Chapter 15: Outskirts of the Capital

[PoV: Silencer]

When we reach the outskirts of the fallen kingdoms capital city we find a battlefield between burning hot sand and freezing cold vegetation. Both reclaiming a parts of the ruined structures. ''Shouldn't a world tree be visible from some distance away?''Asks Lith looking a bit confused. Looking up at me she hesitantly puts her hand on my cheek and says. ''You have gotten your self some stubble . If you let the yourself grow a beard you would look like old Kratos from God of War 4.'' A God of War?! I don't know who Kratos is but the tital God of War... I like it. Fo you want to worship me as the God of War?'' I ask her looking serious and imposing. ''I like to worship you with and without a beard but I think one would suit you quite well until we reach district 117.'' She answers playing with the stubble on my chin. ''We should follow Gauklers suggestion and search for hidden treasures. Mybe we find one of the things suitable for unlocking my abilitys in a fight.'' I tell her cooling a bit off and get some distance between us. ''Ok. Leade the way oh my titan god!'' She says and starts to run around exploring the near by ruins. I look in the distance and kan already see the sea of ruins that once must have been a colossal metropolis the size 13 times bigger than my district 117. With my backpack full of provisions flung over my right shoulder I lead the way but I am quickly following Lith who is running around like a manic.

After a good half a day walking in this fat, half brown sand, half green fields, with ruined structures here and there I ask Lith. ''When Timber broke your neck and you met Helena what kind of place were you?'' ''Oh it was the opposit of the endles Jungle Odin lifed in. Similar to this place actually only without any life only sand sand sand... Oh did I tell you about the burnig sund and the cooking sand...'' She answers me jokingly but suddenly stops talking. I look at here she just stood but only find some haire of heres vanishing into the sand. Shocked I run to her but I to begin sinking into the sand like a drunk into the open sea. I feel the sand sketching my arms, neck, face and head, drawing blood on my armes, which I use to shield my face. I feel a suffocating pressure on my lungs for some time before suddenly being freed from it when falling out of the sand. ''Finally you came out!'' I hear Lith say when freeing my ears from the dry sand. In contrast to me Lith looks as good as ever without any injuries visible to me with a model pose, bet and rifel on her back she looks like a cover girl for any gun mazine out there. ''I'm fine just gife me some time and air to breath.'' I tell her when she cleans thescratches on my arms. ''Where are we?'' I ask Lith. ''I think this is some type of cathedral. The inscriptions on the walls tell the tale of the founding of the Yggdrasilian Kingdom and the high dome like sealings are even higher than Odins market dome. So I shouldn't be to fare of the mark in my analysis.'' She tells me proudly and I am reminded that Lith is more than just a pretty face and killer body, beacuse she had been an anlayst for D.S. for years before she and I met. So I sand up and look arround. I now begin to understand why I can see Lith although we are currently more tahn 15 meters underground. Ornaments and Symbols decorated with colourful stones eliminate the room all around us. ''Can you read any of these?'' I ask Lith mesmerised by the workmanship and fine craft nessesary to create a place like this. ''Only bits and peaces here and there...'' While we search for an exit Lith reads to me all she can decode out loud. The Ornaments indeed tell the tale of the founding of a kingdome. So I mentaly sum up all Lith can tell me.

-The King Art came from out of nowhere with is wife Queen Gwenera. He the strongest warrior she the strongest mage found the kingdom with the intention of establishing peace. Together with thirteen knights they secured the kingdome established wealth for all citizens and hailed as gods over an empire they later established. Numerous pictures depict all the glorious tales of the king and his knights hailing glorious victorys in every war.-

Omitting the exquisite Ornaments and legends on the wall, fores and sealings the hole cathedral is devoid of any thing. No furnitures, altar or eye catching decorum not even a big amound of sand can be found leaking through cracks or holes in the walls. After some more than nine houres bothe Lith and I come up empty for any visible exit. I think about using my Roomstone to get us out of this place when suddenly some sounds can be heard from leaking sand falling down. With a loud band a big chunk of the sealing comes crashing down from more than 50 meters above us only to show the shadow of a small body cast in a halo of light. ''Ahahaha I'm rich!'' Shouts the shadow in a happy sound. I look up to the shadow and greet him. ''Hello? Could you help us to get out of here please.'' I say shocking the small shadow immensely. ''Wah!?! Sorry to disturb your slumber oh greade King Art. This little one will be on his way. No more disturbing your greatness.'' Answeres the shadow panicked. ''I'm not the king. Me and my friend here are just stranded here you can take whst evere you wand from this place If you could just helpus out here?!'' I plead with the shadow. ''Not king Art?'' The shadow asks looking at me in the halo. ''No Art!'' I reassure him. ''Only a Titan.'' Comments Lith sending the relaxing Shadow in another frantic panic. ''Thanks Lith!'' I scold my NPC. ''All time ready boss.'' She answers me laughing out. ''You are no ghosts or phantoms that like to snack ears.'' Says the shadow hearing our bickering. A rope is tossed down to us that Lith and I gladly climb up.

Now we found our self's in a small tunnel were we she our savior for the first time. The little brown grey creature with big slender pointed ears looks a lot like a gobblin. ''I'm Quixote. Quixote Coen. My imaginary friends call me Xote. I'm the greatest Gobbler-Explorer by default. And you two are?'' He introduces himself while he is taken by surprise by Lith who hugs him tightly pressing his face in between her voluptuous breasts. '' Oh you are a cute one.'' Says Lith taking liberys with the poor guy who seams to be dying by exuberant nosebleed. ''Lith you should give this guy a breake...'' I tell Lith who is reluctant to let the Gobbler go. ''... I'm Silencer Hill and that is Lith Rice. Thank you for your help.'' I tell the Gobbler and thank him. ''Not so nice to meet you as a widower but whst were you two doing in a knights tome? My tome!'' Questions Quixote our intentions regarding his property. ''We are so sorry Mr Quixote we never planed to break into your tome. We are just searching for way to the world tree.'' Tells Lith the Gobbler totally believing the little creature that he as a lifing person can clame a tome his own. ''I do know were this world tree is but I wouldn't guide you to it. It's to dangerous for littele Xote here. But I could leade you to Linkton the next settlement around here if you could help me a bit.'' Tells the Gobbler-Explorer us full of confidence. Intigued I ask. ''What do we have to do?'' ''Oh nothing much just help me break out some treasures from the tome walls.'' Answeres the gobbler but earns a scolding from Lith. ''This my be your tome but we will have no part in the distruction of a masterpiece. Have you no shame? People would pay to see this peace of history?'' ''Pay to see... ok. I thake your idear as payment for my guidance . Just please don't tell other people of this business idear of yours.'' Tells us Xote leading the way out of the tunnel. For nearly two houres we are lead though a hole tunnel system with more crossrodes and near dead endings that aany body could count. Finally I can see the exit only to hear Lith say. ''Funny I think we could have reached this exit hours ago.'' I look at Xote who embarrassed trys to avoids eye contact with me and only says. ''Welcome to Linkton my friends.''