Chapter 7: District battle

[POV: Richard, Justbin, Lith]

[POV: Richard]

Armed and alert, the helicopters drop down to District 117. In addition to 117 three districts have appeared on the horizon, Wyern begin their climb up towards our desending hight. Divided into 7 squadrons each with 3 helicopters. Every squadron with the instruction to independently open fire on the Wyern. Rockets hiss, balls whir and Wyern screech or gargle furiously towards their end, while the helis sinks rapidly to the ground.

-Ace System Locked-

Disabled skills in district fighting or invasions

The message appears on my glove while I try to use one of the skills. Annoyed, I give up, take back the golden glove and stripe a tactical combat sleve over my black tattoo and check one last time my equipment.

-Grenades, ammunition ... Everything check.- I think and look out the window of the helicopter.

Because suddenly a lightning bolt hits from the ground from a nearby helicopter. Accompanied by the thunder of lightning, the helicopter can not fly any further and crashes into the streets of District 117 accompanied by small explosions. Like in a storm my helicopter is hit by bullets and staggers. After one of these decisions I see outside the window a red figure holding a figure in the middle of the battlefield.

-Lith- I think, before the next moment my heli gets hit and falls into one of the many skyscrapers that form the skyline of my district.

On impact, I am rudely ejected from the helicopter. Glass breaks, metal bends and I am drowsy for a short time. At the same time my air cavalry is being decimated by wyers and wizards in the air, as well as my troops by giants and other sinister creatures on the ground.

I rattle myself up, put on my M4 and storm to the edge of the skyscraper. With deadly precision, I open the fire and let death rain down on the hordes of invading enemies. - head, heart, head, heart ... - I think while I always give two shots per target. '' Change magazine! '' I comment loudly, throwing out my empty magazine and inserting a full, to the other units of my team, which close to me also shoot at the enemy. Then suddenly a wyern appears right in front of us, spraying black acid. Reflexively, I immediately fire a grenade from my M4 at the monster. With a bang and bestial high-frequency screaming, the Wyern crashes into the street below my position. Only now do I realize that I am alone. The burnt-out remains of my nameless units, whose cries I barely heard in battle, one time this war. A flash of lightning skips past my head and I find a magician in long white robes at some distance from me. Immediately I pull my M17 and put it into stormmode. The bastard would give me answers now ...

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[POV: Justbin]

From his position high above the ground, Justbin Timber, district 9 administrator and general of the veteran force that devastates the district below, surveys his imminent victory. The cries, shouts and prayers of the innocent residents are fanfares of victory in his life. With the defenseless female NPC in the user's arms, defeat is already impossible. Finally, the shame that I had to endure among you the last days will be paid off.- Thinks Justbin to himself in the hellish spectacle under him. Complacent and eager to submit to this user, the General is surprised when a squadron of Iron Hunters burst out of the clouds above him and attack his army.

'' Extinguish 'em. "He commands the second district governors and a squadron of Mounted Wyern and clerics begin to attack the hunters. The two allied governors, a Draken Variant, and an Elber Variant float not far from Justbin, each resuming command fo their respected troops. The Drake is a 2m tall guy with a lizard like face and smooth white scales, while he Elder is a slender 1,99m tall woman with an elegent aura to her. -I hate them bouth, self serving asses.- Thinks Timber wile keeping taps on his two allys.

With acid and lightning the defenders are brought from the sky. In vain, seeing the devastation of their district, the NPC fights wildly in Timber's arms.

"Well, leave that alone. Your user will surely die with you. So why the hurry ?! " He comments so the futile efforts of his opponent to stop him.

''General we lose a lot of units not far from here, '' reports the Elber Variant.

"Alright. So your user has to be there. '' Timber thinks and lets himself be led by the governors to the hotly contested skyscraper. With a bang in front of him a wyern crashes injured on the street.

'Stop User or your NPC dies!' Threatens Timber from above and low voice to the shooter. With dirty uniform, smoldering rifle and bald head the soldier is the parade example of a new user.

-Unediucated, unarmed and without NPC, an easy game.- Thinks Timber and plunges directly on his victim without this even the chance to give answers .

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[POV: Lith]

Faint by the sudden acceleration of her attacker, Lith awakens in her personal hell. With the view from the skyscraper on the buildings in flames, the murders, rape and looting underneath it hears at the same time the bursting of concrete and bones as well as grenade impacts. Lith straightens up and sees with horror a struggling Richard in vain. The discrepancy of the adversaries is like day and night. Richard gasps with desperation at the relaxed Timber approaching him. Armor piercing bullets, grenades, and explosions do not even leave the general a sliver of hair, let alone scratches. Two meters from each other, Richard finally gives up his weapons and goes into close combat. A strong punch from Richards left finally shows effect and forces the attacker on one knee.

''This is for ... '' Richards speech and his won upper hand are only short, the out of the kneel fall out Justbin from the ground and rammed parallel to the ground with both fists on the variants. Immediately Richard is thrown to the ground and a hail of bone-bursting fists pounces on him. With a strong kick, Richard finally manages to distance himself from the general. Equally strong - Thinks of Lith, which slowly brings in a corner of the floor to safety. But with disappointment, she realizes that her corner is not safe, as Timber begins throwing a variety of projectiles at her Titan. From rotor blades to steel cabinets and massive wood desks to torn-off partitions everything becomes a bullet before Timber.

'' Finally give up users! Your district has fallen. Kneel down and accept your fate! '' Justbin yells at Richard, discovering Lith's distracted look to his right.

'' Never you miserable wiper. '' Roars Lith and steers do Timber from visibly exhausted Richard. ''Good. You bring me an idea. HAHAHAHAH! '' Timber says, grabs Lith and hurls her to heaven. Lith only hears the demonic laugh of the general .

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[PoV : Richard]

With total hatred, I have to watch as my beautiful, angelic shoot sky. Defeated and defeated, I give up all resistance.

''Good. You won. What do you want to catch them for sure? '' I ask my attacker, knowing that I need his help to rescue Lith.

''HAHAHAHA. Finally you strap on who the boss is here. Stretch out your beautiful arm then maybe I'll help your little one ... Oh. She comes down again. Better hurry up. '' The Fucker interrogates me with his words, eyes fixed on the sky. I, too, look up and see Lith screaming and approaching the ground.

''All right then. You win." I answer him, stretching out my arm as I kneel in front of my enemy. -For Lith.- I think while Timber's pounder mercilessly goes down on my arm. Incredible pain seizes me and brings tears to my eyes and I'm close to fainting. My palm is porridge, my fingers are broken, my glove is dented and the stones are splintering. With a leap the general rushes into the air, seemingly to save Lith. At least he keeps his word.- I think while I'm being taught otherwise. Within seconds, he took Lith in his arms and hits the concrete floor of my skyscraper floor in front of me.Knack ... Sounds the quiet but audible sound of Lith's exposed neck. Lith's gaze is empty and lifeless. Shock and surprise are reflected on her dead face.

-Lith is death- I think and the thought makes me forget my own pain. Like garbage, Timber Lith drops to the floor from where I cautiously take my arms.

'' So two out of three. Sorry I'm just fighting for perfection!''- fuck you - I think the general will comment on my double pain before I feel my self getting impalied from behind. Justbin must have used one of the steel pipes out of one of the ript open walls to kill me. With a faint smile i touch Liths face befor I collaps face first onto the floor. I can hear the faint wisper of timbers voice.

''Three out of three. It was worth it. ''