Riding Horse

"You should treat your wound," Ming Hui remarked after seeing the fight end.

Soujin looked towards the two men who had come out to see him. He frowned a little bit, "You two shouldn't have come out."

"The fight has ended. There's no need to worry about him hurting us," Yan shrugged with a grin plastered on his face.

"If he attacks you, I won't save you," Soujin remarked towards Yan.

"…You're really cruel."

Ming Hui pointed out to Lan Pan's corpse, "What do you want to do with him?"

At that question, Soujin didn't immediately answer and merely looked towards Jun Zhenxian. The old man walked down the stairs towards them slowly. His eyes locked unto Lan Pan, as if he wanted to carve the other party countenance in his head.

He truly wondered what this martial art genius would achieve if only he didn't have to go through that abuse in his childhood. Being forced to kill people at such young age and not allowed having feeling, he became like this. He was truly a pitiful young man.