Keep an eye on her

"Xiao Bai, now let's get down to business."

Xiao Bai opened his blue eyes and looked at Mi Rong, "Alright Mi Rong, would you like me to stop playing Xiao Qing?" Xiao Bai felt quite reluctant for Qing Qing to stop massaging him.

Mi Rong could see his reluctance and felt happy that Xiao Bai was liking it, "No no, carry on. So, how many people have you recruited this time?"

"Currently we have recruited just over one hundred, who will work for us. However, when I tried to look for the old man on the list you gave to me three days ago, he was found dead inside his house."

"Hmm, how did he die?" There was some disappointment in Mi Rong's eyes.

Xiao Bai thought back to what happened and recalled what he found, "It seems like he was poisoned; however, what should we do, he was the main lead to find the cave."

Mi Rong became silent.

Over the years, she had been collecting all of the background information of people in Korea that had any relations to her era. Mi Rong had looked through people from generations and generations, tracking down anyone she could find. Just a couple of days ago, she had found someone who seemed to be closest to her time period, but even though he was close; he was still far by yards off to her era. They had found that the man had a distant blood relation with people from her kingdom. Over the years, this old man's family claimed to have known a lot about history, and he was the only clue that appeared from years.

"Well, I guess we'll have to personally go look for the cave and find the spell book inside it. This time don't let anyone know. Also, do a run through of the people we know and check if any information had leaked." Mi Rong's eyes turned colder. If there was really someone from her company that she had built up, then she would not let that person off easily.

"Fine." Xiao Bai then asked what he had wanted to know all the time he had been alone in Mi Rong's house this past few days, "How come you got hurt? You're not that weak."

"I got hit by an explosion. It was very different from other explosions I've experienced back in the days."

Xiao Bai's eyebrows raised up, "What happened? Why did it explode anyway?"

"I have absolutely no idea. However, Xiao Bai, I sense that the explosion seemed to have some kind of spell on it. I tried looking through my spell book from my master, yet I couldn't find it. It must have been some kind of ancient spell. However, I can feel my strength drastically weakening from it. It seems I need some time to recover from the explosion and the spell. I plan to spend a week here to recuperate and then we should leave. This place is no longer safe." Mi Rong's eyes wandered off. She looked at the bright sky. Sigh, it seems she has to leave once again.

This place was where she spent her time learning about this world. It was like she was here for a very long time. She didn't know how to describe the feeling, but this almost felt like home to her.

Xiao Bai was in deep thought before saying, "Hmm, it appears someone is trying to stop us, but who could it be? You and I were the only ones that came out of that cave."

"I can't think of anyone, but Qing Qing's father, I believe...his name is Jun Kai." It took a while for Mi Rong to remember his name, weird.

Xiao Bai was bit shocked hearing the name since he was like the most unapproachable person in this world, nobody really knows where his whereabouts are, "You mean Jun Kai THE superstar?"

Mi Rong's eyebrows were slightly furrowed from Xiao Bai'a reaction, "Err, I guess so, but whatever."

"Mi Rong, what do you mean by a whatever!? He's the most dazzling human of this generation. If you even know what that means." Xiao Bai even made a humph sound out loud.

Qing Qing who was still stroking Xuan Bai's head apologized, "I'm sorry Xiao Bai, do you no like it."

As Xiao Bai could not speak to Qing Qing, he only nuzzled through Qing Qing's hands.

Mi Rong rolled her eyes with how much pampering Qing Qing was giving to Xiao Bai. If this carries on then she didn't know if Xiao Bai would become even more spoiled.

However, back to Xiao Bai's words, she was surprised, "To that extent?" She really did not think that highly of that person.

Xiao Bai could not help but look at Mi Rong tiredly, "Yeah! Where have you been? All the girls in this generation are crazy about him. Although, he's married, he's still the hottest out there."

"Xiao Bai, where did you get all of this from!? What's all this hot and crazy, do they need medication?" Mi Rong thought they were exaggerating it too much and really thought they needed medication.

"Mi Rong ah, Mi Rong, luckily you have me or else how would you survive without all the news going around the world." Xiao Bai proudly lifted his face a little and closed his eyes. His mouth was even smirking ever so lightly.

Mi Rong felt slightly offended, "Well, I'm not like you that has a brain to know nearly everything. Now back to the story, his wife died from the explosion and it appears that the explosion was no accident like how it was reported. Especially with the spell that I felt; it must have been done on purpose. The question lies on, who was responsible for it. The other day, Jun Kai came to me asking for some questions and I have a feeling, someone must have triggered him to suspect me. Find about the explosion for me."

"I can do that, but I feel like three dishes isn't really enough for me. You see I'm growing and I need some energy to finish the job. Maybe some desserts along with the others?" Xiao Bai has found the right moment to request for some more rewards.

"Seriously! Are you a pig or a dog?" This boy had long passed his growing age and is requesting for so many at a time. She was beginning to question where he put all of the food she gave to him as he was still all fit.

"Hey, I'll be cuter and there's nothing to lose. Most importantly you and Qing Qing will definitely love me more. That's the trend these days; all the cute chubby dogs, they get all the love."

Mi Rong rolled her eyes, "Fine whatever you say, but while you're on it, find me the background of Qing Qing's family for me."

"You're cheating, then I'll need to add some more dishes."

Mi Rong's eyes became sharp, "You can try."

"Uh, then maybe not."

"Good. This should be it for today. I'll leave you to it. It's time to go now. Qing Qing would need to get washed and some rest. Once I'm out, I'll cook you food."

Xiao Bai and Mi Rong's conversation had been going on through telepathy, so Qing Qing was still happily touching Xiao Bai's fur.

Mi Rong then called out, "Qing Qing, we should be going back now."

"Already? But I still want to play with Xiao Bai ah."

"Be good now, you need some rest. I'll let you play with him next time."

"Alright then, Xiao Bai, I had fun playing with you today, even though you seem to be old but you are so gorgeous."

Old? Gorgeous? Xiao Bai's mouth twitched, it may be old, but it was a male dog! Mi Rong on the other side was laughing so hard she had to touch her tummy. She had never seen this kind of look on Xiao Bai's face. It was just too funny. A proud majestic beast being humiliated by a five-year-old.

Mi Rong had to remind her, "Ahem, Qing Qing he's a boy, did you forget?"

"Oh right, heh heh, sorry Xiao Bai, don't be angry at Qing Qing okay? I'm sorry."

Her apologies made Xiao Bai gobble up his anger. She was just too cute. As for Mi Rong who was watching the whole scene, she couldn't help but laugh even more. This was just too much. Xiao Bai couldn't even get revenge at the little girl or Mi Rong.

The two girls both left Xiao Bai with smiles. Mi Rong turned around and gave a sneaky look to Xiao Bai before leaving.


Shanghai, China

"Boss, this is the information you had asked about Miss Mi Rong." Lin Cheng came in while handing a folder to Jun Kai.

"Hmm, let me see."

-Mi Rong, went into an orphanage on Jeju Island when she was 3. Her family and background information before going into the orphanage is unknown. The orphanage claims to have found her on their doorsteps. When she was 15, she was found fainted in a forest from unknown reasons. She then came to study being a nurse in Seoul when she was 18. She had been living in Seoul ever since.-

Jun Kai's eyebrows were raised, "That's it?"

"Yes sir, her background information had nothing suspicious and these were all the important events in her life. I have also prepared the footage of the car explosion for you."


Lin Cheng seeing his boss did not say anything decided to say, "I'll play it for you, sir."

Lin Cheng began to explain the footage carefully, "Miss Mi Rong could be seen running from the front of the hospital and came to help with the other people who were already there. She could be seen pulling the victims out of the bus. Then, on the side here, the madam pushed the young miss out of the bus which was where Miss Mi Rong happened to come be and she had helped the madam pull young miss out. She then put young miss into a safe place and was about to..."

"You can stop now."

"Yes, sir." Lin Cheng complied.

"Mi Rong, Mi Rong, Mi Rong" Jun Kai mumbled Mi Rong's name as he was thinking what he should do. The room was in silence while Jun Kai was thinking of Mi Rong's background. Having nothing to be suspicious was good but to someone who did not seem normal made him even more suspicious. He could not only count on the information found only. He has a feeling there must be more to it and his instinct was never wrong.

While Jun Kai was deep in his thoughts, on the other hand, Lin Cheng could only feel the chill creeping up his legs. He was standing still and not moving for his boss to not be disturbed.

Finally, Jun Kai broke the silence, "Lin Cheng keep an eye on her."

It was the only way to find about who she really was.