Tantrum and Looking ahead

"Mi Rong, I was this close to you." However, this feeling, he must bury it deep inside his heart.

The man glanced ahead one more time and then walked away. His eyes had a hint of bitterness before they turned cold once again. He took long strides back and it was not long before no one was left on the rooftop.


In the morning

The sun has risen high up the sky and it was a sunny day.

Inside a room, a little girl was reading a letter. Her eyes began tearing up. Then, upon the last few sentences, she showed a helpless face.


Xiao Qing was still hesitating, but when she looked at the empty bed beside her. She made up her mind.

It was her turn to give Rong jie a goodbye gift. The girl put the letter in her pockets with her small hands and kept it like it was her most treasured present.

After some time, the door opened and her father walked in.

When Jun Kai walked in, he was quite surprised to see his daughter alone. Where was Mi Rong? His bodyguards hadn't reported any movements about Mi Rong since yesterday, so where was she? His face was slightly confused and his brows were knitted together.

All of a sudden Qing Qing began crying.

"Papa! Boo hoo hoo."

"Qing Qing!? What's the matter?" Jun Kai became worried and quickly walked towards his daughter.

However, Qing Qing looked away and didn't show any signs of facing back. Jun Kai was even more confused.

"Papa, did you take Rong jie away this time?" Adding on, she began to cry even harder.

Jun Kai was out of words. He also did not know where that person had gone so he couldn't tell Qing Qing anything, as he didn't like to give false promises. This was also the first time Qing Qing had cried this much. It was the first time he felt so powerless. He sighed and stroked Qing Qing's back like he used to with his wife.

Nevertheless, Qing Qing did not stop.

It had been going on for an hour, but when Qing stopped crying. She didn't want to talk to him. He had tried so many times but they were all failures. When lunch came, Qing Qing only ate and did not say a word or look at him.

He began to get a little irritated at Mi Rong. Where was this woman! He had already asked men to check the security cameras, but there were no signs of her. It was as if she had disappeared into thin air.

In the afternoon, he decided to take Qing Qing outside to the playground; however, Qing Qing teared up once again.

This morning, she had cried while thinking of Rong jie and also her mother. She dearly missed them both. This time it was quite genuinely to Rong jie. Qing Qing remembered the time when jie took her outside and she was able to play with Xiao Bai. She missed that moment.

Jun Kai who had his eyes on his daughter the whole was now furrowing his brows. His daughter cried again. This Mi Rong, she didn't deserve his daughter's tears at all, she didn't even tell his daughter where she had gone and just left!

Then something came up to his mind. It was the time when he talked with Mi Rong. She had mentioned that she was leaving, but she had also said something as well. She had warned him about Qing Qing crying over her leave.

This, was it intentional or not?

However, even if it was or not, but he felt bitter. Qing Qing really did cry and he didn't know what to do with this situation. Ugh, it might've been better if she was here. Sigh.


On the other side of the seas and sky

At an underground campsite in Shanghai.

It was now day time and Mi Rong had just arrived at her camp with Xiao Bai. She had tied a cloth covering her mouth to not let anyone see her face, except her beautiful clear eyes. Beside her, Xiao Bai who had shrunk his body to an ordinary dog. Nevertheless, everyone could still feel the strong presence coming from him.

Mi Rong was greeted by many people who had been awaiting for their return. There were hundreds and thousands of people inside her camp. Although the camp was underground, the lights were shining brightly, illuminating everything like it was day time where the sun would shine far and wide.

Everyone had been anticipating to meet their leader. Their eyes were fixed on the young woman who was walking with such noble air. They were all relieved and felt that they would be safe under her wings.

Mi Rong walked not too fast and nor too slow towards a stand that was waiting for a leader to give orders. She walked up to the stage and stood behind the stand.

"Hello." She pauses. "Thank you for deciding to join my company. However, I would like to warn you, there's only one thing that I will not tolerate which is betrayal. I will not give mercy if that happens, so I hope to see a good performance from you all. If you have worked faithfully, then you would be rewarded for your work. Also remember, I can easily find anyone to replace you anytime if there is a reason to."

"Yes, leader!"

"Ke ke, well, since I've just come back, what are you waiting for? Let's celebrate!" Her tone had changed from before like a switch.

"Hurray! Thank you, leader!"


Everything has just begun. In Mi Rong's eyes, there was excitement that could not be hidden. She was looking forward to what would lie ahead. From the joyous cheers, inside Mi Rong and Xiao Bai's heart, it was no different.

The people they have found were some of the rare genius who had been facing many different kinds of troubles. Mi Rong and Xiao Bai had encountered many types, but they had given as much support they could to their workers.

It was just the beginning, but she was ready for anything that will come. Mi Rong looked down on her wrist. There was the jade bracelet that she had been hiding with her all these years. The jade bracelet would always have a calm feeling emitting from it. She would always feel assured when having it on her. Mi Rong stroked it and then looked ahead.

She looked around at everyone and smiled. They will now walk together. Supporting one another.