Chapter 20: The Rise of the Titan


Lith and Xote accompany the half nacked Silencer near the water filled tank the size of a lidless coffin. Without any witty or funny comments from Lith sits the titan down on a metallic chair to get a breathing tube inseted. Fighting the tube but loosing Lith sees her man focus on the tank. Arround the tank an array of stainless-steel machines crowds around the tank, including a series of robotic arms that are only now visible and that taper into foot-long needles. Next to the tank behind glass is Art working on an array of buttons and monitores. Entering data into the machine monitoring the procedure. Having his tube inserted by Xote Richard removes his last ince of clothing and andhands it to Lith before stepping into the tank of water. '' See you on'the other side.'' Says Richard to Lith when she fastens the breathing tube and connecting it to oxygen tank next to the tank. Richard lies down, submerging himself in the cold water. Xote clamps the titans wrists and ankles into place with titanite shackles bolted to the edges of the tanks walls. Lith can see his eyes are open as he watches the robotic arms swivel into place, silver liquid above him like a gang of metal vipers. Unable to help her lover further Lith goes behind behind the glass wall to Art. Xote takes a seat beside Art, who studies a readout on a screen. ''Liquid temperature?... Stady at seven... Feed lines clear?... Lines one through thirty-six clear...'' Asks and answeres the bear king his own questions. ''...Prepare insertion...'' Keeping her cool Lith sees her men lieing underwater, watching as the robotic arms descend towards him. The needles begin to spin at high speed, like small power drills. They crush the still water surfice when they enter. Feeling the pain then she sees the needles enter his body close to his eyes. Her men has suffered impaling but he has never suffered like this. Seeing him closing eyes in visible pain but without struggling Lith takes an audible breathe. ''Why does it have to be the bone marrow?'' ''It has to be the marrow because it is the source of all regenerative abilities... Commence feeding...'' Says Art when entering the command, watching an x-ray images of the procedure on a monitor. Lith can see Richard suddenly flinch inside the tank when the silver liquid is injected into his none marrow for the first time. Thirty-six long needles have drilled into his bones, including his skull. Jumping from screen to screen Art continues his act of talking to himself to the amusement of Lith. ''Feed commenced at a rate of thirty centiliters per second... Body temperature?.. two zero one point seven... Heart rate?... Two ten...'' Says Art turning to Lith and Xote. ''... You're witnessing medical history in the making. We've begun bonding silver titanite to Titan X's skeleton.'' ''Now I think your kingdom tried to use that stuff for armor. It must have been too damn heavy I only found a helmet of that stuff.'' Says Xote deeply impressed remembering his finding. ''You are right it took us then eight years to prepar enough metal for the this upgrade. ''So if this works, I guess my men won't be walking through any metal detectors.'' Comments Lith. ''If this works, my friends, will he walk wherever he wants.'' At that moment Richard begins to spasms in the tank like a man being electrocuted. Falling back into his habbit of talking Art again comments the procedure. Only now can Lith see why the ear talks to himself. Art is infact not talking to himself but Arthure who is also present, visible indication his one white pupilfree and one regullar eye. ''Heart rate one ninety... Density?.. six one seven...'' ''How long before he's back on his feet?'' Asks Lith visibly shacken by the very grafice procedure when she can see visps of blood coming from the injection points. ''That remains to be seen. We're in uncharted territory here. Not even Gwenera knew exactly how one reacts to her infention.'' ''What it was that bitches infention? I thought it was yours? Are you nuts trusing that woman with your saviours life?'' Questions Xote the kings decision to even consider the liquids use. ''She was a traitorousbitch but she new her liquids. So...'' Before Art can continiue he is interrupted by the titan. Richard begins to thrash in the tank, his convulsions increasingly violent, his eyes rolling back in their sockets. The water in the tank begins to boil. ''Body temperature two nine eight... Heart rate two ten...'' Looking at Lith Xote trys to comfort her. ''He's a fighter, Lith. He can handle it.'' ''...Density?... Fuck!?! Probe rejected...'' Frightened Lith asks. ''Is there a problem?'' Art allows himself a small creapy smile. ''...On the contrary. The probe is regular titanite-tipped. It's not hard enough to penetrate silver titanite...''Xote explains before looking back at the monitors infront of himself. ''Heart rate thre zero five... we're well beyond maximum...'' Lith can only quiver in pain looki g at Richards body writhering in the tank, muscles coiling and uncoiling. ''...Chelation near completion... Heart rate two forty four... fifty... two fifty seven... liquidreservoir ninety percent depleted... Core temperature 60°C.'' Comments Art looking closely to the glass, watching his test subject's agony. Looking like his new found friends life will be determined in the next few moments. Sweat beading his forehead. ''Easy now.'' Says Xote holding the panaking Lith in place. Bloodvains begin to burst on Richards neck, paintin the water more and more red. Crazed with pain, he partly breaks his bindings. Steaming water cascades onto the poured concrete floor. Totally bursting free of his restraints, Richard slashes through the robotic arms. Sparks fly everywhere like a swarm of fireflies. The dismembered machines twitch like wounded beasts. Richard rises from the broken tank, drenched with water, naked save for dozens of long titanite needles drilled into his body and the wires and hoses trailing from the needles. Eyes wild, face contorted, he looks like a crossbreed between machine and mad titan. He tears the breathing tube from his mouth and stares through the the glassm, panting, fixating on only Lith. Xote sits very still, hand over his mouth. Lith and Art/Arthure slowly back away from the window. Lith stares at Richard, awed by the sight of the god before her. ''Magnificent.'' Is the only word that crosses her libs. For a moment there is a deadly silence in the control room. Suddenly Richards fokus seems to shift somewhere and he suddenly smashes through a hidden titanite-reinforced door. He charges out of the room opposite the tank next to the forge.

''I take it this is still part of the procedure, Art?'' Asks Xote with an wide opened mouth. ''He's got nowhere to go, exept upwards to the world tree.'' Coments Art looking at a monitor showing Lith her titan running down a tunnel. The point of vew shifts and she can see the only exit that is a 75 ton blast door. It was built to withstand even the physically strongest User or NPC. Silencer hurries down a long tunnel hewn through solid rock, leaving a long trail of footprints behind. He doesn't stop in front of blast door at the end of the tunnel, only crushing right through it as if it were cardboard. Lith can see Richards road of destruction and the savaged blast door flickering on the monitors. Her titan is free but not his cool, calm and collected self. ''Lith you go after him. Stop him what ever means nessesary. Without a clear minde he can end up in any given district using the world tree.'' Explains the bear. ''Got it.'' Says Lith going after the mad titan. ''And we better seal this place and the treasury to avoid any unwanted attention from other gobblers.'' Comands Xote earning himself the approval of the fallen king.