How Are You?

As Mi Rong was escorting Grandma Feng inside turned back to look at the other person who was standing where she and grandma Feng were. She had felt a presence appear earlier when she was walking back inside with grandma Feng.

He was just standing there alone with the big pond in front of him. It was like he was isolated from the whole world. Whilst the strong wind blew, his tall figure was still standing tall, as if the winds could not bring him down. But he was now alone, he lost his brother and his lover.

The more she looked at him, the sadder she felt. No matter how strong a person was, they were bound to break down one day if they were alone. Sigh, one was his brother, but the other was his lover. In the end, he lost both.

Jun Kai closed his eyes and let the cold wind blow passed his face. It seemed nothing could be changed.

It was already late in the afternoon and the whole house was quiet. Grandma Feng was resting in her room while Qing Qing was sleeping in hers with Xiao Bai accompanying her. In the big house, it was the first time Mi Rong felt extremely bored.

She was sitting by the window and was looking outside as the heavy rain poured down. It was this kind of weather that makes you feel like doing nothing. Mi Rong only sat on a chair with some hot tea. All the books she brought with her, she had long finished them she didn't know what else to do.

Her thoughts wandered to what had happened in the morning and she thought of one person. She wondered what he would be doing at a time like. As she thought of him standing alone outside today, made her slightly restless, maybe she should go and check him out.

She tiptoed her way up the stairs and arrived in front of Jun Kai's door in minutes. However, when she was about to knock on the door, she hesitated.

Was it really appropriate for her to knock on a man's door? Oh boy, she totally didn't think about it. If her mother knows of this she would be dead or her ears would need stitching.

Sigh, she'll just stay go back to her tea then. But before she could leave, the door opened and Mi Rong was startled.

"Oh my heart! Can't you make some noise beforehand." Mi Rong complained.

Jun Kai furrowed his brows, "What are you doing here?"

Mi Rong was silent. She began thinking of the best answer to him, "Uh, I..I…I just wanted to check how you're doing?" However ended up telling the truth, ugh.

Her answer made Jun Kai's brows furrowed even more, "Checking on me?"

Mi Rong thought how bad her excuse was and could only truthfully submit, "Fine, how are you?"

"Hm?" Jun Kai was at first confused with Mi Rong's question, but when he thought of her by grandma Feng's side, he could tell what she meant.

His heart skipped a beat as he didn't think that she would ask how he was. However, his expression was still as cold as ever.

Jun Kai heartlessly replied, "It's none of your business."

Mi Rong was about to get angry at him, but thinking back at what had happened, she could only suppress her anger down. "Whatever. But hey…." When Mi Rong looked up at Jun Kai, her eyes spotted something in the corner of his room.

There were shelves of books all aligned in his room. Her eyes became wide. She didn't mind being called a bookworm, but books were just her favourite. She then carefully looked at Jun Kai who was still expressionless.

"Hey, can I ask you for a tiny favour?" While Mi Rong was asking Jun Kai, her eyes were shining brightly.

When Jun Kai looked at Mi Rong's crystal eyes, he furrowed his brows. "What is it?"

"Umm, I just want to borrow some of your books…right over there." Mi Rong's eyes kept focusing on the bookshelves when she was asking Jun Kai.

From listening to Mi Rong's request, Jun Kai turned to look at his bookshelves. He wondered what was so special about it, so special that she would even ask for a favour from him.

Mi Rong had been waiting for only a minute and felt like it was the longest minute ever. She then once again asked, "Please?" It was like she was acting like Qing Qing asking for candies.

Jun Kai simply replied back, "Fine, just don't touch anything else."

"Yes, you have my words." Mi Rong entirely pushed all of her teachings from her past into the back of her head.

Jun Kai made way for Mi Rong to come inside his room. When Mi Rong walked inside, she was shocked by the sight in front. Nearly half of his room was filled with books. It was like a library.

She went through books and books. On the other hand, the owner of the room only crossed his arms and shook his head from how excited she was. It made him see her in an entirely new light. Jun Kai then left her to the books and went inside another room which was his office.

Even when Jun Kai left, Mi Rong was still focusing on choosing a book to read.

The two were in the same room and only a door was separating them from each other.

Almost two hours had past and the rain had finally stopped. The weather was just right with the cool breeze from the fallen rain. Jun Kai had been busy going through different documents and looking over the plans he made for the upcoming celebration from Feng Min.

Sigh, thinking of Feng Min made his head hurt. He still wasn't sure of how he should deal with this situation. It wasn't like other events and only required his brains, but it was about the feelings and words to express to Feng Min. Would he even listen even if he spoke with him?

Then from his window, a vintage car drove inside. Mi Rong's friend was here. However, this time it wasn't only one person who got out of the car. There was another man that got out of the car with Mi Rong's friend. Without realizing, Jun Kai's eyebrows were slightly knotted. Who could it be?

Jun Kai then decided to see whether the other person in his room was done with 'going through' his books. When he walked out of the room, he could see a small figure sleeping on his sofa. It seems like she really enjoyed herself here.

He walked closer to her and as he went closer, there was a book that had been dropped on the floor and she was sleeping soundly. Mi Rong really made herself comfortable in his room.

Jun Kai slowly reached his hands out to wake her up, but when his eyes carefully looked at the book on the floor, his heart moved. The book was his only favourite book out of the hundred books he had.

Although, it's cover looked like the oldest book and the most uninteresting book ever, the contents inside the book was like gold.

The writer was anonymous and it had been in this house ever since he could remember. It was even older than his grandfather who had passed away. The background of the book was mysterious, but it had been kept with care for centuries.

Within the book was full of poems, but the uniqueness of this book was that it was all written in traditional Chinese. Only those with knowledge of the very old written characters would be able to read it. Jun Kai wondered how come she could even read at her young age especially growing up in Korea? Even he took a long time to learn Korean.

Jun Kai reached out for the book; however as he bent down his eyes wandered off to the person sleeping in front of him. She looked harmless and was carefree. Strands of hair were lying messily on her face.

He subconsciously reached out his hand but before he could tuck her hair away from her face there was a knock at the door.

Apparently, housekeeper Hai had come in to inform about the new guests that had just arrived. The housekeeper could not find Miss Mi Rong and did not want to disturb grandma Feng who had been resting, therefore, he had come to the young master.

Mi Rong's eyes that had been closed slowly opened. Slowly she adjusted her eyesight and was quite confused to see the person in front of her.

Why was he here? She thought she was dreaming.