Good Food Good Life

The next day

Unlike yesterday which was cold, the weather became warmer but was not too hot and still had the slight breezes of wind. The trees would rustle from time to time enjoying their sunlight.

Today, was the opening day of Xia Yun's bakery shop and Mi Rong had been sent a dress from Xia Yun to wear.

However, it was a good thing that Xia Yun knew Mi Rong loved wearing covering clothes. Hence, the dress sent to her was of her liking indeed and was fitting to the theme of the event which was all about floral.

Because Mi Rong was still stuck with the old teachings, she was used to wearing covering clothes. To her, there was some extent of showing, but it was very rare. Some of the modern clothes are slightly too much for her heart to bear, but some clothes were designed to be just right with a good about of skin exposure. Clothes editions that were designed gracefully with the exposure.

Furthermore, Mi Rong was also afraid of her mother's curse upon dressing appropriately, never look down on curses or she might be like her ancestors.

Even when she was a nurse, she had specifically asked to wear long trousers and long sleeves. She would use excuses that it'll be better if there was an emergency. Her request luckily passed through with the help of her doctor in charge.

Back to her dress, it was a long floral dress with long sleeves and a turtleneck. Once it was on her, it made her look taller and made her look like a fairy that came out from the movies. Mi Rong did not put any makeup on and just left with a clean face. She was never a fan of it and just liked her face to be free from anything. Her mother would always have to force her to put them on.

Thinking about the past, Mi Rong only now smiled at the past. Hopefully, she'll soon get to go back, she has missed home, sigh.

When she went downstairs, Jun Kai was already awake with a cup of coffee on the table. He was going through some newspapers with his legs crossed.

Mi Rong was quite surprised to see him at home early this morning. She had thought that he would be leaving early like always. What an unpredictable person.

Nevertheless, she decided to not bother with him and was about to go into the kitchen as usual. However, her steps halted when Jun Kai spoke, "Good morning."

Although he had said good morning, his eyes were still focused on the newspaper in front of him. Mi Rong did not want to start an argument, so she simply replied to him with a good morning and walked away.

When Jun Kai heard her short reply, he furrowed his brows. She didn't even say anything more.

"Wait a minute." Jun Kai put down his newspaper and looked up towards Mi Rong.

Mi Rong once again stopped in her tracks.

She turned around and at the same time Jun Kai looked up. However, she was looking in another direction with indifference from this Jun Kai became slightly annoyed. She can really annoy a person since early in the morning.

Nevertheless, looking at Mi Rong, Jun Kai was in a daze for a brief moment before he too looked away. The whole place was in silence.

Mi Rong who was waiting for Jun Kai to speak, looked at him. However, he was now looking in another direction from her. Was this guy trying to play with her, tsk, this lady does not have time for that.

"If you don't have anything to say, I'm leaving." With that Mi Rong left without turning back. Such a hassle.

Once Mi Rong went inside the kitchen, everyone smiled. They were already used to seeing her coming in to help. Sometimes this miss would even cook everything on her own. Mi Rong thought of grandma Feng's health and decided to make birds nest soup for her and a bowl of traditional herbal soup. She then made some other traditional cuisines for Qing Qing.

It only took her around an hour to finish cooking everything and she asked everyone to set up the table. Because of cooking her face was slightly blushing from all the steam, but it made her look prettier.

The maids had long gone to notify their masters for their breakfast. On the other hand, Mi Rong was busy setting up the table and carrying the bowl of herbal soup to the table. Since she was given a duty to take care of another person, she would do her best. She didn't have anything else to do before the auction anyway.

Jun Kai who had just arrived with Qing Qing was watching as Mi Rong was helping everyone set the table. The house felt so different with her here. He watched as she shared her genuine smiles with grandma Feng. A smile that he had never seen from her when she was with him.

Qing Qing who had been walking with her father was stopped in front of their dining room. She wondered what her father was thinking and not going in. Hence, she looked up and saw her father looking at her Rong jie. Some thoughts sparked in her mind. Keke, her father is a bit unusual. She tugged her hands in her papa's hand and said "Pa, let's go before the food is all cold. Great-grandma and Rong jie are all waiting to eat with us."

"Huh? Oh, let's go." Qing Qing was pulling her father's hand from behind her to the table.

"Sorry grandmother for making you wait." Jun Kai spoke as he took his seat.

"It's no problem Jun Kai. Come come sit down."

"How are you feeling great-grandma? Better?" Qing Qing asked adorably.

"Oh yes, much better. Hmm, this soup is very delicious indeed. Thank you Mi Rong."

Mi Rong only simply replied, "I hope that you would feel better from eating it." She had made these dishes a hundred times with her mother and was long used to cooking.

Jun Kai hearing his grandma's compliment was surprised as his grandmother was not a person to be easy to please, especially with cooking. Since his grandmother was one of the best cooks as well. He then decided to give it a try and when he took a sip of the soup, it was indeed delicious; very different from all the soups he had tried before.

Grandma Feng took a glance at her grandson, even though he did not say anything, but she knew that the soup was indeed to his taste, "There's a saying happy wife happy life, let's just say good food good life as well."

Jun Kai coughed with the soup inside his mouth and had to drink some water to take the hot soup down his throat. What was his grandma thinking?

"The food is very good indeed great-grandma!" Qing Qing added. It was Mi Rong's turn to take a sip of her water. These two duos, they really shouldn't be with each other, sigh.