Facing His Awkwardness

The next morning. It was already late, but the sleeping beauty was still sleeping soundly.

Some time went by and Mi Rong lazily opened her eyes. Her eyes were heavy as she had slept in later than usual. When she recalled what had happened yesterday, her cheeks turned slightly red. She took a peek over her blanket slowly, to check whether or not Jun Kai was sitting beside Qing Qing. To her surprise, the bed beside her was empty.

Little Qing Qing was no longer in the bed, and there was no shadow of Jun Kai either. Her heart became anxious and worried about Qing Qing's whereabouts. She began to think whether the real culprit had taken Qing Qing away? This wouldn't do. She swiftly got up and put her slippers on ready to go out to ask the doctor, but halted when a familiar figure walked inside the room.

Xue Li's high heels made some noise as she walked inside the room. She always seemed to have an arrogant air following her. When she saw Mi Rong who was sitting on the bed, she pretended she didn't see Mi Rong, and turned her gaze towards the empty bed. She sneered and thought to herself that it must have been because what she had told Jun Kai yesterday about separating Qing Qing from this ordinary woman. She was quite happy with the outcome. It seems, Jun Kai still thought of her offer.

Xue Li acted surprised and took out her phone to dial a number. When the person on the other side had answered, she tenderly spoke to the phone, "Jun Kai, I brought some toys for Qing Qing, but I can't find her, did she move out?" For the last sentence, Xue Li had spoken with a louder voice, as she wanted to boast of how close she was to Jun Kai and Qing Qing.

Mi Rong only silently sat on her bed in the same position. She felt relieved that nothing had happened to Qing Qing. However, she could see through Xue Li's intention to show off, but she didn't care about those meaningless words. Nevertheless, she was still confused as to why Qing Qing had moved out. Did her leg condition worsen? Mi Rong listened carefully to what Xue Li had to say next.

"Ah I see, so you had moved Qing Qing out?"

Because of this, Mi Rong knitted her eyebrows. It seems Jun Kai had personally moved Qing Qing out. Sigh. Then there shouldn't be anything wrong with Qing Qing's condition. It was like a stone had been lifted from her heart, so Mi Rong ignored the rest of Xue Li's phone call and took off her slippers; preparing to get in her bed once again. She still felt tired and wanted some more sleep.

On the other hand, Xue Li kept going on with her conversation with Jun Kai. She worriedly asked, "Then where is she now?"

Once she received the answer, she cheerfully answered, "Thanks for letting me know, I'll be there in a moment." Her smile was bright, but sadly the person from the other side of the phone couldn't see it. What a pity.

After her conversation, Xue Li hung up the phone and glanced at Mi Rong from the corner of her eye. She smirked and softly said, "Um, you there, don't be sad because Qing Qing had moved out. It was already fortunate that you had met Jun Kai. If heaven grants you another chance, we might be able to meet each other. Farewell." She then haughtily walked out of the room.

Mi Rong opened her eyes and her face was left flabbergasted. How can someone be so self-centered? It just made her want to be sick. Afterward, she thought of Jun Kai's action and could only let out a sigh. It wasn't like she was the one who forced him to kiss her; acting like a little kid and run away. Well, she couldn't do anything about it, so she didn't want to ponder over it any longer as she would be leaving soon anyway. All of this would soon be of the past. She'll say goodbye one more time to the little girl and then leave.

Since she was now alone and didn't feel like falling back to sleep, Mi Rong took out one of her books and followed the instructions from it. She slowly closed her eyes and gathered her inner strength to her core to recuperate.


In another room, constant cries came out of it. The person responsible for it was none other than Qing Qing, who had woken up but didn't see her Rong jie. She left behind all her father's teaching of being a big girl and cried out loudly. Qing Qing had questioned her father why Rong jie was not in the room and found out that her father had moved her out.

Her father gave her the reason that he wanted to spend family time together, just the two of them. However, to her, since her mami died, the person who had been beside her was Rong jie. She had wholeheartedly regarded Mi Rong as her sister. Rong jie was also counted as her family. Tears kept on falling from her big teary eyes.

It was the first time Jun Kai was dumbfounded. His daughter was never like this before. He tried all his methods to stop her, but the more he tried, the more she cried.

What made things worse was when Xue Li walked inside the room. Qing Qing burst out crying intensely. It had been a whole twenty minutes that Qing Qing kept crying. Little Qing Qing cried out, "Papa, I want to go back to see Rong jie."

'No' was the only answer she got from her father. However, every 'No', made Qing Qing cry even louder. Xue Li, on the other hand, had been passionately cheering Qing Qing up, but it only lasted for ten minutes. She was completely annoyed with Qing Qing's loud cry and completely shut herself up, leaving Jun Kai to solely consol Qing Qing. The bodyguards outside were all trying to not get themselves involved with the situation inside.

Some thoughts came to Qing Qing and her little but brave mind decided to carry it out as crying wasn't working. She threateningly said, "Papa! If you don't let me go see Rong jie, I will move my leg this instant!"

Jun Kai tensed up from hearing Qing Qing's threat. Xue Li who was overlooking the whole scene was nervously awaiting for Jun Kai's answer. Jun Kai gave some thought on it but was still hesitant; however, once he saw his daughter about to move, he blurted out, "Fine." Qing Qing immediately halted and had stopped crying.

"Papa thank you!" "Jun Kai!" At the same time, two cries rang together.

Jun Kai immediately regretted his decision, as he'd have to face 'her' again. Sigh.