Chapter 19: The holy grail

[PoV: Silencer]

Having my girlfriend back in my arms three pairs of eyes look at me questionly. The ghost is the first to break the silence. ''So who are you guys?'' After introduction themselves to the dead king Xote is still unable to believe that this ghost is the legendary King Art. ''So Art. What is this place?'' I ask the ghost king. ''This is supposed to the the empires treasury but I don't know what kind of idiot flooded it with water.'' ''Well shit I had hoped to get some treasures from this place.'' I grumble dissatisfied audible for only the ghost. ''Don't you see the value all around you? Ignorant fool.'' Scolds me the gobbler. ''Don't you need a body or something along that lines?'' Asks Arthur the king. With a thankful smile Art answers him. ''Thanks for you asking Mr Bearson. Yea I'm indeed in need of a corporeal housing. Without one my soul will disperse.'' ''What requirements do you have for a body?'' Asks Xote. ''Any body without a soule or an accepting soul would suffice. But don't bother. After losing my wife and User I'm ready to become part of the world.'' Says the ghost without any emotions regarding his impending demise. ''I will not allow this king Art!...'' says the little bear, clenching his claws in anger and shoulds. ''...I was named after you. I was not named after a dead man. If you teach me your legendary smithing techniques I will be your souls vessel!'' Surprised from the Cubs offer king Art shows emotions for the first time. With seemingly watery eyes he says to my shock. ''Very well I take you as my saviour and inheritor Mr Arther Bearson. I have to thank you from the bottem of what remains of me.'' With that the king condences back into the bright spot and floats before the bears mouth. With one big bite and one swollow the spot vanishes inside the bear. Closing his eyes Arthur seems to meditate. Letting him meditate I lay Lith next to him and explore this place together with Xote in depth.

Hours go by and Xote and I have both found nothing walking around the sallow underground sea. Being dissatisfied we give the central island a closer look. Removing the coffin in the center I finde a bright yellow stone embedded into the floor. By touching this stone the floor begins to suddenly glow. Shouting to Xote I say. ''Xote come on this platform, I think we could go up to the sealing this way.'' ''Coming!'' When Xote is on it like the still meditating bear and the sleeping beauty I try to pull the stone out of the floor. By doing so the hole platform goes upwards, this time without the blinding halo of light. Arriving under the sealing a mechanism seams to engage, because with a single wind blow the golden walls disappear a round staircase leads down. The underground sea is gone and replaced by a sea of treasures. Still pulling the yellow stone I drag it right out of the pedestal. ''A I see you have found the treasury.'' Says Arthur with white glowing pupilles eyes. ''Arthur?'' Asks Xote his friend. ''No Art. Your friend is sleeping. Me invading into his body takes a toll on him.'' Explaines Art in the body of Arthur. ''What is all of this?'' I ask looking at all the shiny stuff all around us. ''This is the Empires hole treasury. From golden titanite to embrionic elixir every resource a kingdom,... sorry district, I'm just learning how you guy name these places,... will ever need. We created this place as a backup for the empire in case of a kindome ever has a resource crysis.'' ''Ok. This is all still your stuff Art what do you want to do with all of it?'' I ask the former King. ''Nice of you to remember this in front of all the riches, but I'm content with just living so distribut it among your selfs. I don't care.'' Says the king waving his bear claw. ''Great. District 117 appreciates your donation...'' I hear a familiar female voice say. Looking at Lith she continues smirking mischievous at me. ''... What? My titan is the only User among us.'' ''She is right. I'm only interrested in his places history not it's resources.'' Agrees Xote not really thinking it through to deeply. ''I to can agree to that, if I get access to the golden titanite for crafting purposes naturally...'' Says Arthur now without glowing eyes before going back to his eye glowing ways. With a nod I agree to his demand. ''... Good to now, but I should show you guys the most important treasure of my kingdom. The holy grail!'' Announces now Artin out of the bears mouth, leading us down the tairs to a mirror at the food of the pedestal staircase. Wiping a round in front of the mirror an indentation get freed from gold coins. ''I would nee this!'' Says the cub thit the aura and charm of a monarch to me pointing at the yellow stone still in my hand. Reluctantly I give him the stone and the bear claws begin to fiddle around with it. Now in the hands of the king I can see small movable cicles arround the stone that are some kind of fantastical padlock. ''Mutch more challenging with claws than with fingers.'' The king announces before putting the stone into the cleaned indentation. With a familar wind blow the mirrors surface vanishes and opens up a room behind it. ''My forge and Gweneras laboratory.'' He proudly announces walking right through the opening. Following after im I see a well organised on the leftside and a luxurious laboratory on the rightside of the room illustrated by millions of light stones imbeddet into the sealing.

''Now I will give you guys a choice to use the grail just ones. I don't want you to get an addiction from it like my former knights. And this right here is the holy grail.'' Art tells us showing an open water tank of 3 meters wide, 1.5 meters deep and 50 centimeters high, further explaining the procedure. ''Injecting somebody with the grails liquid actives domant characteristics of the injected. It is painful and dangerous.'' ''How dangerous?'' Asks Xote very interested into it. '' Originally we where a hundert knights that underwent the procedure and we where 14 including me in the end. That should give you an answer. I can only tell you that dispite the dangers it was well worth it. Tristan earned himself an immortality , Lance his wolf transformation and Garen his Rage transformation only to name a few.'' ''Why the water tank?'' I ask, looking at it curious. ''The liquid reacts strongly exoterm with blood and...'' Answeres Art but is rudly interrupted by Lith. ''Was that liquid ever upgraded?'' Asks Lith with a sliver of knowledge in her eyes. Deeply irritated and embarrassed the bear king answers. ''Yes it was but using the upgraded version would make it much more dangerous and would deplet all reserves whe currently have. ''What are the benefits of this updated version?'' ''Injected directly into the bones it goes beyond immortality and makes one indestructible by creating a special form of titanite inside the body. Gwenera called it titan titanite...'' ''So basically Wolverine without claws...'' Comments Lith Lith interrupting Art again, creating an awkward silence. ''...I'm out. I hate pain.'' Announces Lith breaking up her created silence. ''Me to.'' Says Xote looking fearfully at the water tank. ''Arthur also doesn't want to use it, knowing the pain from my memories.'' Says Arthur know looking at me with expectations. Being pushed by Lith I awkwardly say. ''Okey I do it. Just give me a number from one to ten discribing the pain this procedure will take.'' ''(3,1/3)^2 if 10 is supposed to kill you.'' Answers Art with an eval smile. ''Come on my big guy I will help you undess.'' Says Lith flirting with me. ''So infinitvely close to a sure death.'' Says Xote getting the kings joke.