The Eyes

"Dance with me." His deep voice rang inside her ears.

Mi Rong was slightly stunned.

When he had drawn back from her ears, his face was slightly anticipating her answer.

Their eyes were staring at each other in silence.

Mi Rong had puzzled eyes and was questioning his actions through her eyes. However, Jun Kai did not show any signs of speaking anything else. All he did was stand in his position and his other hand held her waist.

They were both fairly close between each other as they both could hear each other's breathing. If they had been any closer, then they would have heard each other's heartbeats.

The hall had become quiet as everyone was all focusing on the pair. Xia Yun who had been sitting right beside Mi Rong was at first surprised when her friend was pulled out of her seat.

However, both of them had been staring at each other this whole time since Jun Kai came. Her friend did not look like she would be giving an answer soon.

So, there had to be a slight nudge to this and she decided that she would be the one to do it.


Mi Rong slightly jumped. She remembered about something and she had to tell him first.

On her tiptoes, she leaned closer to his ears and whispered, "Jun Kai, I don't think I can." When he heard her answer, his heart turned cold and his brows were deeply furrowed.

However, when he heard her next sentence, his lips could not help but smile.

"I can't dance." Mi Rong had seen people dance these days, it was so odd and unfamiliar to her.

Both men and women were dancing together in circles. She never thought that she would need these kinds of skills but here she was.

Jun Kai then answered back, "Don't worry, I'll lead." He then took her by the waist to the ballroom. As Mi Rong's back was being pushed, she had to take a step as well.

Although she knew that Jun Kai knew how to dance, she did not.

Mi Rong tapped his side telling him that he really should not push it. He looked back at her once and turned away, but his lips were slightly hooked up. If anyone saw this they would be surprised to see Jun Kai in a good mood in real life.

As the pair walked inside the crystal ballroom, everyone had many thoughts going inside their head.

Seeing Mi Rong being taken away in front of his eyes, Mister Ye quickly took a shot of wine down. He felt it was not enough to relieve his fiery heart, so he asked the waiter that was passing by to bring him a bottle of whiskey.

If it weren't for the place, then he would have fought for the beauty and snatch her away.

On the other side, Xue Li couldn't stand being inside the place any longer and quickly strode outside. However, she made herself look pitiful as she ran out, it was like she had received so many grievances from it.

Everyone began thinking that Mi Rong must have seduced young master Jun Kai and she was just like a Cinderella with ulterior motives. Tut tut, they couldn't believe that young master would fall for her.

Grandma Feng and Qing Qing were smiling. Qing Qing was happy to see her dad happy and she also approved of his choice. She began telling how wonderful her Rong jie was towards her grandmother, Lady Ru Yin.

Hearing her grandchild telling many positive things about Mi Rong made her motherly heart at ease slightly. She only hoped for the best from her son. However, she wondered how Mi Rong was like, all she could see through her veil was a dark blue dress.

Beside Lady Ru Yin was Mr Li Jian. He was also carefully looking at his son. What on earth was his son doing? Who was this lady that his son took to the dance floor, he was surely daring to do it in front of him.

He gestured for his secretary to come over. "Go find who this young lady is, her family and where she came from. Leave the report in my car; I want to read it on my way back."

Seeing her husband call his secretary, Lady Ru Yin knew fair well what it was about and wanted to warn her husband, "Li Jian, don't you dare harm her or Jun Kai. Else I won't sit still."

Mr Li Jian scoffed, "I can't really get anything away from you huh? Jun Kai is also my son, so I have my rights to see to who he chooses."

"Li Jian, don't forget your words!" Lady Ru Yin raised her voice slightly as her heart was slightly burning with irritation.

"Of course, I wouldn't dare to disobey your orders, my lady, hmph! You must be so used to everyone currying for a favour from you huh?"

"Li Jian!" She couldn't believe what her husband had just said to her and turned her face to him.

However, he was smiling as if nothing had just happened and was looking ahead. He lifted his wine glass and drank it. Lady Ru Yin turned towards the direction where her husband had been looking.

Turns out, it was a young curvy lady in red lips. She quickly looked away, as she couldn't restrain her pain. It was a good thing that there was a veil covering her face; her emotions were all kept to herself, like how it has always been.

On the stage, Feng Min gripped the microphone tightly. He couldn't believe that his cousin would easily forget Fei Ling.

How could he do this to her!

As he looked at Mi Rong's back, Feng Min's eyes were so sharp that it could pierce through her.

Don't worry Fei Ling, I'll definitely bring Jun Kai back to his senses.