Who's there?

"Princess," a small faint voice cried out to her.

Mi Rong's eyes widened, "Who's there?" She spoke while naturally pulled out her sword facing towards the darkness that lurked behind her.

She looked behind her and saw her brother still frozen in the same place. Sigh, it was quite funny and at the same time a sad picture to see indeed. They were so close but separated. Nevertheless, Mi Rong returned back to her senses and now focused herself on the small footsteps that heading towards her.

Out of the darkness, a small white ball appeared in her line of sight from afar. Mi Rong was speechless. Never did she had thought that she would see a little white puppy walking out from this mysterious cave. She had expected a ghost or something else, but a puppy was far from her expectations.

"Welcome, princess."

Mi Rong was even more stunned. Did the puppy just talk to me or what? Or was she losing her mind now? She had paid close attention to this puppy before, but there wasn't any slight movement from its mouth.

The puppy walked closer, and it's significant blue eyes shined brightly. They were different from any other eyes.

However, where did that voice come from? There was only just her and this white ball, so she tried to test the waters, "You, did you just talk?"

The puppy opened his mouth and out came, "Woof Woof"

"Sigh...I must have been imagining things now, how can a puppy talk?" Mi Rong let go of her unrealistic idea that it could talk. She had only heard of animals being able to talk in legends and it was only just le-gends. Maybe she has been listening to too many stories from her mother. If she goes back, she would probably have to tell her mother to stop for a while.

Once again the puppy opened its mouth, but this time, "Princess, follow me, I shall lead you to meet the Queen."

"Ahhhhh." Mi Rong ultimately screamed as she could not believe her ears and was utterly shooked.

"Ahhhhh." The puppy jumped and screamed as it did not expect Mi Rong to scream.

Both of them screamed at each other for a brief moment. When they both ran out of breath from screaming, both were panting and grasp for their breath. It was indeed a funny scene being portrayed in an unlikely surrounding place.

"You can talk!?"

"What's wrong with talking? Why make me jump, it's not like I'm an ugly beast. Eyy Xiao Rong, look at my soft fur and cuteness, how can you scream like you just saw a ghost, hm? Don't be a scaredy-cat, I thought you're a princess with great skills, pfft seems like they were only just rumours!" The little fluffy ball was like rapping in full speed. However, all he said were just a bunch of complaints.

The puppy was slightly mad at Mi Rong for making it frighten and lost it's cool in front of her. He intentionally spat out any words that ran in his head out of embarrassment. He even unconsciously praised himself.

"You better change your tone at me or else I'll kick your white butt red! Why didn't you say anything when I asked you?" Although she was a princess, she never encountered a puppy that could talk! Although Mi Rong lectured he puppy with courtesies, they had never been her number one priority. However, this puppy was not even bigger than her arm and it called her Xiao (little), tsk! Also, how did it know her name, unless it had other motives? But what could a puppy's motive be? She utterly fell in complete confusion.

The puppy acted like it didn't hear her and childishly stuck it's tongue out. Mi Rong no longer stood idly and immediately put her words into action and sprinted towards this peculiar puppy.

Seeing Mi Rong coming towards him, he quickly said, "Then, I shall run!" After the puppy said all he wanted and right away dashed off. Although it ran as hard as it could, Mi Rong was not far from it. She had used some of her spiritual power but wasn't taking it too seriously. She only wanted to play with this strange puppy, because she found it annoyingly cute. She actually loved animals but never had the time to take one in.

"You wait there, I'll definitely get you! Ke ke." They were both running fast and were going deeper into the cave. Mi Rong's eyes had adapted to the darkness and she was running without any hindrance.

Then from afar the puppy could see his hope walking towards it "My Queen, help me! She's going to kill me!" The puppy could not do anything much in its little shape, so it desperately cried for help.

Mi Rong froze in her tracks. She could see a bright shining shadow coming towards her. An outline of a woman could be seen, but she was unable to figure out how the woman looked like. However, the puppy seems to know her. Hm, Queen? What Queen then? The only Queen she knew was her mother.

"Xiao Bai, what are you doing?" The voice was sweet like honey; however, as she approached closer and closer the temperature began to drop little by little. Mi Rong subconsciously shivered slightly as she could feel the coldness radiating from the woman. What kind of power did this person possess to be this powerful?

"My Queen, I think she is the wrong person. She does not seem to be the one you are looking for at all. She was even trying to kick me." At the end of its sentence, the puppy spoke with big sympathetic eyes. His small body had been jumping up and down while it was complaining by the woman's side.

The woman came closer and Mi Rong was able to distinguish her facial features. She was a very beautiful person. Mi Rong fell in a daze. However, the other person's hair was white as snow and her eyes were purple. Her skin was shining like thousands of diamonds, but her skin would turn transparent from time to time like she could fade away at any moment.

Mi Rong could not contain her curiosity any longer and blurted out, "You are a Queen? Where are you from because there are no other Queen except my mother?"

The other person smiled and said, "Mi Rong, it is nice to finally meet you."

"Huh? You know me? But I do not. You are?"

The other person chuckled, "Don't worry, we have all the time to talk with each other."

"I'm sorry, but I don't and I must go back to my..."


"Huh? You, did you froze my brother?" Mi Rong's voice became anxious. She could sense that the "Queen" was not a normal person, but did she freeze her brother and mess with the outside time as well?

"Mi Rong, think again, it is not just your brother, but everything else as well. The wall had frozen the time outside. I cannot in my current state."

What the woman had said was true, but was it really because of the transparent wall or her.

"You question me?"

Mi Rong firmly answered. "Yes." She did not even want to know how this person knew that she did not trust her, but she could start with interrogating her. "Tell me, what do you want from me and who are you?"

Right away the other side replied, "I am Yue Lin."

M Rong was slightly in a daze. She was sure she had heard of this name before. She tried recalling where she had heard that name from, "Wait, you mean Yue Lin the Snow Queen from the legends?"

Yue Lin chuckled and answered, "Yes, you seem to already know about me, good, looks like your mother taught you well like I instructed when you were born."

"H..How are you here and you know my mother?" Yue Lin was the Ice Queen from the mysterious Snowy Kingdom. However, as far as Mi Rong knew, she was only a character in her bedtime stories and completely unreal even though she loved that story.

"It is a long story, but Rong Rong as long as the tales of me are, that is how long I have been in this world. I am forever trapped here. I need your help in a faraway land to break this curse past upon our lineage, would you be willing my dear?" Yue Lin had spoken to Mi Rong like any wise elder would.

Willing? Was she? Why should she?