Close Encounter

When the day was gone and all was left was the dark night sky, a figure was silently and swiftly jumping among the rooftops.

The outline of the figure could not be determined whether the person was a man or a woman.

However, the body was gliding softly above the ground as if the person had long been used to running in the darkness.

No sound could be heard from the person's footsteps; they were as light as feathers.

Up above, in the air, there was a gray butterfly following closely behind the person in black.

From afar, the butterfly was barely visible as its wings seemed to be slightly translucent and was camouflaged into the night.

The pair was heading towards the centre of the city towards the town that was still bright never minding the lateness of the day.

They travelled amongst the shadows of the light from the city. Unseen from any eyes.

Although the person in black was on foot, the speed was not any slower than a vehicle that was driving below.

Then, towards the tallest building standing, the pair climbed to the rooftop. The height was even higher than any average skyscraper, but it did not seem to be a hindrance towards the person in black.

Once they had arrived on the rooftop, the person gave a sigh of relief.

Subsequently, a voice inside the person's head, spoke "Mi Rong-ah, you've gotten slower. Have your bones gone rusty?"

"Oh, stop it. Just because you've got wings, so you're teasing me now, hmm?" Mi Rong eyes could not contain how irritated she was towards Xiao Bai who had transformed himself into a butterfly. Even though Xiao Bai couldn't control his transformation just yet, Mi Rong liked to think that he was just merely lucky this time.

The pair had travelled all the way from Xia Yun's house to the city.

Mi Rong had decided that she would survey around location and the security of the event. The building was tall and big, any traps could be placed anywhere.

She was never a person to put her trust to outsiders, especially since it was Feng Min.

No matter how grandma Feng felt towards Feng Min, she was not grandma Feng and would not feel the same considerations towards him.

If it was like the past where he and grandma Feng were both equally loving towards each other, then it would be different.

This time from Feng Min's scars; who knew if there were any outside influence towards his actions.

Xiao Bai turned himself back to his original form, but his skin was still translucent.

From others' bare eyes no one else would be able to see Xiao Bai only Mi Rong who had the jade bracelet with her could see through Xiao Bai's translucent body and from Xiao Bai facial expressions, Mi Rong became even more irritated.

The very friend of Mi Rong was sneakily smiling his eyes off. He was completely laughing at her. "Fine, shall we start?"

Xiao Bai teasingly spoke, "After you, your highness."


Before dawn, a slim figure was sitting above the rooftop while her legs were hanging in the air.

The tremendous height of the tall building did not scare her, much or less it did not affect her idle emotions.

As she swung her legs, her eyes were wandering across the whole city. She was dazing as the city was still buzzing with its rhythm.

Xiao Bai who had just jumped to the rooftop came and sat beside Mi Rong. However, Mi Rong did not seem to have noticed Xiao Bai's arrival. He had to give a nudge on her shoulder with his giant paws.

"Who are you thinking of?" Xiao Bai asked with his sparking blue-ish gray eyes shining towards Mi Rong.

Mi Rong returned to her senses, "Huh?"

Xiao Bai then pointed his nose towards the ground. At the very bottom of the building, there was a smart black car that had just parked and its engine was turned off.

From the driver's seat, a tall sturdy figure walked out from his car. When he got out from the driver's seat, his face was the first thing that Mi Rong saw.

It was this very face that she had been thinking of.

It had only been a day and his face looked slightly pale. Nevertheless, his weariness was unable to hide his sharp and cold facial features.

Jun Kai was in all black, blending to the darkness of the night sky. The black clothes did not make him dull, but instead highlighted his fair skin.

His medium long hair was left messy and was not set which made him look lazy and unfazed with what was to come.

He brought his watch out from his sleeves to look at the time; however, a person's reflexion was shining onto his watch. There seemed to be a person on the rooftop.

When he looked up, he was unable to see anyone and the shadow that he had seen was already gone.

He tried thinking if it was real or an illusion. Could it be a ghost? However, he quickly took those thoughts away.

"Sir?" Lin Cheng who had just parked his car behind his boss' arrived beside, but his boss did not seem to have noticed his arrival.

Jun Kai recollected his thoughts and took a look at the rooftop one more time before saying, "Let's go."

His purpose for coming here had greater importance, so he quickly put his unrelated thoughts to the back of his mind.

As he walked, his presence became more prominent to the people around the area.

A buff security guard walked up to Jun Kai with such arrogance. It looked like he was the leader of the rest.

If no one knew that this place was a grand hotel then they would've had thought it was some kind of underground place. Although seeing the security guard walking straight to his direction, Jun Kai did not put any importance to him.

When Jun Kai was about to walk past the security guard, the other person stretched his arm to hold Jun Kai's shoulder back. However, another hand was faster and had already struck straight to the guard's throat.

The movements were so fast and no one was able to see through it, but the next thing everyone knew was that the guard who looked even stronger than Jun Kai was now choking for air. His face became red in an instant and his body was all stiff.

The rest of the guards were now standing straight and still like a human robot. They dare not cause any trouble to the man in front of them. All of them were even afraid that their breathing would anger him.

From above, Mi Rong had seen the entire scene.

What a show-off.

However, a minute ago it was really close, he nearly saw her. Sigh, why is it so difficult to be around this man?

Xiao Bai who was beside Mi Rong had seen all of the changes on her face.

Hmm? Who could make this happen to this proud princess?

Sigh, what a match made in heaven, tut tut. Only if it was meant to be.


Hi guys,

Phew, it has been like a rollercoaster these past few days, except roller coasters are much fun. Anyways, I lost my house keys a few days ago on the bus and couldn't get in my house. I couldn't access anything or do anything in my room. For the past few days, I've been trying to catch up with all of my homework and so on. Now, here I am. I decided it would be better if I uploaded this chapter today than wait for Friday. The two days of uploading that I missed, I will sure make it up for you guys <3

Thank you for your patience, love and support, muahh :D