Chapter 16: A historians tale

[PoV: Lith]

The little Quixote leads Lith and Silancer deep into the ruined city center where between ruins, sand and the clear blue sky his tribe lifes. Compressed sand and parts of the city create a natural canyon in which the small inhabitants of the ruins can finde shelter from the burning sun and freezing moon. ''Welcome this here is Linkton I think it was called blightown in the times of the empire.'' Welcomes Quixote Lith with an earnest look on his brownish grenish face. ''Sounds lovely.'' Says Lith happy. ''Would be nicer without all the dead lying arround...'' Grumbels Liths Titan with a foul mood. ''I have to agree the rotten bodies in the streets a huge problem now a days. Before ascending to the higher plances with his wife my cousin Jeremia Coen had this place fully under controle.'' Tells Quixote us proudly puffing his chest out. ''I'm sorry for your lost.'' Lith tells him touching the guys head but is promptly scolded by him. ''No touching! Also I'm proud for my cousin. His wife is a very good looking lot like you Lady only nicer and my cousin is also a big shot up there with his own kingdome or something. It's not like he is dead or anything.'' -Is his cousin a User, too?- Ask Lith self when following the small gobbler through the canyon that makes Linkton. All residents of the inhabitants are carved into both the canyons walls on either side of the roade they are currently walking on. ''That is good to hear. It is always bad to lose people we love.'' Tells Lith Xote with an earnest looking face. ''I know but people always die out here in the fallen Kingdom. Be it gangs or Users in search for the kings treasures they all kill the innocent gobbler. Ah it would be grate if my cousin anf his wife would come back...'' Says the small explorer pained with melancholy. ''... What ever... Welcome to Casta Coen.'' Announces Xote before a single wooden portal at a crossrode of the canyon. Sanding before the portal the inhabitants all kindes of gobbler seam to recognise Xote, eying him with disguised faces murmering provanetys about him and some even blatantly laughing. ''That crazy gobbler is back. I had hoped he died in one of hid tunnels of was killed by bandits so that I could have gotten my self a piece of his property.'' Said an elderly wrinkled gobbler in a wheelchair. Before Lith can hear any thing else from the inhabitants they are ushered into Xotes home. Xotes home loks more like a cave dwelling than an actual place for people to live in. Flat monoton walls, high two storey sealing two wooden floors and a number of bookshelves dividing the spacious room into two floors and sectiones make up the visible interior of Quixotes residence. ''Why do the people call you crazy?'' Silencer ask straight our host following him onto the second floor. ''I am called crazy because I do things they vew as crazy. I talk about the glory of a kingdome that doesn't exist any more, I search for trash the former inhabitants left behind, I take stuff from the graves of the dead and I write storys based of my findings. Aside from my cousin no body vews my work as relevant or a worthwhile occupations. The only vew the practical things like hunting, animal breeding, fighting and so on as worthwhile occupations. So I am crazy.'' Tells Xote the two, embarrassed lowing his big ears. -A historian to his core.- Silencer seams to think evaluating the gobblers dedication mentally. ''You write storys so tell me a story.'' Commands Lit her host who happily jumps out of his depression so that his ears are now enthusiastically erected. So Liths gobblin friend asks them. ''From the tome interiors you already have to know the founding of the former Kingdom of Yggdrasil. How about I tell you my reconstruction of the kingdomes fall into nothingness?'' ''Why not? Or better you may tell us where exactly the worldtree is located!'' Scilencer tells him and earn a merciless poke below his ribcage from Lith who reprements him. ''You should have ask Gaukler and Hell befor coming here in the first place before forcing a great greate Explorer to tell you!'' -Savage girl.- Her Tita seams to note mentaly rubbing the poked area and tell Xote apologetically. ''Sorry. I would like to hear the story of the Kingdomes fall.'' With a nod Xote begins his tale. ''It must have been the 30th year of King Arts reign when the kingdom fell. He and his 13 Knights consisting of Lance the red, Garin the green, Geraint the blue, Percival the grey, Bors the Younger, Lamorak the strong, Kay the lion, Gareth the brave, Bedivere the monk, Gaheris the valiant, Galad the sword of dawn, Tristan the lover, Palamedes the scolar. Until know I have found 7 out of the 13 knights tomes. It must have been the affair of Queen Gwenera and Lance the red Arts first knight and maybe younger brother that started the end...'' Thanks to Xotes calm and well pronouncing of his words Lith is able to memorise most of the his historice retelling.

-Thanks to the Queens affair the kingdoms most important treasure the holy grale whenr missing. The grail on the one side a symbol of the kindoms faith on the other side the most powerfull weapon that protects the blood of a fallen archangel. After the vanishing of the grail was detected King Art send out all his 13 knights to reclam the artifact, not knowing that his actions where all part of her plan to thake the throne for her self. Four out of the thirteen send out knights where ambushed and executed. Their names where Bors the Younger the half dragon, Lamorak the strong the half ork, Kay the lion the human captain of the Arts royal guard and Gareth the brave swordmaster. The last beeing personally killed by his friend Lance the red. Figuring out the betrail of the first knight and the Queen, Bedivere, the guard capains younger brother returns together with Gaheris, a renound jack of all trades master of non, as well as Galad, the son of Lance welder of the legendary sword Galatine to safe the king and country. These trusted knights end up beeing executed because the benevolent King Art had fallen ill thanks to the absence of the grail and the kingdom was already under command of Queen Gwenera who prosecuted them for not fulfilling their kings orders. The Queen even made Lance execute his own sun with his sons sword Galatine.

Up to this point Xote can verify history thanks to the seven tomes he had found up until now. But he speculates that the final nale into the kingdoms coffin must have come from the return of Perivale a strong witcher that had found the grail on an abandoned island protected. Upon his return the knight must have heard of his fellow knights tragic ends and his kings deadly illness. Curing his kings illness he returns his king back onto his throne only to start a civil war that destroyed the kingdom. Nobels and allies of the Queen and Lance would not accept the kings return to power and so tore the kingdom apart from the inside. In a last ditch effort Percival must have used his great knowledge of poisens to kill the Queen. The Queens death tossed her lover an great general into madness because in a suicidal last battle he must have died fighting and wounding the king. In the end King Art died thanks to even those wounds, making the kingdom without a ruler.

In the end Xote can't tell what must have happened to the remaining knight like Percival the grey, Garin the green, Geraint the blue a sailor,

Tristan the lover and Palamedes the scolar after their kingdoms demise.-

In the end of the day Xote after telling them all his findings he leads Lith and her Titan to some crude guest quaters to the left of the suddy/library on a rustic oak bed they lay side by side. ''Do you believe that all what Xote told us really happened?'' Asks Lith Silencer before falling a sleep. ''I don't know if all happened like he told us. At the end of the day his story is only a reconstruction based of his findings in the tomes. When we explore this ruins we may find things that prove Xotes conclusions inaccurate.'' Silencer tells Lith stroking her hair. ''I feel sorry for King Art. Being betrayed by his Queen and first knight.'' Lith yarns closing her eyes. Looking up to the dark sealing Silencer says before falling asleep. ''I'm more interrested in this holy grail.''