
Willing? Was she? Why should she?

"I'm sorry but no." She has always been looking up towards Yue Lin from listening to her tales and past, but to leave her home was another thing. Her family was still waiting for her, "I need to go back, my family is waiting for me."

"Mi Rong, the thing is although I gave you options, it's not going to be easy like that. There are conditions for your decisions, hear them first before you make your final decision. Follow me, let me explain everything to you."

"Fine." It was no harm to listen to what Yue Lin had to say, but she did not think anything would change her decision.

As Yue Lin led the way ahead followed by the snow white puppy that was eyeing at Mi Rong like it wanted to bite her, she also explained to Mi Rong, "This cave only appears itself to our bloodline. When I was still alive, it would always be open. However, after many things happened and I was trapped here, it will only reappear every full moon. Every decade, a person selected from our bloodline will be drawn here. It will give out missions to everyone to complete, and Mi Rong, you are the chosen one."

Xiao Bai could help but blurted, "You should be grateful to have been chosen! But to be honest, between you and me, I would've been a better option to choose from than you." The chosen ones are carefully chosen, Mi Rong, whom Xiao Bai didn't think too highly of should have not been qualified to do so. However, he couldn't do anything about it.

Mi Rong who was interrupted with her concentration on Yue Lin's explanation irritatedly said, "Shh! let Yue Lin finish, don't butt in, XI AO B AI."

Mi Rong intentionally stressed on the word 'Xiao' as the puppy had really thought too highly of itself. She also didn't want to leave a bad impression on Yue Lin as she was the younger generation and wanted to give Yue Lin some respect by not saying any irrational mean words for Yue Lin to hear. She only slightly hinted her true meanings to the puppy.

"Hey! grrrrrr.." Xiao Bai did not look pleased and was ready to pounce on Mi Rong any moment. It really wanted to cry. Although it looked like a puppy, it was in fact almost the same age as Yue Lin and had been following Yue Lin over the years in completing the tasks with her.

Just like Yue Lin, it was trapped but not trapped in the cave, but trapped in its age. It was infuriated because it was much much older than Mi Rong.

Just as Xiao Bai was going to pounce on Mi Rong with its small body, Yue Lin had to stop the pair from bickering with each other, "Xiao Bai, where are your manners, have you lost it over the years? Shall I remind you of it again?"

Hearing his queen finally saying a word about him, Xiao Bai could only respond to Yue Lin with a dry laugh. On the other hand, Mi Rong was softly giggling while it was being scolded. Xiao Bai crossly looked at her, and then Mi Rong slowly stuck her tongue out. Xiao Bai could only hold in its anger.

"Now, where was I...ah, well this wouldn't have begun, if it weren't for me. This, I am truly sorry. I once fell in love and gave my infinity life span to the wrong person. It was a gift from the heavens for me to protect. While it gives me an infinite life span, who would have thought that it had conditions to it. I intended to share it with the man I loved; however, it was the wrong fated person. The heavens were not happy about it and punished me to this place with our whole lineage with it." Yue Lin spoke of the pains that she had been holding inside her miserably.

As Yue Lin was talking about her lover, Mi Rong began analyzing it and could fairly guess that it was the Bian Fun King. Then, this means she was also related to Yue Lin, but...how should she address her then? Grandma?

If Yue Lin could read minds, she would cry her heart out. Although living as a soul on earth for a long period of time, Yue Lin's appearance did not change since she was alive. Only her mental had grown. To be called grandma might make her speechless.

Mi Rong was curious, "How does this 'mission' you talk of work then?"

"I don't know either Mi Rong, but I know that there is a cost to everything."

Mi Rong tiredly said, "Then, the heavens are sure cruel." Not everyone knows the conditions to every decision they make, so Yue Lin was surely not to blame. There must be more of the story she had told her.

"Sigh, that was what I have been thinking all these years. I must protect this cave and give out tasks to everyone who is chosen, hoping to break free from this curse."

Mi Rong's eyebrows raised, "Curse?"

"Yes, our bloodline is royals and given all the prestige and wealth, but we are cursed. We are now like servants from heaven, the chosen ones must do tasks for them. Sigh...before I talk anymore, I will show this room to you."

The three had walked till the end of the passage and a door was now in front of them. Yue Lin spoke a spell to open the door. Once the door was gone, inside the room, they saw containers for herbs on shelves and a simple table with paper and ink. On the right-hand side, a half opened book was seen lying on a book stand. The book itself radiated an unknown power.

"Rong Rong, this is a spellbook. The key to your task."

"May I look through it?"


Mi Rong the stepped out and open through the pages of the book. It was her first time seeing these characters, but somehow, she was able to read the contents. Weird.


Suddenly, the whole room began to tremble. The containers flew off the shelves.

"My Queen, why is this happening now. Usually, it only happens after the person time travels out of the cave. It has never been this strong as well, why is it happening?" Xiao Bai could not hold on to its curiosity and asked Yue Lin.

What it said was true and both Yue Lin and Xiao Bai did not expect the room to shake when Mi Rong was with them. Yue Lin thought to herself; was the curse weakening?

"Then, we don't have much time left. Rong Rong, take this jade bracelet. It will protect you and be my representative through your journey. You must leave this place."

"But, I cannot. My family..."

"Rong Rong, you are only fated to be with them temporary. You must go if not it will be the end of this bloodline. If you leave this place and go back to your family, only harm will befall on you and them. It will not be a good ending for you and neither for your family. The heavens will not let that happen, whether you are willing or not. I am sorry, I have tried to let someone off, but it nearly cost my life and it took away my whole kingdom, they are all gone. But don't worry once you leave, your existence in this time period will be gone. They will not feel any pain."

"This..." She did not want them to forget about her.

While Mi Rong was deep in her own thoughts. Yue Lin turned to Xiao Bai and talked through its head.

"Xiao Bai, this time you must take action and go with Rong Rong, I can sense the curse is weakening, I need you to go and protect Rong er. I cannot guarantee her safety this time. I must keep my promise with her mother."

"My Queen, then who will protect you?"

"If I am able to stay till this long, anything that will come, I will face it."

Xiao Bai reluctantly replied, "I accept your will."


Both of them were talking through telepathy and Mi Rong was able to also hear them. She was still making up her mind.

"Yue Lin, I have thought about this, but please protect my family for me while I am gone. I...I have one more question, will I be able to come back?"

"This ...I do not know."

"I see." Slowly two drops of tears fell from Mi Rong's beautiful face. Although it seemed hopeless, it could be possible. She took in a deep breath and made up her mind fast.

"Then...I shall accept this challenge. Yue Lin, please take care of my family for me."

"You have my words. Xiao Bai will be accompanying you in the new place."

"Thank you." At least there was someone else.

"Now, go."