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Both grandma Feng and Qing Qing turned towards each other and gave a smile. While Jun Kai became quiet and continued eating his food.

Grandma Feng then turned to ask Mi Rong, "Mi Rong ah, why are you all dressed up today? You look very pretty in those clothes."

"Ah, I forgot to remember you guys that today is the opening day for Xia Yun's cafe. Would you like to join?" Mi Rong then took the chance to tell the pair.

"Oh yes, I would love to see how Xia Yun has been over these past few days."

"Great-grandma, can you include me in as well?" Qing Qing turned to grandma Feng with her cutest eyes that she could ever make.

"Of course! However, it seems you have forgotten one person." As grandma Feng was speaking of "the person" she nodded her head towards Jun Kai.

The spoon in Jun Kai's hand halted for a brief moment before he put down the spoon in his bowl.

"Ah? Uh, I don't think he would be interested." Mi Rong quickly brushed it off, she did not want to get a rejection from him if she had asked. It was not worth it.

Jun Kai slowly said, "Who said I would not be interested?"

Mi Rong was slightly startled inside, does this guy mean that he wants to join as well? "Uh, you.."

"I would also love to join."

It was like a knock in the head for Mi Rong. He really wants to join! He'll only make the event gloomier, well for her it would.

Mi Rong busily asked, "Do you really want to? There'll be hundreds of people joining, do you like being in the crowd?" Mi Rong was thinking of how to persuade this person to not come.

Jun Kai causally answered, "I have never minded being in the crowd. Remember I once was an actor. I never minded being surrounded, why would I mind if there would be a lot of people? Since when did you understand my feelings? Hm?" Each word that Jun Kai said were spoken not too slow nor too fast. However, it was very irritating to hear from Mi Rong.

Qing Qing who seemed to not understand Mi Rong's intentions, innocently spoke, "Pa, that's good! I want you to come."

"Good good, that's very good indeed. Let's all eat, so we can all join Xia Yun's very important day."

"Yes, Great grandma!" Qing Qing was in all smiles while she was eating.

Then, from the entrance, Lin Cheng had just stepped in. He said his greetings to grandma Feng and Jun Kai before whispering inside Jun Kai's ears.

Mi Rong tried to listen to what Lin Cheng was saying, but he was too far away from her. So, she used telepathy to Xiao Bai who was laying under the table this whole time sleeping.

"Ey, Xiao Bai, what is Lin Cheng saying?"

Xiao Bai who was woken from his sweet sleep yawned and turned one of his ears towards Jun Kai's direction and attentively listened. He was still in the same position and lazily summarized what Lin Cheng was saying.

"Hm, very interesting indeed. Hm, hmm, hmm."

All Mi Rong could hear from Xiao Bai had no contents and she began to feel annoyed with her best right-hand wolf "Hey, can you stop with the humming and tell me now? What are they saying? Anything useful?"

"Tut tut tut, Mi Rong when have you become such a nosy person?" Even when he was lazy, Xiao Bai has the mood to tease Mi Rong.

Mi Rong then irritatedly replied, "I didn't know that the person listening to someone else's conversation could say that I'm being nosy. It's called being aware of one's opponents. Don't you think so?"

However, Xiao Bai wasn't in the mood to tease back, "Fine, I'll tell you now. Jun Kai was informed about our auction. Since he's personally coming, he's preparing 100 men to come and more in disguise surrounding the place and some will be disguising as our guests. They are also going to block all the exits of the building. It looks like he is serious in having a 'chat' with you leader Xuan."

"Oh, he thinks too highly of himself."

"He he, they have also sent an invitation to us, asking to meet you in person."

"Like I will reply to them."

Although today was a happy day, this same day next week, it would be the auction day. It was Mi Rong's first time to personally appear in her auctions and she was not going to let any mistakes happen.