Accepting Recruits

As soon as the video ended, there was silence.

This silence depicted the mess of emotions going on within both the crowd as well as the minds of people. They were all ripped internally. Creating monsters such as those who could tear apart mutated wolves in instants were great. But was all that death necessary.

What did these guys come out as? Humans? No! That was impossible. No human could live like that.

These weren't humans, they were the demons in Hell.

Some people though, had no such mental dilemma. Those were the ones who knew this was necessary. Super-humans were more than humans. And these five young men had clearly portrayed it.

Suddenly, series of maniacal laughs rang out from a few spots in the crowd. When people, perplexed, turned around to see what was the commotion, they saw that these people had red eyes. Red as fire, crackling and burning. A flame was lit in their hearts! They wanted to go!

That's right! The old geniuses, people with Godly understanding also wanted to go. Why? Well, wasn't it obvious. They wanted to become stronger. That is what the world had come to. Being strong wasn't going to get you anywhere.

If you wanted to do something, then you have to be the best. This is the mentality that the School of Dreams had adopted, and this was the mentality they wanted their students, no matter the age, to adopt.

Principal Jones, looking on, was surprised. He was surprised because he thought of something. He knew that he had unwillingly created Hell and Heaven in one.

He had developed what he had hoped to make for his whole life... On a whim! These five geniuses were no longer geniuses in his hearts, they were his idols!


After all the commotion had died down and everyone had returned home, people began thinking over this video, again and again.

They too discovered the potential this school had brought. They thought that it truly lived up to its names. Everyone would have dreams of going there, but only the best of the best would. Everyone in the school would dream of graduating, but only the monsters among them would.

Everyone that comes out would dream of ruling the world... and they would! That is what the school was.

Thinking up to this point, everyone who was anyone either personally went to study or sent their genius children to study at the School of Dreams.


Merely two hours after the video was played, the whole welcoming and testing area was filled to the brim with people young and old. People of all different personalities. Those that took pleasure in killing. Those who had come unwillingly. And those that dreamed of living a better life.

Daisuke, being the appointed speaker, had finally come out of the entrance.

Everyone hushed up, prepared to listen.

"Hello!" He started, "Thank you for choosing to come to the School of Dreams. If you would follow me!"

He started walking, and everyone, stunned momentarily by his short speech, started hurrying to catch up.

As they came closer to the entrance, they saw fire burning. It was a cage. A cage of flames.

Daisuke walked in nonchalantly, and walked to the opposite side of the cage, where the other four geniuses were waiting.

He looked back, and seeing that the examinees were not coming in, he smirked and said, "What? Scared already? Then leave our school!"

His sentence was meant to provoke the students and laugh at their pride. It worked. The students were enraged and started charging into the cage.

Once everyone had filed into the cage, Daisuke began again.

"Haha! Good, good! So none of you left! Time for your first test. Akbar!"

At that, a brown-skinned young man to his left, Akbar, made some hand signs.

When he finished his hand signs, the cage flared into life, crackling and burning even more ferociously.

Some people started running for the exit. Some tried to break the cage.

This time though, the five geniuses wouldn't stop them. They didn't need scaredy-cats. They wanted monsters. And these monsters started appearing.

One man lied down and closed his eyes, almost as if he was going to sleep.

On group of women started chatting with each other.

Another few people took on similar expressions, unafraid of what was around them.

Then suddenly, about three quarters of the people who were in the cage burst into flames.

It was a sight for sore eyes. Or a sight that made your eyes sore. Either or, depending on who you were.

Those rushing towards the sides of the cage also were burnt to a crisp.

What was left was around 500 people. Don't see this as a lot. One must know that population was ever-increasing in the real world, and had almost hit the 50-billion mark, and more than 2000 people had applied to join. This showed just how little the remaining amount were. This first test, before anyone had even entered the school, had wiped out 1500 people just like that.

Brian, who was sitting in the very middle, had been filming the whole time. And as soon as the flames were extinguished by Akbar, he posted it onto the worldwide web.

He put away his camera and spoke up:

"Well done! Congratulations on passing the first test. I trust you all know now how harsh our selection method is. And you are going to need to stay here for at least 5 years! Too bad for you, this is the point of no return. Follow me!"

With this, he led his group of new students into the first building they had seen, a tall tower the height of the Empire State Building from the Days of Depression.

In here, he explained their school to everyone. He also talked about the different soul contracts they would have to sign for each instructor. Same as before, Akbar had the most students, with Brian receiving the lowest.

What was surprising was that everyone else actually had a very even spread, around 75 each. They were all led away, each by their respective teacher, into the five sections of the school, the five layers of hell, as was called.

Their journey to hell had just begun, and it would be a long time before they would get out. If they could get out.


At this point in time, people started seeing Brian's video online. It caused an uproar. But what caused an even bigger one was that everyone left behind did not even knit their eyebrows from the fiery scene. And the five geniuses were even smiling.

-Oh, by the way, I should say that cameras are all 360 degrees, not those one-sided pleb ones people still retained from the Days of Depression-

This was hell.

And then, after it, came a message.

'We'll be back soon.'