Similar but Different

Although there were a few people left, all eyes were on the couple that was walking together.

Some were questioning the relationship between the two. Throughout the whole way, there were gossips as they walked through the crowd that was left.

Jun Kai did not take any of these people's thoughts in. He only kept walking forward without stopping. Nothing could get in his way.

Up ahead they could see grandma Feng waiting for them. Qing Qing had already drifted away on Lin Cheng's shoulders. She was sleeping soundly.

While Lin Cheng was carrying the young miss, Xia Yun was right beside them, taking a blanket from one of the staffs to cover Qing Qing.

She was busying taking care of Qing Qing that she did not realize there was another person staring at her the whole time. When she had finished, she finally looked up, but the other person had already looked another way.

Xia Yun only briefly looked at him before looking away. Then, there was only silence left between them.

On the sides, grandma Feng was sending her last guests off. The two guests were a couple, another elder of the Feng family's cooperation. It was Mrs Shen and Mr Shen of the Shen family.

In the corner of one of Mrs Shen's eyes, she saw the two figures approaching, "Oh well, isn't that Jun Kai. I remember seeing him when he was just a little bud, but now he's all grown up."

Her husband, Mr Shen, only turned his gaze to the approaching people and couldn't help but sigh.

Grandma Feng faintly said, "Oh, Jun Kai?" She then turned around and saw the two coming over.

However, Jun Kai's face was slightly ashen. Grandma Feng wondered what had got into him now.

Mrs Shen could not help but tease when she saw another person was with Jun Kai, "Hm? Grandma Feng, I wonder who that young lady is, isn't she also the one he danced with? I remember that dress since she walked in, very suiting."

Grandma Feng turned back to answer with a face full of smiles, "A very decent person of mine."

"Aiyoo, but look at Jun Kai pulling her, such a matching couple; one is a handsome young man and another looks like she is a very pretty young lady." Mrs Shen being an elderly lady couldn't help but express her thoughts.

Although she could not clearly see the face of the lady behind Jun Kai, the figure from afar was enough to tell.

However, only Mr Shen could not help but scoff. A prideful man like Jun Kai would fall for her? If there's nothing special then she would soon be forgotten. Like father like son.

Only my Fei Ling girl was able to make this young man fall for her. Looking at the girl in front, there was no such aura that could compare to Fei Ling.

Seeing her husband being salty, the elder rolled her eyes and apologized to grandma Feng through her eyes.

She knew grandma Feng valued that young lady. Unlike her husband, she began to wonder how such a young lady could be able to please grandma Feng who had been through many rough waters.

As Jun Kai pulled Mi Rong closer, only then did the elders see Mi Rong's face more properly.

They were both shocked. Mrs Shen had to hold onto her husband's arm for support.

This, how could this be?

This young lady, she was too similar to their daughter. However, their daughter had already passed away in the accident and how could this happen? Was it just a mere accident that this young lady looked like their daughter?

Looking at the age, they would have been nearly 20 years apart, so this young lady could never be their daughter.

After regaining her strength, Mrs Shen slowly took a step forward.

"Grandma Feng, this is?"

"Oh, Mi Rong-ah, come and say hi to Mrs and Mr Shen." Grandma Feng spoke while making way for Mi Rong to see the two elders.

When Mi Rong saw the two elders, she was in a daze.

These two people, they looked just like her grandparents on her mother's side. However, upon looking closer, there were some differences. Although they look similar, they were not the same.

Some people in this world may look similar or the same, but they are still two different people.

No matter who you are, there is only one you in this world.

She quickly shoved her thoughts to the back of her head and politely greeted the two elders, "Greetings to Mrs and Mr Shen, this young one is called Mi Rong."

Jun Kai could not stand hearing Mi Rong calling herself young one. Only now does she call herself a young one? All this time she does not even act like she is a "Young" lady.

"You really look similar to her." Mrs Shen softly blurted.

Grandma Feng, who was closer but was unable to hear clearly asked, "Sorry? What was that again Mrs Shen?"

Mr Shen gently shook Mrs Shen's hand.

With this, Mrs Shen replied, "Oh, nothing, nothing. You really look good. May I ask who your parents are?"

Mr Shen had to pull his wife back from being too obvious.

Upon Mi Rong's background, Jun Kai's attention was on Mi Rong; waiting for her answer.

On the other hand, Mi Rong was momentarily confused, but continued to reply, "Sorry, Mr Shen, I don't know who my parents are. I only remember growing up in the orphanage in Korea."


Grandma Feng felt like there was something off, so she worryingly asked, "Is there anything wrong?"

Mr Shen who was calmer, simply replied, "It is nothing. I think it is getting late. We should be off now." Then, he carefully pulled his wife to their car which was not parked too far away.

While the two elders' back went further away, Mi Rong's eyes were still looking at them with mixed emotions.

Sigh, what a coincidence.

However, little did she know that there was no such thing as coincidences in this world. There was always a reason for everything.