House Invitation

Four adults had been standing in front of a wide gate of a big house.

The house was larger than the other houses around it and had flowers and all kinds of trees surrounding the whole house, making it look like a palace or mansion rather than a house.

A smart black car was parked in front of the gate while a vintage car was parked very close to it.

Ever since Jun Kai had stepped into the scene in front of him, he had yet to say any word and only stood still and lazily looked at the scene with his hands in his pockets. Then, he looked up at Lin Cheng.

Lin Cheng's heart skipped a beat when his eyes met with his boss before he quickly looked down. He didn't expect his boss to suddenly look at him. If he was not clear that he was straight then he might have thought that he was gay towards his boss. His boss had a face that could melt every girls and boys'(?) heart. Sigh, Lin Cheng greeted his boss, "Uh, good morning sir."

"Hm." Jun Kai's response was soft. He didn't seem like he was going to say anything. What a weirdo.

Mi Rong had long looked away and was about to get back in her passenger when a youthful voice called out...

"Papa, what happened?"

Little Qing Qing came out from the side door. She stopped to get some breath before looking up. Her face shined brightly. It was Rong jie! She had been waiting for her jie since she woke this morning.

"Ahh, jie you're finally here! I've been waiting all morning." Qing Qing called out happily.

As Jun Kai listened to his daughter, his brows became knitted because this news was not informed to him. He looked at Lin Cheng and only saw an apologetic face from him. Then, he turned to look at his daughter, but she was not even looking in his way. Completely ignoring him as if he was not standing there.

Qing Qing quickly ran towards Mi Rong with her arms wide open ready for a hug. Mi Rong also opened her arms bent down and Qing Qing immediately ran into her jie's warm hug.

Jun Kai was surprised when he saw this scene in front of him. His daughter was never really intimate with other individuals other than her family. It was his first time seeing her hug someone else other than him, grandmother and his wife.

Mi Rong who was hugging Qing Qing was also quite new at giving hugs, especially to kids. When Little Qing Qing opened her arms, she couldn't reject that cute little face. However, this action was quite new to her. She had been raised up to keep herself to herself and would not show such intimate actions with others, even her family.

This was only for when she had grown to be an adult, but when she was little her parents would give her hugs and kisses. Now, hugging Qing Qing reminds her of this warm feeling that she had not felt for quite a while.

When Mi Rong and Qing Qing separated, grandma Feng had just emerged from the door with a walking stick and smiled, "Oh, you too young ladies have finally arrived. Ah, you're finally back Lin Cheng."

"Yes, mam" Lin Cheng greeted grandma Feng.

"Well, what are we all waiting for, let's get inside."

Qing Qing quickly took Mi Rong by the hand and pulled her jie inside. As they were walking past Jun Kai, Mi Rong and Jun Kai's eyes met for a second before they both looked away. Even though it was only a speck of time, but many emotions were in them.

For Mi Rong, she could see an enormous amount of confusion and doubt from the deep dark ocean eyes of his and for Jun Kai he saw a sad and longing in her big shiny eyes of hers.

Jun Kai stood in his place for a while before deciding to follow inside.

Only Lin Cheng and Xia Yun were left outside to take care of their own vehicles. Lin Cheng could only helplessly walk to the driver's seat whilst having cold eyes glaring at him the whole way. He could feel her stare even when he was getting inside his car and when he looked up, she was gesturing him to reverse his car. His brows knitted, nobody other than his boss would order him around, but who was she to tell him what to do.

As the engines were turned on, Lin Cheng turned his wheels and drove forward when he could see the other car nearly crashing into his car again! He had to make a sudden stop. Then, the other vintage car squeezed in the gap and off she went.

Sigh, this hot-tempered woman.


It was almost lunchtime and all the Feng family were now dining at the table with the addition of Mi Rong, Xia Yun and the forced to eat Lin Cheng.

At first, Lin Cheng was going to leave, but this time grandma Feng had invited him to the table and his boss gave him a look to not reject grandmother Feng. With this, he did not dare reject the offer.

Now, he was sitting beside Xia Yun who was radiating her boiling emotions to him. It was the most suffocating lunch he had ever had in his life.

Mi Rong was seated beside Qing Qing and they were happily eating. Grandma Feng cleared her throat to give a notice that she wanted to say something. When Qing Qing heard grandma Feng's notice, she immediately became quiet and anticipated grandma Feng with shiny eyes.

Grandma Feng started off saying "Jun Kai, this grandma of yours has become old now. All the maids and the housekeeper are all growing older as well. Also, you cannot always be here taking care of me all the time. So, I was thinking to ask you, Mi Rong if you could stay in our house and take care of me and I hope you don't mind Xia Yun." As grandma Feng addressed each person's name she looked at them one by one.

Qing Qing's sweet voice blurted out "And me too!"

Jun Kai's spoon and chopsticks dropped to his plate with a loud cling. He then indifferently said, "No."

Mi Rong was not surprised with Jun Kai's answer and also she was not planning to stay either.

"But papa, Qing Qing will be a good girl if you let jie stay with us. Jie can play with me and also take care of great grandma."

"This cannot happen. Our family is not an ordinary family and outsiders are not to be easily welcomed. Also, I do not think she has the skills to take care of you." Jun Kai's cold words came out after one another. If it was other young girls then they would have been embarrassed with Jun Kai's straightforwardness.

No matter how much Mi Rong was being looked down at, she did not seem to care.

However, Mi Rong was actually tempted to provoke Jun Kai but was still patient as she considered herself older than this young man. She just smiled very faintly at his actions and continued eating. Her eyes did not even look up towards Jun Kai's direction.