The Event

It had already been a day since Mi Rong went to examine the event location for her auction and the Feng family's.

Ever since she had returned to Xia Yun's house, she had kept herself locked in her room with Xiao Bai. She would even skip her meals and Xia Yun had to come to give her tea and snacks which were Mi Rong's favourite.

Xia Yun knew her friend's character too well that she left her friend be. All she could do was remind her friend to eat and that's it.

Doctor Li had paid a visit but was kindly rejected by Mi Rong.

She and Xiao Bai had already laid out all the possible exits and escape plans for the auctions for every probability.

Mi Rong had wanted to make sure that each one of her people would return safely from the auction especially when they were auctioning a very valuable item. Many underground fractions across the world have all travelled far just to get a view or perhaps own this item.

Although she and her Xuan group have been doing hundreds of auctions, whether big or small, precautions must be made. Xiao Bai was given the instructions to send out the plans to her people and be prepared for tomorrow.

Before the auction, today was the time for the Feng family's event.

This hotel was very special as they worked fast and was able to hold two entirely different events very closely. Mi Rong's auction was held at tomorrow.

As for the event today, it was held at 6 pm and it was only 2 in the afternoon.

The doctor had been keeping Mi Rong company throughout the day.

He and Mi Rong were now playing chess together while Xia Yun was baking cakes in the kitchen.

"Checkmate." Mi Rong carefreely spoke out.

"Hmm." Doctor Li's lips hooked up. "Very well, it has been my lost haha."

"Oh stop it." Mi Rong also smiled when she was teased by her friend.

She decided to ask of the business that he had, "Uh, I wonder what business you are doing here?" Out of all the places, doctor Li had suddenly appeared.

The doctor gave a warm smile towards Mi Rong, it looked like she cared about his business and he slowly explained, "In fact, my parents also use to live in this village, but they moved to Korea when I was young. However, the papers that my parents had brought to Korea switched and some of them are here in Shang Hai. Then, fortunately, I saw Xia Yun the other day and had a few words with her, that's when I heard that you were also here." He then finished off with a bright smile towards Mi Rong.

This person was always like this. Although he was so nice towards her and Xia Yun, she heard that he had made many hearts broken because of this smile. It could melt other's hearts, but only Mi Rong seemed to be immune to it.

Nevertheless, seeing the doctor's smile, she couldn't hold her smile in either, else it would be awkward.

As the two were exchanging smile gestures, Xia Yun walked out with a freshly baked cake in her hands. "Phew, this could be counted as one of the hardest cakes I've ever baked. Mi Rong, you sure know how to pick your choices."

"Hm?" When the doctor heard Xia Yun's comment, he was slightly confused.

Seeing his confused face, Mi Rong cheekily smiled at him. "It's my mother's recipe, the only person aside from me and mother that can make this cake is my dear friend. However, the process is a terrible hard work keke."

While holding the cake in her hand, Xia Yun was also complaining of Mi Rong's recipe, "It only has five ingredients but how come it took away all of my strengths, hm? I still have to go with you to the event you know?"

Mi Rong teasingly spoke, "Then, why not consider not going to the event?" However, deep inside she knew that she did not want Xia Yun to join. If it could be possible, not having Xia Yun get involved with the mess within the Feng family would be best.

"Uh uh, that won't happen. I want to see you in that dress." Xia Yun, without any hesitation, rejected Mi Rong's idea.


"What event?" Doctor Li who had been out of the conversation for a moment asked what was still unclear to him.

Xia Yun cheerfully replied, "It's the Feng family's dinner party. Grandma Feng had invited us to join; maybe you could join as well? Wouldn't that be nice?" When that idea of inviting doctor Li to join came to her mind, Xia Yun turned to look at Mi Rong with anticipating eyes.

Mi Rong unexcitedly thought to herself, here we go again.

"Please? You wouldn't want doctor Li to be alone would you?" While Xia Yun was asking Mi Rong with expectation, Mi Rong turned her gaze towards doctor Li.

Doctor Li seemed to have understood her gaze and smiled. "I'd love to know what kind of party it is, can I also join?"

Mi Rong couldn't believe her ears.

She had already signalled him with her eyes to not join, but he did the complete opposite.

This boy, if it weren't for him being so nice to her all these years then she would like to kick his butt one time. However, thinking of his warm face made her quickly dissipate all of those thoughts.

"See! Doctor Li also wants to join. Now, you just need to ask grandma Feng."

Mi Rong looked between Xia Yun and doctor Li, back and forth. Xia Yun was not going to let it go and neither was doctor Li. She looked at him and he casually lifted up his shoulders slightly and turned his focus to his tea while avoiding Mi Rong's pleading gaze.

It was really not her day, this auntie cannot handle these two.

5 pm

Doctor Li had long gone back to change his clothes. Grandma Feng had already gifted both Mi Rong and Xia Yun a dress for the event.

At first, Mi Rong was not going to get dressed until it was nearly five as she had planned to just put her dress on and tie her hair up. However, it was Xia Yun who had insisted them to go to the nearby salon to get their makeup and hair done.

Mi Rong's laid-back personality could not compare to Xia Yun's nagging, so she had to compromise.

Luckily they found a salon in their village and ended up at a very old traditional salon.

The hairdresser had already had wrinkles on her face and her hands. Upon arriving, Xia Yun was reluctant to go in, but it was Mi Rong who had urge Xia Yun to get in or else they would just go back home.

Mi Rong had intentionally wanted them to end up looking bad and then return home so that they could redo everything. They still had time anyway.

However, both of them ended up looking exceedingly beautiful. They both had natural makeup, but the makeup did not cover their face and rather enhance it.

Xia Yun had a much peachier look with went along with her dark long orange dress. The dress on Xia Yun gave out an autumn vibe and suited her natural yellow-tinted skin. It made her figure more noticeable and her skirt was in layers made with light materials and some gold flakes making her every move flutter with gold specks.

Some parts of her shoulders were exposed and the rest of her arms were covered with the long sleeves from her dress. The sleeves itself had traditional Chinese laced patterns on and made her dress more exotic from any other.

Then, on the other hand, there was Mi Rong who was dressed up in a long navy blue velvet dress. The dress had a v line and exposed her fair neck. Her sleeves were also long and her dress was a long A-line dress highlighting her model-like figures.

Across her skirt, vintage Chinese floral patterns were neatly sewed on. The threads were slightly shining and upon looking closer, the threads were mixed with gold threats making her look even more luxurious.

Looking at Mi Rong, if nobody knew her background then people would easily mistake her as a modern princess.

While Xia Yun's hair was tied into a low bun with gold butterfly pin tucked on her bun, Mi Rong's hair had a simple half knot and was finished with a silver pin with cherry blossoms inside the knot.

They both looked like they had come out from a fairy tale and not from this world.

When the old lady had finished both of their looks, she satisfyingly smiled. Then, she went back to sit on her old sofa and not long drifted off.

Mi Rong and Xia Yun both looked at each other's face and giggled. Poor grandma had to handle both of them.

When they walked out of the salon, it was already getting dark. Before they could go any further, a black SUV car parked in front of them. The windows were so black that no one could see from the outside.

One of the passengers' windows was rolled down. Grandma Feng's bright face showed from the window. "Well, it looks like you two are finally fully dressed up."

Both of them were caught by surprise because they did not think that they would be seeing grandma Feng anytime soon not until the party. "Oh, what are you two waiting for, hop on."

After hearing grandma Feng's inviting them to board the car, both of them happily got on it.

All three of them were all headed to one of the biggest party ever held in China. Since it was the entire Feng family that was holding the event, everything was possible.