The Past

Mi Rong had long walked out from the room.

Many thoughts ran inside her mind. It was quite sad to see grandma Feng who had always been strong now hurt from another grandson of hers.

She didn't know what had happened, but it seemed like grandma Feng cared for Feng Min just as much as she cared for Jun Kai.

When Mi Rong arrived at the back of the house, she saw grandma Feng sitting alone. She was overlooking the view of their pond. Grandma Feng's back view looked so lonely. Qing Qing must have been told to run and play around the garden as she was seen trying to catch for butterflies.

Then out of nowhere, it began to become windy again. Sigh, grandma Feng cannot stand the cold weather, so Mi Rong went back inside to fetch a blanket. She came out with a fluffy blanket and walked over to grandma Feng.

It looked like grandma Feng did not want to go back inside yet, even if how much she persuaded her, grandma Feng would still refuse.

Mi Rong walked over and gave grandma Feng a smile. "Here's a blanket for grandma Feng."

Grandma paused and spoke out softly, "Mi Rong ah, just call me grandma from now on, okay?"

Mi Rong was deep in thoughts, she decided, maybe she could do something to help out, "Grandma."

"Hm, I haven't heard anyone calling me just grandma for a while now."

Sigh, grandma Feng doesn't seem to be talking about her beloved grandson who would always formally call her grandmother.

They both became silent.

Only the sound of nature could be heard. Both of them were silently looking at the pond. Their thoughts seemed to have wandered off back in time.

Only after some time past, grandma Feng opened her mouth, "Mi Rong, Feng Min, he's a good child."

"Hmm." Mi Rong softly replied.

"Sigh, because of that day, his personality totally changed. It was like Jun Kai and he switched personalities." Grandma Feng chuckled as she thought of what happened while Mi Rong silently listened.

Grandma Feng carried on speaking her mind out, "Back then, it was Feng Min who was always so quiet and Jun Kai was the total opposite. However, no matter how contrast they were, they always got along like real brothers."

"It was a different story for my real child and that woman's child. They never got along, but even I didn't get along with her. It was because of that old man's greed, if it weren't for these grandchildren, I would have left him a long time ago. But he really had to leave first with all these troubles left behind for me." Grandma Feng began coughing as she had used too many emotions just thinking of her passed husband. Mi Rong had to pass over some warm tea, just to calm her down.

It looked like grandma Feng and madam Yun's relationship was just like she had thought. One was the official wife while the other was not. Then Jun Kai must have been the descendant of the official and Feng Min was of the other.

After grandma Feng calmed down, she continued on with her story, "I never thought I would even like Feng Min at first, but that old man was persistent in bringing him to the house. However, I was wrong, when that little baby walked inside the room with his small feet, I fell for it. He wasn't any different from Jun Kai who I was holding hands with. Feng Min was older than Jun Kai by one year, but he was smaller than Jun Kai. But that day, I held Feng Min's small hands and I knew that he would from now on be my grandson. Indeed Jun Kai and Feng Min were close unlike their fathers, but it seemed to break apart because of the same kind of history."

"Sigh, it was twelve years ago that things began to change, when Fei Ling walked in our house, nearly at the same time, both Jun Kai and Feng Min fell for her. However, sadly I didn't know that. I was too busy thinking of my own matters to even realized that they had both fallen in love, but with the same person. Only later did I find out."

Hmm, because of a flower, both men broke their brotherhood. What a way to go.

"Like always, Jun Kai openly announced to the whole world that Fei Ling was the one he wanted to marry. On the other hand, Feng Min had kept quiet about it the whole time. But when my husband was going to allow Jun Kai to marry her, only then Feng Min came to talk to his grandfather."

"But…but I don't what had gotten into that old man to say such despiteful words to him. I had been listening to them from the outside, but I couldn't just let my grandson be hurt because of just falling for a woman. He did not deserve to hear that he was the illegitimate grandson when all I did was treated him like my real grandson."

"I even went to find Fei Ling who had been staying with us, because her whole family died because of a car accident; I asked her who she wanted to marry. She chose Jun Kai. That was the final blow to Feng Min because when I walked out from the room, I saw Feng Min crying his tear out. It was really the first time I saw him crying."

"I walked over to give him a hug, but he pushed it away. However, what made it worse was when my husband came to see it. Feng Min was given a slap right at that moment. I knew then that it was the end. It was really the end of everything. I felt so helpless, I couldn't even do anything."

Grandma Feng's shoulders looked heavy. All of the burdens were left on her shoulders. Mi Rong just couldn't understand the men in this Feng family, why were they all troublesome. Sigh.

Mi Rong looked at the sky and it became darker, it looked like time to leave the past in the past. "Grandma Feng, it looks like it's going to rain. Let's go inside shall we?"

"Hmm. Mi Rong ah, what should I do? What can I do to make them close again?"

"Grandma, I think this time; you should leave it to the youngsters to solve their own problems. Time will be the one to heal them. You've done as much as you can, it's time to leave it to them now. Hmm?"

"Sigh, do I really have to accept it as it is right now?"

Mi Rong gave a soft laugh, "Grandma, don't worry too much. They're both grown men, not babies anymore."

"I…I know."

"Well then, let's just go inside shall we."

"Hmm." Sometimes Mi Rong had a clearer mind than her, at least there's this young one that I can talk to, sigh.

"Qing Qing ah, let's go in."

"Okay jie!"

However, when the three left, another person who had been hiding behind the wall walked out from his hiding place.

He wandered around the garden for while and his eyes thought of his passed brotherhood. All the misunderstandings and secret was revealed to him today. So that was what had happened. The reason why Feng Min actually left…