
"What if I don't go? Feng Min what would you do?" Grandma Feng decided to test the waters.

Feng Min's face became complicated "Grandmother, I'm sure you are the fairest person whom I've ever met. Surely you would help this grandson of yours."

Once again grandma Feng chuckled. "You know me too well. I will definitely go. However, it's been a long time since you've called me grandmother again. I thought you had forgotten."

Feng Min hastily spoke, "Forgive this grandson."

"Well well, you can all leave now. I want to rest. Jun Kai, send all the guest for me would you." Grandma slowly got up from her chair.

"Yes, grandmother." Jun Kai didn't need to think twice and heeded grandma Feng's request.

"Qing Qing, will you take me to the garden then?" Grandma Feng asked Qing Qing with a warm tone.

Qing Qing smiled ear to ear and gave a big nod. "I will definitely do that."

"Very well, Mi Rong, can you help Jun Kai?"

"Yes, grandma Feng." Mi Rong didn't think too much about grandma Feng's request and only sent the guest away without saying any words.

Xue Li was cursing inside. She had only just arrived this morning and she has to leave Jun Kai with this woman! It seems it wouldn't be easy to win grandma Feng's heart. Jun Kai's grandmother is trickier than she had thought. Hmph.

Jun Kai got up from his seat and was aloof as he ever was to any matter regarding his other side of the family. With him standing up, he made it clear that they were both to leave.

Xue Li had also gotten up and she held onto one of Jun Kai's arm. Her face was showing so much reluctance, she pleaded him with her pitiful facial expression.

Mi Rong thought to herself that this Xue Li could sure make every man console her whenever she shows that kind of face, however knowing her contrasted personality comparing to this innocent image; Mi Rong just couldn't imagine that horror.

Surely Jun Kai would know Xue Li even better than her or else he's just blinded. She decided that she should not care too much of these worldly matters.

Hopefully, she would be leaving soon, but she didn't know why; she doesn't feel as excited like before, sigh. Maybe she's just worrying too much. She then asked one of the housemaids to pour her tea.

At the very least that girl is leaving and she's now saved from getting wet, hehe what a naughty girl, she even dare to harm this princess.

Then, how in the world did Xue Li become friends with Jun Kai and his wife? Mi Rong could only shake her head thinking of it. But then with a moment of realization, she thought of something.

If Xue Li seems to be so in love with Jun Kai then how could she ever leave Jun Kai's wife alone? Or was she genuine? But it more likely to be the first assumption, maybe she should be furthered investigated.

As Mi Rong guessed correctly, Jun Kai seemed to not care much and slowly brushed off Xue Li's hands from his arm. He then completely neglected her, "Now, please, madam Feng."

Madam Yun first sought for help from her grandson, but he had been staring at that little girl who was sipping her tea this whole time, she too could only reluctantly agree to Jun Kai, "Uhh, very well."

Feng Min who had been staring at Mi Rong the whole time since grandma Feng left couldn't hold in his questions. "Hey! You over there."

Mi Rong tiredly looked up. He sure has many demands. Mi Rong fearlessly looked at him straight in the eyes; however, Feng Min still showed no signs of talking. She then raised an eyebrow up and her eyes were asking instead of her lips. It looked like she couldn't be bothered to even open her mouth.

Jun Kai's lips rose slightly. She also knows how to be this indifference to others.

"You! Why are you here?"

"It's none of your business." Mi Rong only broadly answered and went back to her tea.

Madam Yun who was about to walk out the door suddenly turned back to Mi Rong and she snapped, "How dare you answer that to my grandson!" At least she could vent out her anger on this girl if she couldn't do it at grandma Feng and Jun Kai. This young lady looked like she wouldn't even be able to fight back.

"Oh. You are Madam Yun?" Mi Rong then stood up to her tall height. When she stood up, Madam Yun did not expect her to be this tall. This…she wasn't even wearing any heels. Her figure was like a western model.

"There's something I'm still confused with. I would like to ask a question before I leave, whose grandson are you? Madam Yun's or Grandma Feng's"

Feng Min was stunned. He didn't know what to say.

One was someone who had raised him and the other was his biological grandma who never really cared about him until now. His fist was clenched thinking of the incident that had happened in the past. If it weren't for that old man then things would not have to end like this.

Madam Yun was enraged, "You! You! How dare you." Madam was so angered that she went up to give Mi Rong a slap.

However, Jun Kai got a hold of her first and devilishly smiled, "I hope that the older generation would forgive this youngster. I'm sure she was only asking out of pure curiosity."

"Jun Kai, you're also protecting her?" Miss Yun asked Jun Kai in a high pitched voice.

"She is grandmother's important guest. If any harm comes to her….I don't know what would happen next. Madam Yun, would you like to take a guess?"

Xue Li who had been a bystander for a while wanted to act as a considerate person, "Madam Yun, please forgive her. She doesn't know what is best for her. It's not good for your health to be angry at her."

Mi Rong looked sideways and chuckled, "Xue Li, you sure are close with Madam Yun."

It was Xue Li's turn to be stunned.

She did not mean to take sides with Madam Yun because if she openly did then what would Jun Kai think of her. This can't be, she had to do something. But before she could, Mi Rong then sent her farewells, "Well, I'll send all of you off here. I'll go and take care of grandma Feng."

Mi Rong then left the whole scene without looking back. Sigh, this family is really a mess.

Jun Kai watched as Mi Rong's back went further and further away. She was good at analyzing all the details and connecting them into pieces.

If there was even some more information, then she would've grasped the whole backstory of his family. She really couldn't be underestimated. But still, it's better to have a person with brains or else grandma Feng wouldn't even think of letting her in this house.

Feng Min was also looking at Mi Rong who was walking away. He had a complicated expression on his face. It was like…she was reminding him of who he should be with at this moment.

She had just touched his scar, but strangely he wasn't angry at her. Although he knew too well of the outcome, he couldn't go back any longer. What a life.

He had already made a decision; he could only hope that it would soon be over. Feng Min then turned around, "Grandmother, let's go."

Before Feng Min walked passed Jun Kai, Jun Kai stopped him, "You will really regret it if you walked out the door."

Feng Min could only swallow down his true feelings that were crying out that he wanted to stay, "It's too late."

He then walked out without looking back at the house he had grown up in, sigh.