Silent but Apparent

Inside a car

"Do you think she could be her? Our Fang-er's twin daughter?"

"Sigh, I also don't know. It's been a long time since that incident. I..I" Mr Shen's voice was uncertain. He could not give any answer to his wife.

"Forget it. It's in the past now. One day, the answers will be given to us." Mrs Shen's wife's tone was tired. She slowly rested her head on her husband's shoulder and closed her weary eyes.

"Yes, hopefully. Let's go."

On the other side

"Mi Rong, let's go." Grandma Feng had to call Mi Rong twice before she got her attention. What is wrong with people these days; always thinking of something else? Even Mi Rong is becoming one of them.

Mi Rong finally took her eyes away from the car that had just left. Oh well, what a day.

She then walked to the car and was about to get in the car when she found that there were no more seats left in grandma Feng's car.

Since Qing Qing was laying on Grandma Feng's lap in back seats, the back seats were fully occupied. Then in the very front, Xia Yun was sitting beside Lin Cheng who was in the driver's seat with an annoyed face.

The only available car left was Jun Kai's car. He had just got on his black sports car.

Mi Rong looked at grandma Feng for some help. What to do?

Grandma Feng looked at Mi Rong, "Mi Rong ah, I think Jun Kai would not mind if you sit with him."

Uh, huh? This is not what she had expected at all.

Then, a loud honk came from a black sports car.

Mi Rong rolled her eyes; this young man never has any manners at all. Fine! This aunty will teach you a lesson soon.

She grumpily got on Jun Kai's car. Since there were only two seats in the car, she had to sit beside him.

Such a suffocating thing to do, ugh.

It didn't take long before the engines started. From the outside, there was a loud roar coming from the sports car as the engines started and drove off from the hotel. The car was gone with the wind.

Mi Rong who was beside did not mind the speed as she was already familiar to being speedy. She only sat comfortably in her own seat.

If it was back where she had come from, she would have been gliding on her horse with maximum speed. This was similar but different. However, deep inside, she already had assurance in the person beside her.

On the other hand, Jun Kai was slightly surprised that she did not freak out or even complain about the speed he was driving like he had expected, or was she trying to not show it?

His lips hooked up and his feet pressed harder on the accelerator. Nevertheless, it did affect her at all. His brows furrowed and completely gave up trying to scare her.

He was driving his normal speed and did not speak a word, neither did Mi Rong. The car was completely silent. However, it was not as awkward as both of them have become more familiar with each other's presence.

Because of the peacefulness, Mi Rong gradually fell asleep in her seat. She had woken up early yesterday just to check up on the location and her weary eyes slowly gave up.

The next moment, she was sleeping soundly.

Jun Kai seemed to have realized the soft breathing of the person beside him, thus reduced his speed slightly so that the engines would not disturb her much. Sigh.

At grandma Feng's house, only the gate lights were lit and the entire house was dark. All the maids had long gone home and the housekeeper Hai, who had returned first, was waiting in his own room.

He heard noises from the gate and knew his masters had returned. With his old body, housekeeper Hai rose up from his seat and turned on the switch to the entire house.

The black sports car had arrived first before the others. When it was driven in front of the mansion, the roaring engines finally stopped.

Then, the driver's seat's door was opened and a tall handsome figure walked out from the car. His face was much more relaxed than other times.

His long legs then took s few steps forward and the next thing he knew; he was already standing in front of the passenger's door.

Jun Kai was not sure of what to do. He simply stared at the window with confused eyes. His own reflection could be seen since the window was so dark that no light went through it. With the silent sound of the night, he reached out his hand and softly opened the passenger door.

Once the door was opened, the sleeping lady was still happily in her dreams. She looked so calm and peaceful that he did not want to disturb her. Sigh. There was only one option left.

He leaned forward and unstrapped her seat belt.

Because of the rustle, Mi Rong's eyes popped open. When she recognized who the person in front of her was, she felt relieved that it was not someone else. However, when she thought about it again, he was way too close to her.

Their eyes were staring into each other.

It was like they were sharing each other's thoughts. As their faces were close to each other; a moon-like birthmark that was shaped in half by her earlobe caught his attention.

What a strange mark.

Before he could see any further, "Ahem," came from the passenger's seat.

Jun Kai immediately stood up, "We're home."

Mi Rong simply replied, "Oh, thank you."

"Hm." Jun Kai took one glance at Mi Rong and then turned away.

After exchanging a few words, they both did not know what else to say to each other. Silence emerged once again.

Behind the main doors of the Feng mansion, Housekeeper Hai was trying his best to walk softly to the door.

He slightly pushed the curtains by the door away. Then, his old body leaned forward and peaked through the gap he made.

Once he saw his young master being all cutesy, he could not help but smile. It feels like a sweet scent coming from the pair.

The old housekeeper felt happy to see his young master happy once again.

He then went back to his chair by the door and sat down. His arms folded and his eyes shut, singing a soft lullaby to himself.