Battling for the Deal

The auction for the Long Tian sword had begun.

Mi Rong was now patiently sitting, waiting for whoever could win over this item. On the other hand, Xiao Bai had already drifted off on Mi Rong's lap not caring of the intense surrounding.

"We will start with 1,000,000 Yuan." The auctioneer announced proudly to the crowd.

Immediately, one person in the crowd raised his hand and announced, "1,500,000 Yuan!"

The auctioneer smiled, "1,500,000 Yuan from the gentleman on my right hand. Is there anyone else who would like to bid more?"

Right away another said, "2,000,000 Yuan."

The price had rosed up to 10,000,000 Yuan within minutes. The first gentleman who had first bid had already stopped. The crowd was now silent. No one seemed to have any intentions to bid for more.

The recent person holding the 10,000,000 price was quite intent to have the weapon fallen in his hand. The auctioneer began calling the final calls, "10,000,000 one, 10,000,000 two,..."

All of a sudden, a gentleman in white stood up, "15,000,000 Yuan!" All eyes turned to the source of the voice. Surprisingly, it was mister Ye.

Mi Rong had also caught attention to this. Her eyebrows automatically raised up. What did this mean? Mi Rong wondered to herself; mister Ye who had not even eyed any other items was now bidding for this one and only weapon…He really does have good eyes. However, could there be more to his intentions? No one would know but himself. Interesting. Mi Rong wondered to herself.

Then, another surprise came from another unexpected guest. Everyone was astonished. A well-known figure suited in black stood up, "20,000,000 Yuan," the soon to be chairman of the Feng family had finally made his bid. Jun Kai had stood up and finally made his bid. It was also his first bidding of the night and it so happens to be the same with mister Ye.

He stood proud and tall. His eyes had been focusing ahead before shifting to the Xuan leader and then to mister Ye. His face did not show any emotions, but his eyes were sharp than ever.

Hmph, "30,000,000 Yuan!" Mister Ye called out proudly.

Jun Kai smirked slightly, "40,000,000 Yuan." His voice rang in the crowd's ears. The price was really shocking indeed for a small item like that.

"50,000,000!" Once again, Mister Ye spoke out loud.

Unhesitantly, Jun Kai spoke, "60,000,000 Yuan."

Mister Ye did not back off, "70,000,000!"

Gasped, the price was truly shocking. The battle was intense.

Xue Li stepped up and held Jun Kai back lightly on his arm, "Jun Kai," She waited until Jun Kai turned his attention to her, "I think it's not worth your company's money." Her eyes showed signs of worry for this particular person.

Watching this scene portraying, others began to gossip. This pair? They seemed so perfect together. One was a young miss from the prestigious Li family and the other was the soon to be chairman of the Feng family. If these two made ties, then the Feng family would be formidable. Far stronger from when father Feng was in the business. Sigh, this thought had intimidated many. Looking at the affection and worry from miss Xue Li's gestures, it seems she had all her eyes on the master Feng.

Mi Rong looked like she wanted to vomit inside her veil. Why was this showing in front of her, ugh, if they want to be a couple why not go somewhere else!? The thought caused her chest to puff up and down slightly harder. Xiao Bai felt slightly uncomfortable and moved around. Seeing Xiao Bai uncomfortable, Mi Rong calmed herself down. Tsk.

Jun Kai turned around and signalled Lin Cheng to come closer, "What did grandmother say?"

"Boss, the chairwoman had said she has opened the bank account for you, sir. She said you can go as far as you can, but make sure boss get to meet the Xuan leader. She had also reminded for the young master to not use all of your money, 60,000,000 is enough from you and the rest she will take care of, sir."

Jun Kai's smiled. This time his smile was grateful and was a rare smile. It was not cold nor indifferent, but warm. Only his family members seemed to have this effect on Jun Kai. Since his lovely grandmother viewed it fitting for him to strike forth and was spoiling him, then he did not see any point of stopping. He then turned to look at Xue Li, "Don't worry," Slowly, he took Xue Li's hand that was on his arm away. Her eyes showed some signs of disappointment.

The auctioneer was about to close the deal when Jun Kai spoke out, "100,000,000 Yuan." He wanted to finish the deal off and finally stop here once and for all.

Before mister Ye could speak anymore, a chilling kind of bird flew onto mister Ye. Contrasting from mister Ye in white, the bird was as black as the night without its moon. If you look closer, its eyes were in a dark shade of red and sharp like a dagger. It was a hawk and was standing proud and tall on mister Yes arm. Nobody knew where or how did the bird get inside the auditorium.

Mi Rong furrowed her brows. How was this bird able to get in?

Nevertheless, a small letter was in its beak.

Mister Ye took out the letter and read. The letter wrote; the shareholders are getting restless, you should stop here.

Mister Ye crumbled up the small paper. He was furious. Those folks have no guts! The money they made was all from him. How dare they stop him?

Once again, mister Ye raised his hand, "200,000,000!" The bird couldn't help but shriek lightly.

Xiao Bai's small ears fidgeted. Someone had completely disturbed his sleep. He looked up to the noise. However, he didn't know that his eyes had turned blue like his usual eye colour when he looked at the newcomer. Just as quickly, it vanished and all was left was his black eyes of a weasel.

The black hawk had felt a strong presence and eyed at the snow white weasel resting. When the weasel looked at him, he thought he mistook it from something else. A moment ago, this ordinary weasel had blue eyes? Or was it not?

The two animals were looking at each other for a brief moment. It must have been mistaken, because the next moment, the weasel casually turned it's head around and his tail was now facing him. It then fell asleep in the woman in red's lap. Strange, but the hawk could not focus on anything else but his master. Mister Ye had already raised up his price and if the bid went through, the board would not be happy.

Jun Kai smiled. For a moment, he stood still and let the auctioneer count down until the last minute. Xue Li was now very worried. She knew Jun Kai fair well. If he wanted something, he would not stop pursuing it.

"300,000,000 Yuan." He spoke in the last minute.

Mister Ye displeasingly looked at Jun Kai. This boy! On the other hand, Jun Kai casually looked back. His lips hooked up slightly in a challenging motion. He was beginning to enjoy it now and haven't felt this amused in a long time. Maybe it was all thanks to the leader. His eyes became softer when he looked at the leader. Hopefully, she keeps this tranquillity when he meets her.

Mister Ye clenched his hand tightly. Never in a million years did he think that he would lose to a boy like this. Very, very troublesome indeed.

"300,000,000 one, 300,000,000 two, 300,000,000 three?" With a loud stamp from the wooden hammer, the deal was, "Sold!"

Everyone in the audience let out their breath. It was finally done and all clapped their hands as the event had ended.

Mi Rong's lips hooked up. So in the end, you got the deal, hm?