
Here we go again.

Even the bodyguards are no better than their master. But before Mi Rong could spit out her fiery words that she prepared, someone had cut her off.

"Let me talk to my father."

It was the little Qing Qing who was sitting on the wheelchair. However, she was now emitting the air of a well-raised young girl. Inside the room, she was just like any other kid and lovely, but now she was totally different. Mi Rong had just realized in the young girl. Qing Qing's back was now straight and her delicate arms reached out to get the phone that was passed to her from the head bodyguard.

Mi Rong understood Qing Qing's intentions. To the outside world, they could not show their weak side and must be strong and indifferent, otherwise, the world will turn on them. It was their shield.

However, Mi Rong had learned that this was not the only way to deal with the outside world, there are many ways, being cold on the outside isn't the ideal way as it would only leave you lonely and on your own until the end. Mi Rong thought to herself that one day she would teach Little Qing Qing to how big girls handle things. As this made her think of someone acting the same, like father like daughter.

Qing Qing spoke some words on the phone and handed it over to the head bodyguard to hear what Jun Kai had to say. Once the phone call ended, the head bodyguard's face paled. He then quickly signalled the rest to make way.

Wow, Mi Rong was impressed. She wondered what little Qing Qing had said to her father to give in.

Mi Rong attentively pushed Qing Qing towards the outdoor playground which was on the same floor. However, as Mi Rong walked along the corridor, at the same time, the bodyguards that had been guarding their room were also following closely behind. She frowned. It was like going back when she was a princess, she always hated having a line of followers monitoring her every step.


With a hushed voice "Jie, this is all I could ask from my papa."

"Ah? Oh, Xiao Qing I'm not blaming you."

With a pouted face Qing Qing spoke, "Ey, Rong jie, don't call me xiao, it's like you're calling a puppy." After finishing her sentence, her face seemed to become even more pouted as the little girl must have been imagining herself becoming an obedient puppy listen to its owner.

With that made Mi Rong giggled with how contradicting Qing Qing's personality could become. Mi Rong curiously asked, "Qing Qing ah, what did you tell your dad over the phone?"

"Well...I just said I'll pull my cast off and cry non stop if he didn't let me go. I also told him that it was good for my mental health! It'll help me freshen myself."

"That's it?" Mi Rong didn't think that it would be that easy. It seems Qing Qing was Jun Kai's only weakness and probably his wife as well.

"Yes, now jie, could you go any faster? I want to get there now ah." Qing Qing asked with sparkling eyes.

"Hang on, Xiao Qing we're nearly there."



Along the way, the pair of them teased each other, and both let out laughs, not caring the surrounding. It was indeed a happy picture. The pair although just met, they were able to get along this well. It was very rare for the young miss Qing Qing to even have a friend. The bodyguards were quite surprised. They had thought that the young miss was just like her father, but maybe she had another side to her.

Once they were outside, Mi Rong began looking for Xiao Bai. It had been an hour, and he should have arrived. She swept her eyes and right under a big tall tree there was a shadow of a large dog sitting idly.

Mi Rong let out a smile and whispered into Qing Qing's ears, "Xiao Qing, I'll take you to meet someone, okay?"

"Alright, but who is this person?" Since Qing Qing was now used to being called 'Xiao' from Mi Rong, she didn't say anything about it. Rong jie was seriously stubborn with calling her that way.

Mi Rong smiled, "You'll find out."

When Mi Rong was in Xiao Bai's line of sight he stood up to his full height. Eventually, the master and dog were reunited. Mi Rong then took her time to introduce them to each other, "Xiao Qing, this is Xiao Bai, isn't he cute?"

Qing Qing's eyes twitched whereas Xiao Bai's mouth twitched. Qing Qing was called just like a dog! As for Xiao Bai, calling it 'cute' when it was now a mighty wolf was not accepted!

"Jie!" "Woof" Both human and dog exclaimed out at the same time. Also, at that very moment, Mi Rong who had been trying to keep in her laughter, burst out laughing. When Qing Qing and Xiao Bai saw Mi Rong laugh, it was angelic. Mi Rong seemed like the purest being they had ever seen. Both of them were staring at Mi Rong and had forgotten that they were angry for a while. Whenever someone or anyone laughed, it seemed to brighten them up without them knowing.

Feeling the gazes on her, Mi Rong stopped laughing and puzzledly looked at them. Both of them turned their gazes away. Qing Qing happened to look at Xiao Bai and finally noticed that it wasn't like any normal dog.

"Jie, his eyes..."

"You can see them?" This was unexpected to both Mi Rong and Xiao Bai since Xiao Bai had used illusion to cover himself and normal people would only see him as an ordinary dog with black eyes. Qing Qing was the first. Xiao Bai's eyes were crystalline blue, unlike any other dogs.


"Shh, don't tell anyone, okay?" Mi Rong never knew why she trusted Qing Qing and kept spilling her tea to Qing Qing; however, she never regretted telling the little girl. The more Mi Rong spent time with Qing Qing, the more she came to like her. It was the same for Qing Qing.

"Okay! You have my words." Qing Qing looked at Mi Rong with determination. Seeing Qing Qing saying the words with such enthusiasm made Mi Rong happy.

"Jie, then can I play with him?" Qing Qing turned towards Mi Rong with sparkling eyes.

"Of course!" Mi Rong then pushed Qing Qing closer to Xiao Bai. Xiao Bai showed his reluctance, but Mi Rong eyed him and said through telepathy "Xiao Bai, be good and let the girl play with you."


"No roasted ducks."

"No! I'll let her play." Xiao Bai didn't usually let anyone play with it as it felt it wasn't suited for cuddles anymore. His only exception was Mi Rong who would strangle(?not cuddle?) him all the time.

However, once Qing Qing's small hands touched him, he suddenly felt a rushing gust of ecstatic vibe. It was indeed a good feeling to be touched with such care. Xiao Bai closed its eyes as Qing Qing have him small messages around his soft white fur.

Once Mi Rong saw what was going on, she was happy. She knew that because of Xiao Bai's pride he became more distant to others and hadn't felt the warmth from other humans for the past year. Well, there weren't many to be nice to him but since there was one now; she shouldn't let the chance pass.

Although, she would from time to time cuddle him(?not all the time?), throughout the whole year they had been busy recruiting people and finding the spellbook. Also, from the past few days, Xiao Bai had been journeying around the whole country and searching alone. She felt like she had to reward it for its hard work. As for Qing Qing, the girl was the most adorable person and must have been bored. From their personalities, she knew they would get along.

Some time had passed and Mi Rong thought it was the right time to get into the business. She telepathed to Xiao Bai, "Xiao Bai, now let's get down to business."