
As the ceremony was about to begin and the Feng family were about to cut the ribbon led by Mother Feng, everybody else was all cheering happily.

Jun Kai was right beside grandma Feng to support his grandmother.

In the corner of his eyes, he saw a familiar figure walking in with some of his men.

He looked at her and smiled lightly. However, the next second his brows were slightly furrowed. There was a clingy bug stuck close to her.

The clingy thing that Jun Kai had mentioned was happily telling Mi Rong stories of his past expeditions and how his Ye group was the best.

They had just walked from the side doors and were just in time for the opening ceremony. The group was all about to sit around the table in the very front within the VIP zone where the young master of the Ke group had prepared for them when an announcement was made at the main door.

"Lady Ru Yin has arrived." It was housekeeper Hai that had come in to make the announcement.

Once everyone heard the name of the newcomer, the hall became silent. The cheering and clapping had stop and was replaced by everyone's confusion.

Wasn't Lady Ru Yin supposed to be sick?

Once housekeeper Hai moved away, a tall woman in white walked in.

What made her even more of a mystery was the white veil that covered her from her head to her toes. Only her outline of her figure was visible, but her face was all covered. For those who were slightly closer to her were able to see her red lips that were smiling faintly.

By her side was Qing Qing who was holding her hands happily. Lady Ru Yin's delicate hand was exposed for everyone to see.

Grandma Feng turned around and smiled. She even walked up towards the newcomer and welcomed her warmly.

"It's good to have you here, Yin er." Grandma Feng's tone towards this person was so warm that everyone knew how important she was to Mother Feng.

"This daughter-in-law can only be grateful towards you, mother." When everyone heard her voice; it was soothing to everyone's ears.

It was then that everyone recalled of the prime time of Lady Ru Yin's years when she was above all.

Her family's background was a mystery, but rumours were that she had come from a historian family with great influence. At the time, every man had wanted to spread their connections to her, but most had failed.

Only one was able, and it was the playboy of the Feng family, their young master, Feng Li Jian.

Everyone had thought they were a match made in heaven, but when Lady Ru Yin married into the family; news of her was quiet and nobody had heard of her for a while.

Only when she gave birth to her son did everyone hear about her again. Then, news came out that she had been sick ever since and she was never heard ever again.

This was her first time in public again after all these years.

Lady Ru Yin was the one and only mother of the famous young master, Jun Kai.

"Grandmother, look papa is over there! He said he has been missing you all the time." Qing Qing pointed towards her father who was in a daze. It was a long time since he had seen her.

"Oh? I thought he had forgotten me." Lady Ru Yin answered whilst jokingly made her comment.

Her son has grown into a man now, sigh. As a mother, she was never there for him. She wondered if he would hate her for it.

"Now, now, since this event is about to begin, let's all get to our positions." Grandma Feng did not want to prolong the greetings any longer and led the way.

Mr Li Jian shockingly stood up.

He was in deep confusion; he remembered he had already locked her up in her room. How on earth did she even get here?

Nevertheless, he still got up and walked towards his wife and lovingly handed his hand over to her, "My dear."

Grandma Feng watched silently as her son showed his loving side towards his wife, sigh. She left the two together and took Qing Qing to Jun Kai, "Take care of her."

Jun Kai slightly nodded, but his eyes were focused on his mother.

"Hmm, it's fine darling." Lady Ru Yin only pushed her husband's hand down. It was a rejection; however, it was done ever so respectfully that it did not look like they had any problems.

As Mi Rong watched Lady Ru Yin, she was slightly moved.

She was the first person that had looked most dignified besides grandma Feng that she had ever met in this circle of people.

It was quite fitting as her son was able to receive some matching likeness to her. However, looking at his father, it was like they were actually not father and son. This Mr Li Jian was the opposite; she wondered how did they ever fall in love with each other, sigh.

Only when the opening ceremony was done, everyone stood up to celebrate. It was only then that Mi Rong and Xia Yun all walked in to sit on their seats.

From the stage, when Feng Min saw Mi Rong in the crowd; his heart became agitated. What happened to everything he had planned!?

It was now time for everyone to enjoy their time. Some would drink in the bar corner, but the main part was the ballroom. Right beside the big hall was a ballroom and some had already gotten on the floor to dance.

Mi Rong and Xia Yun were just beginning to eat their dinner. Not many people were left, so they felt quite happy. However, the only annoying thing was that Mister Ye had been pestering Mi Rong to dance with him.

"Mi Rong ah, come! Dance with me!" Mister aye had asked the one-hundredth time.

Both Mi Rong and Xia Yun rolled their eyes.

Xia Yun couldn't hold it in any longer and decided to shut him off, "Look, I don't care where you're from, but be quiet or else I'll definitely make Mi Rong leave with me. Can't I just have some peace and quiet when I eat, ugh."

Hearing her friend complain, Mi Rong giggled. "Very well said my friend, keke." The two of them laughed it off when they saw Mister Ye's embarrassed face. Even though he had a mask on, it wasn't hard to tell as his ears were red.

The middle age lady also looked like she wanted to laugh, but she had to keep her cool, so her face looked like a red tomato from keeping it in.

From afar Jun Kai saw everything that had happened and was slightly annoyed. He was even more annoyed when he saw his cousin walk up on the stage with a glass of red wine. He looked slightly tipsy.

"Hello everyone, I hope everyone is enjoying your time because I am hehe. Now, now, I wanted to ask a question towards my lovely cousin. Jun Kai!"

Then, a microphone was passed to Jun Kai. He only accepted it but did not look like he was going to say anything into it.

"Jun Kai, from a man to a man, you must promise to answer me this question. If you don't then what a loser you are."

Jun Kai was still unresponsive.

"Fine fine, I'll take that as a yes. I wonder in this place, is anyone that you would like to dance with?"

Everyone's attention was on Jun Kai. Xue Li who had heard that question from Feng Min couldn't sit in her seat properly.

How was he going to answer?

Xue Li's father smiled as he watched how excited his daughter was. He warmly said, "Don't worry sweetie, it'll sure be you."

He and Mr Li Jian had already sort things out.

Just then Jun Kai got up from his seat. Now all eyes were on him.

Everyone wondered who he would choose, now that his wife had passed. They all knew how much he loved his wife, so who would be his answer.

Slowly but surely, Jun Kai walked up towards someone. He didn't hesitate and pulled her up and held her waist to his arms. His decision had no space for rejections and just like his personality, he was swift and unmoving.

Jun Kai leaned closer towards that person and whispered with his deep voice, "Dance with me."