Not 100%?

Xiangxie Mountain Peak

In the centre of a room sat a girl, hovered over a golden pill furnace with a layer of sweat coating her forehead.

She focused on the furnace and in an instant a flame rose from her palm and landed in it. A flow of energy went into the furnace which caused the medicinal fluids to merge with each other under the pressure of her mental strength.

From the rise of her forehead where the layer of sweat had formed, a bead rolled down, tracing a line down her face that was set in determination.

She pushed herself, sending more energy into the furnace. She kept the stream going until a sweet fragrance spread through the air. Only then did she sigh and relax her stiff shoulders.

Wordlessly she reached in and took out the fifty pearl white pills then placed them into five glass container.

Energy Replenisher Pill Extraterrestrial Stage High Rank.

Xueyu stashed her furnace into her spirit space then walked out into the courtyard to where Jiao and Bao Wei were training.

She stopped for a while to watch them, noting the improvement in Jiao's martial arts.

He was still a bit slow but that was because he was battling against Bao Wei. Even when Xueyu was battling him she was slower so she had to use her mind to outsmart him. Jiao hadn't quite gotten the hang of that yet.

Bao Wei rushed forward and out of nowhere a blur of daggers were rushing towards Jiao. He skilfully ducked to the side to avoid the one going to his head. Then he had to jump and flip back on one hand to avoid the ones that were going for his legs and torso. While on his hand he threw a dagger at Bao Wei... but it flew right past without him moving.

To the normal person who was not experienced with martial arts they would only think he didn't move.

Xueyu spotted the almost unrecognisable shift of his chin.

She quickly got back to walking towards the east quarter, towards her master.


She pulled the door open to find Qui Yang in a state of cultivation. She tiptoed into the room before settling on a red velvet cushioned seat.

On his face was a serene expression while he was lost to the present world. Xueyu studied his face noticing how in six years he had changed. The wrinkles were more apparent. There were streaks of gray in his long plaited hair and even in his eyebrows.

A faint smile appeared on Qui Yang's face. No one could cultivate with Xueyu was around. Her stare was too unnerving. Especially with such a sinister aura, she could be spotted from a mile away. That was only due to her choice. She was tired of always having to keep her aura in check.

Qui Yang's lips twitched.

'What new discovery have you made?'

Xueyu simply withdrew a bottle from the pouch she had placed them all in and got up from the comfortable seat to give them to him.

When Qui Yang sensed her right before him, he opened his eyes to find a bottle holding ten pearl white pills.

He looked up into her face to find it void of expression.

As usual, her face gave nothing away.

He took the bottle from her and popped it open then carefully took out a pill.

He studied it for a while then put it into his mouth.

As soon as it hit his tongue his eyes widened.



His shock rendered him speechless.

'Little girl, what rank of alchemy are you at now?'

Xueyu stopped to think before saying in an indifferent voice, ' Extraterrestrial Stage High Rank.'

Qui Yang's eyes were threatening to fall out of the sockets.

'B-but... last week you were at Extraterrestrial Stage Low Rank!'

This girl's rate was too high. It was too monstrous.

Qui Yang then thought of something that made his eyes light up. The pill had instantly liquefied once it entered his mouth and fluids seeped into his system. It only took a second for it to take effect.

'This pill... it was 99 percent effect.'

Xueyu's face changed from nothing to a frown. The corners of her lips turned down and Qui Yang was shocked.

How could this girl frown when he said her pill had 99 percent effect.

It was a High Rank Extraterrestrial Stage Energy Replenishing Pill.

Xueyu asked unhappily,' Not 100?'

Qui Yang affirmed her answer.

The expression only got worse but in her eyes was that same spark of determination that she had kept after every failure.

This couldn't even be called a failure anyways.

Qui Yang shook his head as he saw the billowing of the girl's black robe leaving his room.


Not even a goodbye...