Grandma Feng

One year later

Mi Rong had been traveling the world digging up many ancient goods and putting them on auctions. Over the period of one year, her company was able to become successful with holding up auctions for rare goods no matter what kind. It was now one of the leading companies selling ancient goods in the world.

Her company was called Xuan which meant mysterious. Just like their name, the company was like from another world. They would work fast and swiftly with all the procedures. As they became more and more powerful, many spies from all around the world would be sent in, but would always fail.

The Xuan enterprise's leader was kept under top secret. Nobody knew who the person behind the scene was. Not even the gender of the leader. It was kept under secret. This has made many other companies become even more anxious to take down the Xuan enterprise. Even the Feng trading corporation, one of the top companies in the world was concerned about how fast they were growing.

The Feng trading corporation's new CEO, Jun Kai had been assigned by his father the new chairman to find out who was behind the Xuan enterprise.

On the other hand, while everyone had been worrying over the Xuan enterprise, Mi Rong who had been behind everything was earnestly searching for the spell book. She would search up for many places around the world and assign men to check it out for her. However, no good news has been sent to her yet.

The men she had assigned were all professional archaeologists and have been personally trained under Mi Rong's supervise to carefully check every place she had assigned in details. Mi Rong alone would not be able to search the whole world for it.

As for what was going on around her, she was aware of what the other companies were up to, but she never had them in her eyes. Mi Rong left everything about the company under Xiao Bai's hands while she searched for the spell book.

This time she would be coming back to Shanghai to search around whilst meeting her old friend, Xia Yun who had come back to her hometown and was opening a bakery shop. Mi Rong wanted to celebrate the opening ceremony with Xia Yun which would be held in three months time, but she'll take time to also look around.

At the airport

A slender figure was walking with her suitcase out of the airport's exit. She had black sunglasses which covered her beautiful eyes. While her eyes were covered, her lips were red like roses. The person gave out a mysterious air because of how she dressed. From neck to toe, everything was covered and she was wearing all black. On top, she had a high turtleneck and a long-sleeved shirt which went along with her long wide pants. She was indeed exquisitely stylish.

Because of her tall height, everything fit perfectly. With her every step, everyone was watching her. Some were dreamily looking at her. Even though they didn't see her face, just her aura was able to not make everyone take their eyes off her. Was she a star? People began to talk around her.

Mi Rong frowned. What was wrong with everyone? She never really liked being in the limelight ever since she was a princess. Sigh, she only wanted to wear something covering because many of the clothes nowadays were too showing.

Hopefully, Xia Yun would be here soon.

Not long after, a sweet voice called out, "Mi Rong!"

A delighted smile was placed on Mi Rong's face.

"Mi Rong, this way."

Mi Rong turned herself to face the voice. When she saw the person she was waiting for, she took long strides towards Xia Yun.

At this moment everyone felt they were so lucky. The other woman who had called out was as sweet as a cherry blossom. She too could be counted as a beauty. Her face did not have much makeup on, but her bright smile was so sweet that the atmosphere turned joyful.

If Xia Yun knew what everyone was thinking, then she would've been blushing like a red tomato. Mi Rong could only laugh inside because this girl wasn't really an observant person.

Both of them gave each other a hug and set off to Xia Yun's house. Xia Yun's parents had both past away and she was living alone. They both got onto Xia Yun's car and left everyone behind.

Some time had past and they were now near Xia Yun's house. On the side, they saw an elderly grandma who was holding a walking stick on one of her hands and a shopping bag in the other. The grandma was alone and nobody was taking care of her.


Mi Rong felt an urge to help and spoke, "Xia Yun, can you stop beside the road for a moment."

"Ahuh, okay."

Once the car stopped, Mi Rong got out of the car and walked towards the elder. Xia Yun stopped the car and also followed behind Mi Rong who was walking towards the elderly lady.

From a far distance, everyone would know that the lady was advanced in her years, but getting closer, the elder looked healthy and had a noble air coming from her. Hm, when this elder was younger, she must have been quite a beauty.

When the elder was close, Mi Rong decided to open her mouth and asked, "Excuse me, do you need help?"

"Ah?" The grandma looked up and saw two young ladies in front of her, she gave a friendly smile and said, "Oh, I'm fine. You young ladies carry on. My home is just up that hill, I've been walking up and down many times."

Mi Rong was quiet and didn't know what to do when Xia Yun who was beside her said, "Uh, we're also heading up that way as well, would you like to tag along in my car instead? Grandma, you seemed quite tired, why not take some rest?"

The elder gave some thoughts before saying, "Hm, well if you insist."

"Okay! Then, I'll go start up the car."

Mi Rong was finally relieved. She didn't want the elderly lady to walk alone as it made her quite worried, "Grandma, let me carry these bags for you."

The Grandma lightly laughed, "Alright, young lady."

Mi Rong held the shopping bags in one hand and the other she had stretched out and held the elder's hand to support her.

They were now inside Xia Yun's car and this time Mi Rong was sitting beside the grandma at the back while Xia Yun drove.

The elder asked with smiles, "You two are quite fine young ladies, your parents would be proud. What are your names?"

Xia Yun looked through the rear mirror and replied, "I'm Xia Yun."

Mi Rong then replied, "And I'm Mi Rong."

"Hm, such good names."

Xia Yun then curiously asked, "Grandma, how would you like us to address you?"

"You can just call me grandma like you did or you can call me grandma Feng." The last two words, grandma Feng looked at Mi Rong in the eyes.

Feng? What was this Feng clan that she would encounter them everywhere? Sigh, well, only this elder and Qing Qing were exceptions, the rest were really too much, especially that man. Hopefully, grandma Feng wouldn't have any connections with him.