Chapter 8: Endless Desert

[PoV: Lith]

The desert was the apotheosis of all deserts, huge, standing to the sky for what might have been parsecs in all directions. Brown; blinding; waterless; without feature save for the faint, no cloudy haze of mountains on the horizon wich could sicnify something other than sand only the sweet dreams of nightmares cover this land of the dead. An occasional half withert tombstone sign points the way, for the once drifted track that might have cut its way through the thick crust of alkali that had been a highway out of this world. The world had moved on since then. The world had emptied. Only the endless desert remain now.

In this never ending hell Lith walkes stolidly, not hurrying, not loafing with a semingly endless reserve s of energie. Her eyes burn as if they had been blindet by middeval means, her trougt is dry like the desert and her body is constantly near the border of dying. Constandly she forgets how long she is already walking for and why she doesn't die.

-Right I'm already dead.- Lith remainds her self with a dry smile and keeps on walking. With out her concisly knowing Lith walks in a strait line in the burning halos direction which illuminates this god forsaken land.

After an unknown amount of time Lith reaches a big hill with some kind of ruin structure on top above which the burning halo hovers. Mith her last energy thats seams to be seeping out of ther bones all of a sudden Lith reaches the ruins anf collaps into unconsciousness.

Shortly after that Liths consciousness rushes back into her body and fills her with new life.

''Stay still girl no rush.'' Sounds a kind and gentel voice in Liths ears and she opens her eyes to a void of darkness. The bright halo is gone and the world fell into the abyss.

''Where am I? Who are you?'' Asks Lith with new found energy and bravery.

''I'm Helena. Helena Fischer. I'm like you a dead NPC bound to my User. This place is neither haven nore hell. I like to call it 'Purgatory' or the 'Antithesisrealm'.'' Answers the voice bitter sweet Liths question.

''Could you please show yourself? I don't like talking to only a voice.''Requests Lith and a glowing figure of a blonde woman emerges out of the darkness.

''Sorry I have forgotten to show my self to you. A bad habbid you to will have lifing her for as long as as I have...'' Apologizes the Helena to Lith, coming closer to her. Helena is quite short and slender with only 1,69m compared to Liths new bosomy 1,82m.

''I think we should habe a talk at a more civiliced place.''Announces Helena, taking Liths hand and leading her to a narrow walkway on the left side of the ruins which leads to a small massiv build door. Helena trows out some light spheres from her fingertips eluminating the door and the room beyond. To Liths shock the room is decorated like an appartmend whichs concept is not to unfamiliar for her. Onlie now in this lightened environment can Lith view Helenas strange attire, composed out of a white ethereal dress and white high heels. He clothing fabric seams to be moving on it's own.

''Nice don't you think so?'' Comments Helena Liths strange look.

''It is, I'm just...'' lith is at a loss for words. -How to word my experiences of the last hours? Days? Weeks?-

''Let's start from the beginning. I will tell you my story than you tell me yours. Ok?'' Asks Helena with a sweet motherly smile and Lith nodds in agreement.

''Puh, where to begin...''

-Helena Fischer had been in labour, when the father of her daughter left her. Dispite all odds she was able to raise her daughter to the age of three before the district battles spread to her district. Der disticts User to Helenas astounding was her high school sweetheart, she had left for her daughters father. The User wanted Helena to become his NPC but she refused him because of their shared history and her daughter. The battles betwen the districts intensified when it was diagnosed thet Helenas dauther had a deadly desease and only a vew houres to life. Under that kind of pressure she made a deal thit the User. Her freedom for her daughters life. That was the story how Helena became an NPC like me.-

Lith summarises what Helena told her befor she tells her story. Where Helenas story span across fife to 6 months, Liths span only houres.

''Your extraordinary lucky. Your User was able to have this kind of power.'' Lith comments, when Lith discribes how Richard had changed her body.

''I think so to. To bad that we didn't have more time together...'' Answers Lith and a gloomy mood spreads through the room.

''How did you die? If I'm allowed to ask?''

''Not now. My be later. First we have to find you a place to sleep.'' Says Helena, breaking the bad mood.

''How did you find this place?'' Lith Asks while being led deeper into the vault.

''This was already here. I woke up in this place. It seems to be a mirror image of the real world, because I lift here together with my User and daughter, before...'' Answers Helena and shows me to a room a kin to a study.

''...I don't know why but this part of the hole villa never changes, so there should be a sofa bed around here.'' She comments while learning the two of them tough rows and rows of wooden book and storage shelfs full ofall kinds of books, dvds, vhs and other information storage mediums. Lith scims the book and dvd titels casually and notes familiar and unfamiliar names. - Karl Marx, das Kapital; Sun Zu, the art of war; Bladerunner 2049; Tolkins, Lord of the rings;...-

''Ah here it is!''Announces Helena with a voice full of victory as if the had won a huge war. Lith finds her new friend bevore a huge sand coloured leather sofa bed. Out of thin air Helena pulls out beddings and gifts them to the astonished Lith.

''A small trick from this form of existence. If we are anything that it is energy and enery is mass and acceleration. So you just have to keep the acceleration to yourself and get mass. The same goes for light. The halo that you must have followed was created through the same principle only on a larger scale!'' Explains Helena when walking of and leaving Lith alone.

''See you tomorrow!'' Says Helena before closing the door of the study. Casually Lith scans the opposite the sofa Lith, where she finds an old dvd player and tv. -27 dresses- Lith is to riled up about the hole situation she is facing, so she seeks peace and silence to arrange your troublet thoughts by throwing in one of her favourite movies. The simple plot with the more than lazy writing and happy end is perfect for Lith to chill out and relax.

-I whish I had forced Richard to she this movie with me or better I should have seen Dirty Dancing with him. Shit he would have look really good in tight fitting jeans...- She thinks while laughing aboute Jane, Katherine Heigls character, that is destined to fail to close her wardrobe befor the prince arrives. And so in her bubble of funny romantic comedy absorbed she has a generaly good time notwithstanding that she is dead.

Nearly two hours later Lith puts the bedding onto the sofa and undresses her self. The is relaxed and a small smile can be seen on her face, when she sees her white panty and bra. Losing her bra and putting on a night shirt Lith falls fast asleep into an dreamles sleep thinking about her Titan.