Not 100% 2

Xueyu had rushed off to try the pill again. She locked herself into her quarters and took out her pill furnace after taking one of them to rejuvenate her.

She sat on the ground before going into her spirit space to search for the ingredients. Her body was still in the same position but her spirit had moved into her personal spirit space.

It was a technique that only few could master since half of the technique scroll was lost but Xueyu had figured it out with no problem.

Qui Yang had simply given it to her to challenge her since he had already solved it.

Needless to say, he was amazed when Xueyu had knocked on his office door four hours later to hand the scroll back to him.

He had thought she'd given up but that was really too silly of him.

It had taken him four whole years to solve the puzzle yet the girl took four hours and came back without even a drop of sweat on her.

Since Xueyu had mastered the technique, her most valuable possessions went in there. Rare plants, pills, food...

She moved over a pile of alchemy books and finally found what she was looking for.

Her sacred plant chest.

The chest held all the rare plants that she had gathered. She decided to use one special one for the Energy Replenishing Pill to make the effect stronger. She always altered pill formulas to suit her needs. She could be considered a maestro of alchemy.

She opened the chest and took out the Leaf of Life plant. That would add amazing benefits and would definitely guarantee 100 percent effect.

She exited her spirit place with just a thought and her spirit went back into her body. She opened her eyes and saw the plant in her hand.

She threw it into the furnace with the other plants and again started the process. This time she changed things.

With a whoosh a scarlet flame appeared in her hand. It was so dark that the very tip was black. Previous to this she had used only a normal flame because it wouldn't run the risk of exposing her secret. She had quickly gotten accustomed to a normal flame and resorted to using that.

The flame hit the bottom of the furnace and it roared to life. Just as soon as she sent a stream of energy into the furnace the ingredients started melding and the fluids from the plants mixed together.

With the addition of the Leaf of Life plant an enchantingly sweet smell filled the room. It was so strong that even from the courtyard it could be smelt.

Xueyu swiped at a droplet of sweat and extinguished the flame. It flickered then died out.

She peeped into the furnace.


She counted until she couldn't count anymore then just decided to collect a few and dumped them out.

She placed 20 in a different set of bottles then trudged over to Qui Yang again...



Impossible! Definitely impossible!

Qui Yang should've known that Xueyu couldn't be possibly limited.

If the target was the heavens she would stop at nothing to reach it.

Less than an hour and she had produced a 100 percent effect pill with the Leaf of Life plant.

It was known all over that the Leaf of Life plant simply did not work well will pills since it was so hard to get the medicinal fluids to meld with any other.

People usually tried to use it but it took up to a day to get it to meld and even then it was only half effect.

Yet this girl...

Qui Yang was truly fearful that he'd be trodden under foot when she reached the heights of the skies.

'Little girl... just never forget that I was your master okay?'

Xueyu rose an eyebrow and held back a laugh.

What was this old man trying to do?

Patronise her?

'Old man, I couldn't have gotten to this level if you hadn't taken me as your disciple,' she reassured him.

He sighed in relief although it was slightly dramatic and then he paused...

Did she really just...

'Who are you calling old?'

He bellowed at Xueyu as he got up from his chair.

Xueyu took off like lightning out of there with Qui Yang running after her.

Such an old man but still so agile.

Qui Yang had been teased by all his disciples about being old. He never thought Xueyu would take set on him too. Of all the ones she was the most serious.

To think she would do this...

Qui Yang harrumphed and stopped.

Xueyu was faster...

How could he deny being old now?