Mistaken Affections

Before Mi Rong could turn around to leave, she was pulled by her waist and her back had fallen into someone's warm embrace. She was momentarily frozen.

The person, who was embracing her from behind, had a much bigger built than her. Surely, it was a man. His arms were tightly holding her and locked her with his strong arms. It was like he was afraid that the person in his arms would disappear and he would lose her forever.

His hot breath was heavily breathing on her neck down to her collarbone whilst his face was planted on her shoulders. As he breathed out, Mi Rong could smell alcohol wretching from him. Sigh, what a day. Having a drunk guy hugging you was not what she had signed up for. She was ready to use some of her strength to release herself when the other person made her stop.

The man behind her called out a name softly, "Fei Ling."

With this, Mi Rong's eyes grew wider. Fei Ling? She was startled for she could remember this name and the person's voice clearly. It was Jun Kai. She thought to herself, 'This wouldn't do'.

Mi Rong tried pulling his arms away from her waist, only to make Jun Kai hold onto her tighter than before. In the end, without success, Mi Rong stopped struggling. She gave up almost immediately. Her weak body would not follow along with her strong will.

Jun Kai's voice was muffled since his face was cozily lying on Mi Rong's small shoulders. He kept on muttering, "Fei Ling, I've missed you. Please, please don't go anywhere."

When the small person in his arms stopped struggling, Jun Kai slowly loosened his grip around Mi Rong's waist but was still hugging her gently to absorb the warmth from her body from the cold lonely night. As for Mi Rong, she had never been hugged by 'another' man before. It was indeed a new feeling. However, she became intrigued with Jun Kai and his wife. What kind of women would marry a guy like this?

Jun Kai muttered to the other person thinking she was his wife, "I'm sorry Ling-er, I shouldn't have quarreled with you on that day, or else you wouldn't have gone outside. Now, you're back. Please don't leave me and Qing Qing." Since he was fairly drunk, he was expressing all of his emotions out openly. His voice was longing to the other person heartbreakingly.

It didn't seem like he would stop and Mi Rong completely lost interest with the story. She couldn't take it any longer and finally use all the strength that she had left to flick him off of her. Unexpectedly, Jun Kai's body did not fall on the floor as she wanted, but at least she could get him off from her. She then quickly turn around to leave.

In the corner of Jun Kai's eyes, he saw the figure in whom he believed was his wife, walk past him. He was anxious that she would leave him and never return again. Immediately he reached out to grab her hand and pulled her back again.

Mi Rong didn't expect that Jun Kai would be able to recover that fast and fell back into his arms once again. This time she was facing him and he pulled her face closer to him. With a quick motion, his lips were planted on hers. Everything had happened within seconds. Mi Rong was stunned, it happened to be her first kiss and she lost it to this guy!? She looked at the man in front of her who had his eyes drunkenly opened. This...this was unacceptable!

Jun Kai did not stop with a light kiss but gently took the lead. Subconsciously, he kept on pulling her closer and closer to him as he was afraid she would fade away and it would all become a dream. Mi Rong was inexperienced and was led away weakly. His kiss had intoxicated her to sluggishly lay in his big arms. Jun Kai lovingly caressed Mi Rong's small face.

Mi Rong's legs nearly gave away, if not for her arms were hung on Jun Kai's waist giving her support. Her grip on his waist was holding tighter and tighter. Her mind was already blown away as she slowly closed her eyes. Her heart was pounding fast.

As their bodies were closely tied together, Jun Kai's desires grew. They could feel each other's body temperature rising. His hands then started exploring around Mi Rong's back. From her waist, he slipped his hands inside Mi Rong's shirt ever so slightly.

His hands were hot and pulled Mi Rong even closer towards him. Their bodies were at a point of merging together. However, as Jun Kai's hands reached her bareback. It was like an electric shock that sent her waves on her soft skin.

With the sudden shock, Mi Rong immediately came out from the illusion. She pushed Jun Kai away as hard as she could. It worked and their bodies were separated apart. Mi Rong grasped for air and was panting hard.

Jun Kai was a little baffled with the unexpected push from Mi Rong. He confusedly looked up towards the person who pushed him and asked "Fei Ling.."

However, he was shocked. His mind was clearer from the push and finally recognized the figure in front of him. Her face was red and was gasping for air. Mi Rong? Was it not Fei Ling?

Jun Kai's voice was in unbelief, "You?"

Before Jun Kai could say anything more, Mi Rong hurriedly rushed out, away from the rooftop. She ran to her hospital room. Her heart was still beating fast. She wasn't sure if it was because she ran here or because of her encounter with the other person. Once she was inside the room, she softly closed the door to not wake the little girl up.

Qing Qing had already fallen asleep and the room was peaceful. Only Mi Rong's breath could be heard as she was breathing hard. Tiredly she leaned against the door. Seconds past and then minutes. She gradually composed herself and unhurriedly walked towards her bed. She could feel her body growing weaker.

Mi Rong lightly laid on her bed. She stared at the white ceiling in a daze. Slowly, she forced her eyes to close and tried her best to fall asleep. With some twist and turns, she gradually dozed off.

For some time after Mi Rong had fallen into a deep sleep, the door had opened once again. This time, a tall and sturdy figure walked in. Jun Kai walked towards Mi Rong's bedside. He watched her sleep soundly and only let out a sigh.