
On the dance floor

Jun Kai bowed to his dance partner politely.

Mi Rong was still hesitant on what to do next; however, she saw another couple on the dance floor. The girl slightly did a curtsey towards the man, so Mi Rong watched her and followed suit; she gave a slight curtsey towards Jun Kai.

Then, she only stood there because she did not know what was next. Jun Kai took a step forward. His right hand slowly touched her back and his left hand held into the air.

Mi Rong watched as he lifted his hand and Jun Kai's eyes indicated for her to put her right hand on his left. She then proceeded and then Jun Kai pointed his eyes towards his shoulders and Mi Rong gently put her hand on his right shoulder.

Jun Kai spoke softly, "Are you ready?"

Mi Rong was thinking to herself that she was already on the dance floor, what more could she be scared of, "I could not be any more ready."

"Then let's start slowly. Only follow my instructions, okay?"

She took a deep breath and replied, "Alright."

"Take a step on your right foot, then a step back on your left…." At first, they began slowly and once Mi Rong had memorised the loop, they began to move a step faster.

Seeing her enjoy herself, Jun Kai couldn't help but tease, "You seem to follow instructions pretty well…ouch!"

It seemed to be unintentional, but her eyes were unlike wise. "You!"

"Aiyoo, I'm sorry. I did not mean to do that. You also know I'm new."

A moment ago, Mi Rong couldn't help but give him a small revenge. One shouldn't be too prideful, hmph! Nevertheless, these high heels are really good, the pointy part of it is the most dangerous huh, hehe.

Then, suddenly Jun Kai began spinning her around. Mi Rong only gently smiled. This boy has really underestimated this princess. Although she had not learned this kind of dance before, it did not mean she couldn't dance.

Hpmh! Her Imperial Mother had sent her through hundreds of dancing lessons just to become a dignified lady. She had gone through many pain from each and every one of them; if she failed then she wouldn't have any face to see her Imperial Mother.

Fewer and fewer couples were seen on the dance floor as the main pair of the night was now fiercely dancing. Their tempo began to become faster and faster.

At one point, the lady in the blue dress was spinning so fast that her figure could barely be seen. Some moves looked like they were practising martial arts with each other, but it could not be. Although the moves were swift, there was still some dignified air between the pair.

Finally, when the song was nearly ending, Jun Kai found a gap to pull his dance partner to finish the dance. Because Mi Rong was spinning around him and she did not know ahead of time that she would be pulled; she flew into his arms.

Her body was tilting from the floor and due to their fast actions; Jun Kai was slightly pulled away from his standing position. His back was bent slightly forward and they ended up in a very close position.

Their faces were just inches away and because Jun Kai was afraid that they would both fall down on the floor; he was holding onto her tightly.

Both of them were slightly panting from their dance and it was now like they were in a moment of their own world.

It was like everything had just stopped and time was running slowly.

He was quite impressed as he had never thought that she would be able to dance this much.

Their eyes were locked between each other.

Everyone else had long taken a step away from the dance floor. They were all amazed at the breathtaking dance they had just witnessed.

However, the steps were hardly visible and the two were very compatible. Their core strengths were well balanced and each step was ever so light.

They had never seen any young lady dance the way she had before, such fiery movements that one could not dare to compare. If it had been Young lady Xue Li instead one would not have been fortunate to see this dance ever in one's lifetime. Sigh, only if her background could match the Feng family's.

Grandma Feng who had been nervously watching her two very important people dance finally took a deep sigh. If they had danced any longer; her heart would have jumped out of her chest.

Tut tut, these youngsters these days are all very swift, too swift she would say.

As everyone was all quiet, grandma Feng thought it was time for her to finally make her announcement.

She stood up and clinked her spoon on her glass to receive everyone's attention. Indeed it did.

The waiters were all instructed to open the glass doors of the ballroom so that everyone could hear.

Jun Kai gently pulled Mi Rong up and they were now standing side by side as they patiently listened to grandma Feng.

Although grandma Feng was well past her years, she still had a noble air in her. This air was as if it was pinned to her very bones.

"Now, I know many have been anxious to know who I will pass this position to. My son over here, Feng Li Jian has been doing quite well with his acting chairman this past year."

Everyone was confused; they had not known it was like this!?

However, there was some that were silent as they had long known of this secret. Some elders even scoffed inside. That ungrateful person had gotten away with his bad deeds too much.

Mr Li Jian could only keep a smiling face upfront, but his hands were turned into fists. His mother wouldn't even let him go!?

He then got up and politely bowed, "This son is still new and hope that mother would forgive this son's imperfections."

Grandma Feng looked like she didn't want to hear anymore and cut him off, "Fine fine, now you go back to your seat. Sigh. I would like to make an announcement today. Ever since the past chairman has passed and I am the only Chairwoman of this company; I am finally old." She paused before looking towards the ballroom.

"Therefore, I would like to past my position to Jun Kai. Only under one circumstances, if the acting chairman is not able to raise the stocks by 15% of next year; then his position should be no more. Jun Kai will then take over. That is it."

However, everyone knew that 15% was nearly impossible for any company to make in a year. It might have been during the past chairman, but looking at the situation now; it was like waiting for snow to fall in the desert.

The elders who had been loyal to grandma Feng and the chairman all stood up and went to congratulate Jun Kai. The rest of the guests all came forward to congratulate him. Only a few were left behind.

However, amongst the crowd, Qing Qing had led the way and jumped into her father's arms. She felt that her father needed comforting rather than congratulations.

As it had become crowded and Qing Qing was already here, Mi Rong then decided to slip away from everyone. There were really too many people. However, since she had left his side; his eyes had never strayed away from her.

He saw her walk outside from the building and all that was left was the door that was left open.

On the very front, "Mother, you really do love me huh?" Mr Li Jian gritted out each word spitefully.

Grandma Feng closed her eyes. She loved her son too much that was why he had turned like this.

Mr Li Jian didn't wait any longer and was about to strode away when his arm was held back. "You should at least congratulate him. He's also your son." It was Lady Ru Yin that held him from his anger.

"I never counted him as my son."

"Li Jian!"

The middle age no longer stayed and strode away.

Grandma Feng tiredly looked up towards her daughter in law. "Ru Yin, can you please calm him down for me."

Lady Ru Yin could only sigh, "I'll try my best mother." She then followed her husband.

Feng Min had only been sitting down quietly drinking his wine.

In the end, you still gave it to him, grandmother.