We are Different

Jun Hua stood still on her place and in a matter of minutes, she heard the sound of horse paced towards this place and soon, a lady came within her field of sight.

The lady was stunned to see Jun Hua, but she quickly regained her calm and reined her horse, "It has been some time since the last time we meet, Princess Jun Hua."

"Indeed, it is, Princess Lan Gao Ya," Jun Hua greeted back.

Lan Gao Ya looked towards Jun Hua with wariness. With the ability of the information agency that she had, she quickly discovered that Lan Pan was going to Yuan Kingdom, so she followed the trail. Then her men delivered news that there was a massacre spot not far from her and it was possible that Lan Pan was dead among the mass.

Lan Gao Ya almost cannot believe the news when it first reached her. Who was Lan Pan? The only word that can describe him perfectly would only be 'monster.'