Questioning Oneself

Mi Rong showed signs of ignorance of all the things going on with her surrounding.

Grandma Feng ignored Jun Kai for a moment for him to calm himself and turned to Xia Yun, "Honey, I would love it if you could come as well, but I'm sure you would be very busy with your cafe. Therefore, I only asked Mi Rong, but do come over when you are free. I also want to know if you are alright with this as well?"

Xia Yun thought for a moment and replied honestly, "I have no problem with this grandma. I can always come over anytime anyways and maybe it's time for someone to take care of you. Mi Rong is the best option; I always see her free all the time." Xia Yun took the opportunity to tease Mi Rong for not doing anything.

However, Xia Yun was still unaware of Mi Rong's business and only said what she saw on the surface. If Mi Rong told Xia Yun about her company, she was not sure of the risks it would make, so it was best if Xia Yun was unaware of it.

Not that it was a bad business, but because she had made quite a few enemies through her auctions. Nevertheless, she never really cared because first, they didn't know her and second, they were no match for her, but she didn't want to risk anyone to it.

"He he, I thought so too. I am very fond of the pair of you. Now,..." Grandma Feng turned back to Jun Kai who was sitting on his chair without any emotions in his face. He seemed to be sitting calmly, but apart from his face, his hands were clenched into a fist.

Grandma Feng carried on, "As I am your grandma and the owner of this house..."

Jun Kai frowned. His grandma never claimed this house straightforwardly and never really minded about who would be the owner of this house. It seemed his grandma truly trusted Mi Rong. This was very rare for anyone to be able to gain his grandmother's trust, especially since his grandmother had passed many ups and downs.

"I am personally inviting Mi Rong over and I would like you to respect my decision as I have done so to you, my dear Jun Kai." Grandma Feng spoke her words clear and precise.

Jun Kai was not angry at his grandmother, but the only person acting as if it wasn't any of her business. Sigh, it was really out of his control, again.

"Well, if that is the case then I have nothing to say." After saying this Jun Kai got up from his chair and was about to leave when...

He a thought came in his head, "But I hope you prepare yourself to stay here. It won't be easy with your kind." Once he finished saying everything, he walked away.

But before Jun Kai disappeared a calm voice slowly spoke, "I believe you're not much better than anyone else. Whether you're a prince or a saint, your flesh and bones are no different from mine. I hope you stop looking down as if you're flying in the clouds when there's no such difference except your personality." Mi Rong expressed what she thought and continued to act as if nothing happened.

Jun Kai halted in his steps and then strode away in a huff, leaving everyone behind.

However, from the distance, he could hear Mi Rong agreeing calmly to stay over in his house. He could not imagine living under the same roof as her. Jun Kai wasn't even sure who she was and if her background was transparent. It was really a risky step. This person acted as if she didn't care about the offer, but in the end, there was nothing different from his expectations.

When he shut his door in his room. He was boiling inside. This girl!

Jun Kai decided to get some fresh air from his balcony. He would always enjoy the view outside with the mountains on his right, a forest, and a lake up ahead. However, this time, he was not in the mood to enjoy the view as much as he would. Looking everywhere it seemed desolate and lonely. Sigh.

He turned around and closed his eyes.

His feelings were indescribable. Jun Kai thought of the things that had happened at the dining table. Every time he saw Mi Rong, he would always have these rush of emotions and would become very agitated and uneasy. However, he somehow felt a sense of similarity from her, like he had known her. But from where?

He was never this so unreasonable, but he could not help feeling this way.

Ever since that terrible incident, he had become more and more protective of his loved ones. He was not going to lose anyone else. The culprit behind this was still lurking around and he was not going to just let anyone who had dared to harm his people get away.

Maybe he was just overacting around Mi Rong, but things might change if he would let go of some of his attitude towards her. Just maybe...

Then, Jun Kai opened his eyes with a sense of determination in them. As he looked up, he saw a picture of his family, missing her wasn't as hard as it had been, but he wondered, how was she now.

Fei Ling...


The day had passed by fast and both Mi Rong and Xia Yun were finally returning. They were now on their way home.

"What a day, I can't believe that Jun Kai is grandma Feng's descendant. He was just terrible, thinking like he was so high. Also, just like his master, Lin Cheng is nothing different. So full of themselves." Xia Yun finally vented out her emotions.

Mi Rong just smiled. She was not sure if Jun Kai really meant what he said or if he was just trying to scare her away. Nevertheless, he was not in the right to be treating anyone below him.

"But hey Xia Yun, what do you think of Lin Cheng? Hm?" Mi Rong decided to change the topic.

Xia Yun raised one of her eyebrows, "What do mean? What am I supposed to think of him?"

Mi Ron elaborated, "Well, I don't know. I'm sure you have heard of him before and you were clearly acting back there. Were you trying to tease him?"

"Forget about it. To put it simply, he just has no manners." Xia Yun brushed everything off in one go.

In fact, she was quite disappointed with Lin Cheng. She had thought he would be a little more of a gentleman from the news about him. Tsk.


Mi Rong had just finished packing and was now laying on her bed with her arms supporting her head. As she was staring at the ceiling her thoughts began to wander off.

She wondered what did she do for Jun Kai to keep mistreating her. Was it because he was still suspicious of her...

Tut. She really wanted to find the culprit and shake off all this drama. If she was to live peacefully and finish her task in this world, she would have to clear every misunderstanding.

Maybe she could help him out and things would be different. Then, she would be able to enjoy her life a bit more.