The announcement that the Academy made that day astounded the world. It quite literally shook a few wordls!
Words such as 'Hell' were reserved not even for the harshest places on Earth purely for that reason, it was on Earth. And to be on Earth is to be human. That is why no one, NO ONE, called anyplace. But here, at this independent branch of the Academy, the five people in charge called it hell. They found it impossible.
An uproar happened without doubt, but one thing shut them up. The truth.
On that day, the five geniuses were busily finalizing some details to prepare for the students that may or may not come, and so had prepared a video for Principal Jones to show the world. Principal Jones, as told to by his ex-students
- hmmm... I just realized that I had only been a student or three days, and if you count the days actually in class, I was only in for one day, which I was sleeping in. Haha! All delinquents, gather around your mighty leader whom dared to do this in the top learning institution in the world. HAHAHAHAHAH, *Cough* *Cough*. Jesus, remind me to take some cough pills-.
Anyway, as was said, Principal Jones was emphasizing how he himself had not seen the video, and it would be the first time this video was ever shown to those who didn't make it. Hearing this sentence, everyone, even Principal Jones himself, had s strong sense of foreboding. But, alas, what could he do, since he had already promised to allow free reign with unconditional support
And so, on the massive NWC 32K entertainment system, the video was shown.
An island, Fraser island, everyone assumed, was shown as an aerial shot. Then it started zooming in at a rapid pace. What shocked everyone was that 20 or so people were there in front of the camera, in a V formation, like birds, except they were falling.
'Ok, so, dramatic effect, continue'
Speed never increased nor decreaased, and they were descending at a steady pace. Suddenly, the scene switched to a camera on the ground, now filming up at the V formation of 10 or so men and women.
It was only at this moment did everyone realize the plane from where the first aerial shot was taken.
These people could not fly! They had jumped!
The 10 people had slammed into the ground. A very fast movement scene followed. The camera had been placed on the back of someone's head. They were running, running away from the feral mutated dogs, saliva dripping down their snarling mouths.
These mutated dogs all had capabilities to control the wind, and were attempting to slow down the runner and speed up their own pace.
Then the screen split into 20. These were the remaining 20 people from the initial group from court 1. Behind them all was the same scene. The feral dogs controlling wind, chasing them. None of them used their skills. they were purely relying on their body constitution.
The 20 people were all running towards the spot of the 10 crashed skydivers. Running as fast as their legs would take them, the 20 people ran through the forest.
Occasionally, a dog, dingo, mutated thing, or whatever you wanted to call it caught up and bit at the runners. Flesh and blood followed. There was a feeding frenzy, all captured by the camera in HD quality.
Finally, the surviving 5 made it to the crash landing.
What awaited them was something even worth than their own fate.
Brains, guts, bones... Every conceivable part of a human body could be found on the splattered ground, dye red from blood. It looked like a scene out of hell. Sitting in the middle were a man and a woman, the only survivors. They had been quick thinking when they were pushed out of the plane unexpectedly, and had used their comrades as cushions.
Using people as cushions. That was how savage these two were. Natural born monsters. Mada and Eve, they would be called. Because if humanity were to be wiped out, they would be the last ones standing. Right now though, they were oblivious to this future fact.
They had to fight against the pack of wolves. And they did. Along with the surviving runners, they defeated the wolves, not without sustaining injuries though. Triumphant looks on their faces, finally, the five geniuses appeared.
The Japanese man in the middle spoke up.
"Welcome to Hell!"
And the video cut off.