Inside the Box

After Mi Rong had settled down, the rest of the audience had woken up from their trance and all sat down on their respective seats.

Once again, the auctioneer took the microphone, this time there was no other noise coming out from the microphone except the auctioneers. Everyone felt relieved to not hear the shrieking noise from the microphone from a moment ago.

Mister Ye's complexion seemed to have improved but he was still breathing heavily. At first, Feng Min had not noticed the change with mister Ye as he was too focused on the arrival of the Xuan leader.

Only when he sat down did he notice the change in mister Ye. Although having a mask on, the other half of his face was exposed. Thus, from a close range, Feng Min was able to notice the rather strange expression mister Ye had. It was as if all the strength was drawn out from him.

"Mister Ye, are you alright?"

Mister Ye only shook his hand to Feng Min to signal to the other person to not mention about it. However, both Jun Kai and Xue Li had turned their attention to mister Ye. They both saw mister Ye with a rather pale face.

Nevertheless, Jun Kai did not probe further and left mister Ye to recover. It did not look too critical, but all of sudden mister Ye having this reaction was unusual. Then, what could have been the source of it? Jun Kai could not think of any other reasons why and left it as it was. He had another important business to focus on tonight and the main person had just arrived.

On the stage, the auctioneer smiled a sly smile. He tucked his monocle inwards and spoke, "Here we have our most respective Xuan leader." He did not forget to extend his hand in a welcoming manner to the Xuan leader.

The Xuan leader simply nodded towards the auctioneer. Confirming to most of the audience that the Xuan leader was indeed the woman before their eyes. Seeing the respective manner of the Xuan group, there should be no mistakes.

"Now, to all our honoured guests. The Xuan Group would like to introduce you to a very special item. Whoever has won the bid for this item, our leader would personally gift this utmost precious item to the winner. Also, our leader will be granting one favour to the winner of this bid." The audience was in an uproar. The Xuan leader would personally send whatever was in the box to the winner? Everyone's eyes lit up. You could see the passion in everyone's eyes.

Jun Kai's sharp brows furrowed. His eyes were locked on the Xuan leader with many questions. This move, he did not understand. What was the Xuan leader's intention? Why was she risking a favour to another? It was truly unlike the Xuan Group that he had been searching this whole time. From his research, the Xuan Group could be anything else, but generous. What changed them?

Mi Rong watched as the majority of the audience's reaction turn greedy. Her lips hooked up ever so slightly. She never knew she was this popular, tut tut.

On the other hand, Xiao Bai the snowy weasel couldn't hold it in, "Aya, such scary eyes huh?"

Mi Rong chuckled and teased Xiao Bai, "Keke, don't forget how many people you have scared off with your eyes."

Xiao Bai looked up towards Mi Rong's direction, "Look, it ain't the same. I scare off nasty people. However, these people scare nice people like me off."

Mi Rong rolled her eyes. Before she could mention anything about Xiao Bai self-confidence, "Ah ah, don't think I don't know what you'll say, my princess. I'm sure you've just rolled your eyes, but it's most certainly true. Only nice people like Qing Qing love my eyes, see, I don't scare people off, hmph."

With close distance, people might be able to see Mi Rong shaking slightly as she was trying her best to hold in her laughter. This lovely wolf of hers could really make up excuses for himself without any second thoughts.

Ah, It might be true but his self-confidence has risen by twice or maybe it might be because of his transformation into a weasel and had made his mood swing even stronger haha.

Xiao Bai seemed to have thought of something and said, "But it looks like Qing Qing's father is unlike the others. Look, he doesn't seem that desperate like we thought?"

Mi Rong looked up once again, "He could just be acting. Who knows, deep inside, he might be crying out to find answers about his wife." Thinking about this, she too did not understand why she would go this far to help him when all he thought was about his wife, tsk tsk.

Maybe Qing Qing was why she wanted justice to this incident. Also, she was almost injured and the thought of having the person responsible for this being taken down sounded better than having to let them enjoy their time around. Anyways, it wouldn't be long until the truth comes out.

Nevertheless, they both exchanged a brief conversation. The auctioneer on the podium had proceeded to speak when the crowd had calmed down, "Now, I would like to introduce everyone to our Xuan Group's precious item of the night. We have recently discovered it. It is small but was once a deadly weapon. Now, it can be used as a good luck ornament for the winner's house."

The auctioneer's voice rosed slightly higher, showing his excitement to introduce the new item, "Ladies and Gentlemen, we would like to introduce you to the one and only Long Tian cuff sword. Long for the dragon and Tian for the heavens. Together, it is the heaven's dragon cuff sword. In ancient time, it was said that this weapon was used to be a divine weapon. Only the worthy was able to use it." The auctioneer then stopped for a brief moment. The audience were all speaking in their hushed voices. Trying to keep their posture.

Once, the audience had quietened, the auctioneer then proceeded to say, "However, without its thin sword, the weapon is harmless. Legends say that there was another replicate of this weapon. These two weapons were crafted by the same swordsman. The two were identical twins, and they would call upon one another. Nevertheless, these were all legends, but without its twin, this is a special auspicious item for our honoured guests." The auctioneer was well experienced and knew how to draw the audience in.

On cue, the Xuan leader stood up, and then slowly opened the box to reveal what was inside. There laid a small but not too small item inside the box. The audience gasped. The patterns were well crafted with a golden dragon on it. Somehow, everyone was able to sense a strong aura coming from the item. It must truly be an auspicious item indeed.

However, in the crowd, someone was surprised. They really had it in possession. His surprise then turned cautious. Very interesting. The Xuan leader was far more capable then he had thought. He wondered who could it be that had sent words in the dark world all about this weapon. Before coming here, news had spread about this weapon, and everyone from the underground was hyped up about it, especially him.

He couldn't let anyone take it. This weapon was not a hoax or only just in the legends. The other twin was within his possession. This Long Tian weapon used to be one of the deadliest weapons and was called as the inseparable twin swords. This was the Long cuff sword and the Tian cuff sword was in his hand; the two were called Long Tian. He had used all his spell to call this weapon back from ancient time. Never in a million years, did he think that the other twin of this weapon would also be called back.

If anyone else had taken it, this small but unordinary cuff sword that he had used on that crash accident would then be exposed especially if that person who won it was Jun Kai. This boy had already found out that his wife did not die in an accident, but was killed. If he searched further, then he didn't know what would happen.

As the pair of weapons were linked, if the other person also found the spell to call the other twin weapon which was in his possession, then the consequences would be brutal. The owner of the twins would immediately be pulled to meet each other. No spell could ever stop it, no matter how strong one was. It was a weapon made from the heavens itself. Even if they couldn't find the spell, he wasn't going to risk it being found. Such a troublesome organization.

This wouldn't do, he would have to be the winner only.