
Back in Jun Kai's room

Jun Kai had just strode inside his room.

Without any rhyme or reason, the doctor appeared in front of them.

He could clearly see that this doctor wasn't just any simple person, especially the provocation at the dining table earlier.

No one in this world would dare to do so unless their hearts had already turned cold and didn't care for anything else in the world.

He would have cared less if this person was unrelated to him and his family in any kind way, but he was related to Mi Rong and Mi Rong was related to his whole family that he had left.

When he had asked Mi Rong, she didn't look like she wanted to cooperate with him at all.

Thinking of her, Jun Kai gave a small bitter chuckle, who was she anyways. He didn't have to put his hope in her.

A soft whistle was let out from Jun Kai's mouth. Straight after the whistle, a figure in black came out from his hiding place.

"Please give your orders sir."

"Fu Li, give me all the details of that doctor. I want to know everything about him."

"Yes, sir."

The next day

It was already breakfast; Mi Rong, grandma Feng, Qing Qing, and Xiao Bai were all present at the table.

While everyone was having their food, Jun Kai's shadow was not seen since the morning.

Usually, he would already be up, but it was different today. Mi Rong looked across her seat to the empty space and wondered if it had anything to do with his yesterday's mood.

What a difficult person.

Mi Rong remembered that she still had some unfinished business for her Auction and especially since the Feng family's event was set up right before hers.

Everything must go safely.

She decided to take two days off just in case anything went wrong. The true culprit to the crash accident has not been found, so she could only take precautions.

"Grandma Feng…."

"Mi Rong ah, just call me grandma hm?"

Mi Rong gave out a small laugh, "Yes, grandma. I have something to ask you."

"Hm?" Grandma Feng put down her chopsticks.

"Well, I might have to leave for these two days. I just want to catch up with my old friends before the event."

"Well, of course." Grandma Feng did not see any harm in letting Mi Rong meet up with her friends. She was still just a youngster that was like any other that would meet up with her friends. Nothing was strange about that...

Qing Qing who had been quiet quickly rejected, "Rong jie, can you please not go. I would be very sad and so would papa."

Mi Rong laughed, "Hm? I don't think your papa would think the same."

Seeing that Qing Qing was about to further reject Mi Rong, grandma Feng stopped her, "Now, now, Qing Qing my dear, your jie jie just need to do some business. She'll be back soon."

"But but"

"No buts now." Knowing that it was impossible, Qing Qing sulkily ate her food.

"Sigh, now where is that boy, he's not even having breakfast!? What a good example to his daughter."

Right at that moment, Xue Li walked inside the house with a bunch of bodyguards. The housekeeper's frail body was quickly running behind her group. "Grandmother, don't be mad at Jun Kai. He must be in a bad mood." The other spoke gently.

Sigh, if she didn't have to check on the event place, Mi Rong wouldn't want to let grandma Feng face this annoying girl.

She sure can come every day, doesn't she have anywhere else to go. Such an annoying fly.

If Xue Li had heard what Mi Rong was saying about her, she would have screamed out loud.

Mi Rong then completely ignored the newcomer and turned towards grandma Feng, "Grandma, I'll be leaving then."

Hearing how intimately Mi Rong called grandma Feng's name, Xue Li became frustrated.

This grandma Feng would never let anyone call her grandma except Jun Kai and Feng Min, even Fei Ling would call her grandmother, but who was this woman? She could even call grandmother Feng grandma?

This won't do, she must quickly get in between them; else it would be hard for her to enter this house.

Xue Li fearlessly decided to call out, "Grandma..."

When Xue Li called grandma towards grandma Feng, she was instantly looked upon with a warning eye from grandma Feng. Xue Li's face immediately became white like a paper. Mi Rong who had seen the whole scene chuckled, she sure has some guts.

Xue Li couldn't do anything but just clench her hands into fists, Hmph!

When Mi Rong got up from her chair, grandma Feng had just remembered something, "Mi Rong, I have a box for you. Wear it to the event, okay?"

"Huh?" Mi Rong was slightly confused.

"You'll know when you open it." Grandma Feng gave a cheeky look towards Mi Rong and gestured a housemaid to bring the box to her.

The housemaid responded quickly and a beautiful blue box with a navy blue ribbon tied to it was passed to Mi Rong.

As the box was passed to Mi Rong, Xue Li's fiery eyes were focused on the box.

"Wow, this is?" Mi Rong couldn't help but exclaim softly, the box itself looked precious.

Grandma Feng smiled widely, "Just a small gift from me."

"I shall take my leave then grandma. :)"

"Yes yes, safe ride my dear."

"Thank you." Mi Rong then took her leave.

The housekeeper had already prepared a car for Mi Rong to safely leave to Xia Yun's house. As Mi Rong left, her back slowly faded with the distant.

However, as Mi Rong was leaving, Jun Kai was walking down from the stairs.

The two had just missed each other by a few minutes.

When he was walking down the stairs, he looked like he hadn't had much sleep.

As Jun Kai was walking down the stairs, Xue Li happily exclaimed, "Jun Kai!"

After hearing Xue Li's voice, his brows slightly furrowed. He was thinking who was this person screeching like a bird early in the morning?

Before Jun Kai could even come down from the stairs, Qing Qing came up to her dad and sadly said, "Papa, quickly bring Rong jie back, she just left!"

Jun Kai coldly looked towards the exit, at the figure who was walking further away.

What an ungrateful person.

Nevertheless, his eyes were still focused on the leaving figure.