth it." Jun Min answered.

Soujin felt that that line is familiar. He soon remembered when Jun Min had taken an arrow to protect that Lin kid. Who would have thought something similar would happen to him? He smiled in return.

"Thank you then."

"In return, why don't you rally the soldiers tomorrow? With how wounded I am, I can only participate by the sidelines, but it doesn't mean that this wound cannot rally the soldiers, right?"

Seeing the crafty smile on Jun Min, Soujin nodded in agreement. Since he has been wounded, it was better to use this chance to the fullest. With their general wounded, the soldiers would be adamant to take revenge. Especially since this wound was from a covert attack.

"Leave it to me."

The Kai Kingdom Side

"The Sixth Prince is killed?" General Wei had not expected to lose another prince from this alliance war.

The soldier nodded and reported everything very clearly. General Wei's eyes flashed with interest when he heard about that wounded general. Despite being wounded, he was still able to hold the bow and attack the other party amidst the darkness.

"That formidable general, what is his name?"

"Reporting to General, his name is Jun Min."

"Jun Min… Soujin…" General Wei muttered these two names. He would never expect that there will come the time when two exceedingly formidable young generals would appear at the same time from the Ming Kingdom. It seems the words from the Pan Kingdom are true, powerful people are starting to emerge from the Ming Kingdom.

The news about Soujin indeed already resounded across the east while Jun Min more to the south, but he didn't pay much attention to any youngsters. A very small number of them could possibly match up with him, so he never asked about them and focused his attention on his peers and training.

From General Wei's point of view, he doesn't really want to get involved with politics whatsoever or whatever the plan those imperial family members had up their sleeves. What he wants is a formidable opponent to make his days on the battlefield more exciting. Now, he was waiting for the next battle impatiently.

As an old man and a veteran general, the only thing that could make him excited is formidable foes. After all, fighting in the battlefield without a worthy opponent would only make the fight too easy and boring. As though he was still young, his eyes gleamed with fervor.

"Call the Fourth Prince. He needs to discuss with us the plan for tomorrow."

"Yes, General!"