Desire to Marry

At the opening ceremony

Everyone from the Feng family had gotten down from the car with an addition of Mi Rong, Xiao Bai and Lin Cheng. When they all arrived at the event, all eyes were upon them. No matter how simple they dressed, their air could not be hidden.

The guests were some friends from the hospital in Korea and the surrounding neighborhood. They had arrived when the event was the liveliest.

All kinds of flowers were set up around the whole event and everyone was enjoying testing the sweets and activity. Mi Rong carried a bouquet of wildflowers in her hand. She had personally gone to pick them yesterday just for her best friend.

As they all walked inside the event, more and more people were looking at their way. Some were whispering to each other in groups. They all were trying to find the identities behind the new arrivals.

Qing Qing became quite uncomfortable with the attention she was receiving from the crowd, so she reached her hands to the closest person which was Rong jie. Her small hands rested inside Mi Rong's hand as they walked inside.

Grandma Feng was walking behind Mi Rong with support from her grandson. Although she did not feel tired any longer, Jun Kai still insisted. When grandma Feng saw Qing Qing's reaction, she could understand her feeling. Qing Qing must not be used to the attention, while she and Jun Kai have long been accustomed to it. However, Mi Rong seems to not mind this attention as well, wonder where she got it from.

Jun Kai had his sunglasses on and slowly supported his grandma. Then, his grandma halted and held his arm, "Jun Kai, look over to Qing-er, she must be quite nervous. Why don't you go hold her small hands ah?"

However, Jun Kai was not responsive to what grandma Feng had just said. Behind the pair of glasses, his eyes showed some sign of confusion. "Ey, I told you I'm fine. I can walk by myself, so you go and take care of your daughter." Grandma Feng gave a small push to Jun Kai and without realizing, he was walking beside Qing Qing.

When Qing Qing saw her father beside her, she then reached her hands to her father. Jun Kai looked down and smiled at his daughter's cute gesture and held her hands tighter.

As Mi Rong watched Jun Kai's reassurance towards Qing Qing, she could not help but smile softly. At the same time, Jun Kai looked up at her and the smile on Mi Rong froze awkwardly before smoothly looking away. It seems this woman can be shy as well since he could see her cheeks blushing slightly.

To outsiders, the three of them looked like a very sweet family. Grandma Feng was in smiles as she walked with her walking stick. However, some thoughts came across her mind and she could only let out a sigh. If only her grandson could discover how he really felt then everything would go smoother.

Amongst the crowd, someone seemed to have remembered seeing the man somewhere in the tv and then a name came to her, "Is that Jun Kai?"

Once the bomb was dropped, everybody began talking and had speculations about who the handsome man was. "It really must be Jun Kai, look over there! It's Lin Cheng, Jun Kai's personal manager!"

When the speculation was confirmed, everyone took out their phones and began taking photos and videos of them. It was hard to see a real top star even though he had retired from the acting scene, but his name was yet to be erased from the people's hearts.

Mi Rong felt that it was very tiring for everyone trying to catch a glimpse or take a picture of Jun Kai. He was just an ordinary person, she did not feel the need for anyone to fall for this person.

She looked towards Jun Kai's side and felt that he was being too arrogant. He didn't seem to mind what anyone was saying and just kept moving forward. She couldn't look at his arrogance any longer and decided to look away.

Lin Cheng who saw that everyone was getting too close to his boss called a bunch of bodyguards to surround them. Whilst Jun Kai and Mi Rong took care of Qing Qing, he was now protecting grandma Feng from the crowd.

One of them seemed to be a fan of Jun Kai asked Jun Kai about the lady he had come with, but because everyone's voice was becoming louder, she had to start raising up her voice as well, "Jun Kai ge, who is the lady over there? Is she your wife? She looks very pretty."

With that Jun Kai abruptly stopped so did Mi Rong and Qing Qing. Everyone's voice had also become silent and was awaiting for Jun Kai's answer. They all knew that he had married his wife, but didn't she die last year? Did this person not know?

Then another fan came in to protect her superstar "Silly girl, where were you ah? His wife passed away remember?"

The fan who had asked showed a face full of regret, she had hit the soft spot of her Jun Kai ge, but she was confused as to who the young lady was "Uh, then who is she?"

Some of the people began discussing who Mi Rong was, as the crowd were discussing Jun Kai looked up at Mi Rong who was looking at him long before him, this time she did not look away. His expression was covered under his glasses and Mi Rong was perplexed of what he was thinking. They stayed staring at each other for a brief moment before Jun Kai turned away. He then spoke to everyone, "Who she is, does not concern you all, please make way."

Jun Kai then led the way with Qing Qing holding to his hand and Mi Rong holding to Qing Qing's other hand. The crowd once again became in a slight uproar since their question was left unanswered.

Others began asking more and more and the bodyguards had to make a human wall around the three. Mi Rong and Jun Kai had become even more protective over Qing Qing and kept her closer to them.

On the other hand, grandma Feng was leisurely walking behind the three and behind the crowd. It was very fun to see her grandson not knowing what to do, that was very rare.

In the corner, someone had taken a picture of the three sent the picture of Jun Kai and Mi Rong to an unnamed number.

----Young miss, look who I saw.....


Bejing, China

A young lady who was dressed in a long light blue dress was standing near the windows. As she was reading her message, her brows kept drawing closer and closer to each other. Once she finished reading the message, she threw her phone on the floor. The message had included pictures and they were like swords piercing her eyes.

She could no longer hold in her temper and quickly walked outside her office. She had to find someone to solve this problem immediately.

Li company

Inside a big office on the highest floor of one of China's highest buildings, a middle age man was going through piles of documents on his desk. A small commotion came from outside his door. Then walked in a lady with her long blue dress. She looked like she could kill someone.

"Pa! Look at these pictures! Give me some reasons for them."

The middle age man looked up at his daughter, "Aiyoo, Xue Li, you nearly gave me a fright."


The middle age man could only helplessly surrender "Fine, what is it this time, Xue Li?"

"Look, it's Jun Kai, but who's this woman beside him! I thought you said he doesn't have anyone." Xue Li could only see the back of the other woman in the picture with Jun Kai and was very displeased.

Xue Li's father, Li Chen Min's eyebrows furrowed when he saw the pictures, "Uh, well, his father said that Jun Kai didn't have anyone, but it seems he was also unaware of this."

Xue Li began to panic, "This cannot do, pa, when can I marry Jun Kai?"