
The Fifth day.

Time flew and it had already been five days since Mi Rong had been recuperating in the hospital. Most of the time she would read books, or whenever Qing Qing was bored; she would read her stories. From time to time, she would also tell Qing Qing myths and tales that her mother once told her to the little girl.

Most of the time, after the stories were told by Mi Rong, she would tell Qing Qing that 'it's our little secret, only between us', and every time Qing Qing would give a wide smile and resolve to not tell anyone. Sometimes Mi Rong's friend, Xia Yun would pop by to say hi, but would have to quickly leave because of her shifts.

Within the room, there would usually be laughter or peacefulness. The atmosphere there was just right to recover for both of them. Both Mi Rong and Qing Qing had spent time bonding with one another, and the two girls became as close as ever. It was like they had been together for a long time.

As for Jun Kai, he had been busy over the past five days and could only come to visit Qing Qing during the night time. During the day he would have someone to keep an eye on Mi Rong and Qing Qing just in case anything happened to them.

Occasionally, Mi Rong would be awake when he came to visit during the nigh time. However, they would only glance at each other and then returned to their own worlds. It was like they never knew each other before.

Mi Rong and Qing Qing would sometimes see him on the news, clearing information with the media about the accident. There were mostly questions asked about his wife and Qing Qing's mother. Qing Qing would always become sad after hearing about her mother and Mi Rong would have to comfort her every time when Jun Kai was not there.

Her father had said that once she was out of the hospital they would begin the funeral. Deep down, Qing Qing was not looking forward to it. On that day, it would be the very last day to say goodbye to her mother.

On the fifth day, when Mi Rong opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was Jun Kai sitting beside Qing Qing drinking coffee. Mi Rong was quite surprised to see him here. He seemed to be reading something on his phone. Seeing him being serious was quite strange. Mi Rong began observing him from her bed. She was still lying down, but her eyes were looking at the other person. His sitting posture was quite graceful, she could not deny that. On the outside, he seemed to be aloof to the world, but she somehow knew that deep inside he must be lonely. He made her think of someone who she seemed to have known but forgot who that person was. Strange.

While Mi Rong was looking at him and was lost in her thoughts, Jun Kai had felt a gaze on him and looked up from his phone. Their eyes happened to have met each other. Mi Rong was slightly startled that their eyes met. However, although some time had passed, their eyes were still locked together. Mi Rong decided to end the awkwardness by saying "Hi." It was really out of nowhere.

"Hmm." Jun Kai simply ignored and turned back to look at his phone.

What? That was it? Mi Rong irritably got up from her bed and opened her book. She started reading it but she was in a huff and puff inside her. He was simply too much, but what could she expect from this person? Sigh.

For a while, there was silence in the room. Mi Rong had become focused on her book, and she had completely ignored any existence in the room. It was always like that when she became focused, and she would be so into her book. The book Mi Rong was reading was a book of records on people. She was looking through all the records and was trying to find people that had any relations to the people back from her time period.

This time it was Jun Kai who had looked up to observe Mi Rong. A minute ago he was quite surprised to see her looking at him. However, he was good at concealing his emotions and luckily kept in his change of emotions. He didn't think that she wouldn't avert her eyes but kept looking at him for a long three minutes. Such boldness. She even said hi to him, who was she to casually say hi to him? He didn't know what else to do but to look away.

Light movements come from Qing Qing who was stretching her body in her bed. She was finally awake. At the same time when Jun Kai averted his eyes to Qing Qing, Mi Rong looked up to check on the little girl. Mi Rong had a small grin on her face. Qing Qing's face when waking up is just the cutest.

Unexpectedly, there was a knock on the door. Once the door opened by the bodyguards outside, there was a young slender woman standing at the door. She had her hair tied in a professional ponytail with a proper creamy dress and expensive high heels. Her looks were quite elegant and smart. She walked in with a big smile. Mi Rong who had been looking at Qing Qing turned her head and saw the woman walk in.

Mi Rong was quite puzzled with the unexpected guest. She had taken note on the woman's look and gestures and was fast to decide that this person was not the type of person she would associate with. So, Mi Rong couldn't be bothered and turned her interests to Qing Qing once again.

It was Jun Kai who had called out to the woman, "Xue Li, you're finally here." There was no smile or anything else, just a casual Jun Kai that was still very unusual from his indifference.

"Yeah, Jun Kai, I heard the news, but I could only make time to come now. How are you?"

"I'm fine, Qing Qing is the one who got hurt."

The woman's face changed and showed empathy on her face, "Hmm, you must have been hurt a little as well because of..."

Jun Kai interrupted "Qing Qing, say your greetings to Xue Li." The woman looked a little sorry for nearly slipping Jun Kai's wife's name.

"Oh, hello auntie." Qing Qing's voice was still quite sleepy. She had just woken up and there was already a guest. Mi Rong slightly smiled as she saw the annoyance in Qing Qing's eyes. She finally left them be and continued to focus on the book in her hand.

"H..hello Qing Qing, I'm not that so old yet, you can call me jie." Although the little girl's words were unpleasant to hear, Xue Li still spoke in a loving voice to Qing Qing.

With a pouted face Qing Qing started whining "But I like calling you auntie, it feels much warmer."

Jun Kai could only send a sorry from his facial expressions to Xue Li, which made her feel much better. So, she let it go, "Qing Qing if you like it then I'm happy. Look I also brought you some gifts."

Qing Qing who heard that gave a big smile to both of them.

Mi Rong who was hearing everything going on, she had a small smile to herself. From the side when Qing Qing called Xue Li 'auntie', Mi Rong had looked up and she saw the smile on the woman's face froze a little. She also knew that Qing Qing was intentionally humiliating the woman because Qing Qing was a polite girl, to begin with. She wouldn't simply disregard someone if this person was not nice, to begin with.

However, it was quite surprising for her to see Jun Kai with another woman. Did his love fade already? Or was it just a friend? Hmm, to her this woman was just like the other concubines in her mother's stories, one that would try to curry favour, only to get the wealth and fame. Such a fake person is never sincere to no one but themselves.

This time Xue Li turned her focus to Mi Rong and questioned Jun Kai about her identity, "Jun Kai, who is this?"

"Oh, Qing Qing's roommate. She's not someone important."

With this not only Mi Rong who was angry, but Qing Qing was also angry at her dad. Although Mi Rong was quite annoyed with Jun Kai's constant pestering whether it was his words or his gaze, she didn't show it on her face. She simply had an 'I don't care' face.

But before she was going to say something, Qing Qing had butt in and squeezed her dad's arm hard.

"Ouch, Qing Qing what was that for?"

"Rong jie is a very important friend of mine if you didn't know, papa!"

Xue Li's mouth twitched, this girl didn't call her jie, but had called this insignificant person jie with such warmth. She turned to observe Jun Kai who was now looking at Mi Rong with some blame; however, that woman had dared to smile back at Jun Kai. She really didn't want to see Jun Kai having other interactions or any feelings with another woman. This wouldn't do, she must do something. She then tried to make things turn to normal, "Uh, Jun Kai I'm sure Qing Qing didn't mean that, she must have been mistaken."

Qing Qing wasn't going to let the matter off, "Aunt Xue Li, how can I, Qing Qing make a small mistake like this?"

Mi Rong didn't want the matter to drag on so she decided to stop Qing Qing, "Qing Qing, the world doesn't have to know about how close we are, also be gentle to your father, he's not so strong like you."

Qing Qing was finally convinced, "Humph, alright jie, if you say so."

Jun Kai's eyes lit on fire, he was truly mad at this woman calling him weak. He was never like so and was going to spit out words to Mi Rong, when Qing Qing interrupted him, "Papa, I'm tired, could I spend some time alone." Qing Qing acted like she had a slight headache and was touching her head.

Xue Li looked outside and with a worried face she spoke, "Oh, Jun Kai, we'll also have to leave or else it might rain before we get there."

Jun Kai weighed the cost and said, "Hmm, alright. Qing Qing, I will do some business with Xue Li and be back, okay?"


Xue Li had asked Jun Kai to go out for a lunch with her. They were both now being paired up by their parents; however, they were friends, so Jun Kai used this occasion to meet up as friends. Once they left, Qing Qing who had been acting like having a headache suddenly sat up straight and turned to face Mi Rong. "Jie, don't bother with that auntie, I never really liked her. She is always too much, but she's friends with my mami and papa, so I can't do anything."


"Also, papa just like to joke around, don't take that too seriously and be mad at him."

"Hmm." We'll see about that.

It seemed Qing Qing was trying to not make her angry at her dad and clearing off the dirt for him, but the debt was to be collected from her father, she would be the one to personally make way to collect it from him.

"Also, jie.."

"Qing Qing, you can stop now. This is your father's personal bill. I'll collect it from him."

Qing Qing who had stayed beside Mi Rong for days was able to understand her, she wasn't a person to let others bully her, but preferred to bully others instead. She was also very stubborn and Qing Qing knew that she couldn't change Mi Rong's mind no matter how she tried. Qing Qing could only whimper, "Jie, don't go too hard on him, pleasee."

"Ke ke, for trying to side with him, Qing Qing you'll have to help me, I'll think of something."

Qing Qing protested, "Jie!"