When Embarrassed

Jun Kai's eyes widened slightly as he did not expect her to open her eyes.

The sun was setting in the background and the beauty had awoken from her sleep. One of her hand was elegantly and naturally placed under her head. Her eyelashes fluttered once and twice. The orange and pinkish sunlight was illuminating the whole room.

As the two people in the room looked at each other, their faces were a shade of peach. The distance between the two was only a foot away.

The evening breeze blew past the window that was not shut and their hair was flying slightly in the air. Jun Kai was kneeling down and his hand that had been in the air fell upon the sofa's arm.

Mi Rong was surprised to see Jun Kai's face up close in the daytime. When the wind blew past his face, his hair was blowing backwards which showed more of his handsome face.

His eyes were like a deep dark ocean and a there was like a whirlpool in them that made one could not take one's eyes off from them. Somehow these eyes seemed familiar to her from somewhere. It was like she had seen them, but the face and background were all blurry and she couldn't remember where she had seen these eyes before.

In the same way, Jun Kai's eyes were locked at Mi Rong's. Her eyes had a shade of light brown to her black pupil which turned to become slightly ash brown. She had extraordinary eyes; her eyes were naturally winged upwards like any other Chinese eyes, but her eyes were bigger than usual. Moreover, her eyelashes were naturally long, when they moved; his heart would also slightly flutter.

Who knew how long they had stayed looking at each other, but the sun was already at the end of the sky and only the orange specks from the sun glimmered in the evening sky.

Housekeeper Hai had long gone to ask grandma Feng for her instructions, and only just returned to invite the young master to greet the new guest according to the chairwoman's orders. He had already instructed one of the housemaids to call upon Miss Mi Rong of her guest.

The housekeeper crept closer to the young master's door to hear for any movements inside. However, the room was quiet, so he decided to give a knock on the door once again.

Knock, Knock

Inside the big room, the knock was like a bell that caused the two to wake up from their daze.

They both had different reactions to the sound. Jun Kai swiftly looked away as if nothing had happened and was about to stand up. However, Mi Rong felt like she just had a heart attack. The knock came out of nowhere and she just grabbed onto anything that was closest to her. In this case, Jun Kai was the only closest "thing" to her.

Because Jun Kai was slightly further from where she was lying and he was about to stand up when she reached her hand out to grab him; her whole body tumbled forward. Mi Rong gave out a small screech as she had not expected her body to fall forward. Everything was so sudden and Jun Kai subconsciously reached out to hold onto the other person who was being pulled by his movement.

He could not balance himself because he was halfway to standing up and Mi Rong unexpectedly grabbed onto his sleeve.

Both of them fell down with a loud thump.

The housekeeper had also heard the noise from inside. He had also heard a small screech, but he was unsure; however, he definitely heard the crashing noise from within.

Housekeeper Hai became slightly worried if something had happened to his young master. The housekeeper could feel his heart beating rapidly. "Young master? Are you alright, sir? Did something happen to you?"

But there was still no response from the room.

Housekeeper Hai's heart became even more agitated. He looked across the hall and also saw the housemaid that had come up with him to call for their masters was still knocking on the door on Mi Rong's room. Both of them looked at each other and felt that something was not right. Could there have been a burglar?

"Aiyoo, what to do!? Quick come here, help me find the keys."

The housekeeper took a bunch of keys out from his pockets, the keys were rarely used because their masters would always be responsive to their calls.

However, it was different this time. Throughout the years the housekeeper had aged and could not find the keys easily, he decided to put a sticker to all the keys and label them. However, the housemaid was a middle age woman and was only slightly younger than the housekeeper, but she could only help as much as she could.

Inside, a man was lying on the cold floor with another body on top. He was slightly stunned at what had just happened and was staring at the ceiling. On the other hand, the body on top seemed to have yet realized that she was comfortably lying on the smoothest and softest carpet.

Jun Kai turned back to look at the other person who was closing her eyes tightly and was still grabbing onto his sleeves until it was crumbled into many creases. His lips raised and secretly smiled at the scaredy cat in front of him.

However, he could only smile for a split second when he realized that their position was in a very ambiguous position. Her head was laying comfortably on one of his arms while her small body was lying sideways on top of him.

Knock, knock

This time housekeeper Hai decided to call out to his young master once again, "Young master Feng? Are you in there, sir? I'm very sorry to intrude in, but I hope you would understand." The pair outside had just found the keys to the room and was about to open the door. However, no matter how much they tried but they couldn't unlock the door.

It was then that the housekeeper had realized that he had two bunches of keys with him. One was the old sets of keys before they had renovated the house and the other was their new set of house keys.

"Oh my word, this is unbelievable. How could I have forgotten at a time like this!?" They now had to go through the keys once again.

After hearing the housekeeper, Mi Rong immediately opened her eyes. She finally realized the supposed pillow that she had fallen on was in fact not one, but a human and that person was Jun Kai!

She retrieved her hands from Jun Kai's sleeves as if she had touched hot water. Ugh, because of her damn habit, she would hold onto anything and simply anything. Also becoming aware of her position that she was in, she hurriedly got up from him.

When she stood up, Jun Kai slowly rose up from the floor. Mi Rong turned to look at his face and seeing him trying to hold in his laughter; she instantly became embarrassed.

Ah, Mi Rong what have you just done!!!

She looked away right away and decided to walk straight out of the room. Jun Kai had just remembered that housekeeper Hai was outside. If he saw that he and Mi Rong were together in the room then he would have to give a very long explanation to his grandmother.

Mi Rong, on the other hand, was so embarrassed that she did not think of anything else and quickly opened the door. She had totally forgotten that the housekeeper was outside the room.

The door was opened in a swift movement. The housekeeper was slightly startled as he was about to insert the keys when the door suddenly opened. He looked up and was even surprised to see someone else instead of his young master.

"Miss Mi Rong?" The pair who were outside questioned?

Only then did Mi Rong realize how reckless she was. Jun Kai who was behind her was unable to stop her in time. A minute ago she was like in a fast mode and even he couldn't catch up with her.

Mi Rong could not accept what she had just done and turned back inside the room. She didn't forget to close the door when she turned.

And once again, the young master's door was closed not to welcome another person in.