Chapter 22: Days of Occupation

''The Journals of resistance leader Daniel Hase.''


Day 1:

First combat situation today. It was chaos. A nightmare made real. Pointy ears and Lizards just kept coming, running out of the smoke and fire like demons, come to drag all us to hell.

You're just shooting back at where the spears and spells are coming from, praying you don't get hit. Then it stops. The dust settles. And you realise you just killed another lifing being. This living breathing person who had friends and family just like you, and used to do stuff just like you did. Used to brush their teeth, listen to music, made plans, and probably had a sweetheart. They probably looked up at the same piece of sky you did that morning. Now all that's gone, because you pulled a trigger. I think to kill another is the worst thing a person can do. I know we're fighting for freedom, but knowing I ended someone's life makes me sick to my core. I don't want that on my conscience, but it's there now. It's there to stay.

Today I leave to be part of the organised resistance.

Day 21:

I can't do this. I think some people must be made for combat. I don't think I'm one of those people.

It's all too much. Guns roaring, bullets breaking up the ground around you. Explosions so loud you feel like your eardrums are going to burst and your teeth are going to shatter. And the screams. It's like nothing I've ever experienced. In all that chaos I found a long lost friend Jim. The only positive think in this invasion. People reunite, come together to fight a common enemy. I didn't fire a single shot in the entire door to door fight. I froze up. Just stayed down. I was ready to play dead if need be. I'm not proud of that fact, but at the time it was all I could think to do. I'm no soldier. I don't know how to be a soldier. I'm just a simple detective. My hands are still trembling. I don't wanna go back out there. I don't think I'll be coming back if I do.

Day 43:

Jim. Best friend I ever had. Known Jimmy since pre-school. First day he tells me he's my long lost brother. I believed him, and from that day to this, that's exactly what we've been. Brothers. So many stories.

I remember this one time (of many) we were trying to pick up these chicks in a bars, Jim told them we were adventures, shipping out in the morning to explore ruins in the wastlands or some shit. Not only did that line work, but it's how I met my wife. Yesterday Jim took a spell square to the face that left a hole big enough to fit your head through. That was the first thing I thought when I saw him there on the ground. 'Damn, Jim, I could fit my head through that hole in your face.' Weird the shit that goes through your head sometimes. We always said we'd stick together, no matter what. Tomorrow I'm strapping a bomb to myself and running at the first pointy ears patrol I find.

Be with you soon Jim.

Day 45:

I didn't blow my self up and am now part of the organised resistance. We're off to the front. We've taken ground and are pushing into a new zone near the northern city center. The Empire has dug in but we're making slow progress. The fighting is intense; we've lost four squads already this week and things are just heating up. Everyone's in good spirits though; we're finally taking back our district.

You know, despite all the odds, the Captains speech worked. People are fighting back and joining us. Every time I go back to base I see new faces, but I also don't see a lot of familiar faces. It has to be said that this flying fortress base is genius. But there's no escaping the fact we've lost a lot of people and made a lot of sacrifices for this last resistance. I don't understand why the Empire is fighting us so hard? Can 117 be worth all this to them.? I need to get some sleep. We're assault a major depo at dawn and the bastards are going to be ready for us. It's weird looking around and seeing the faces of those I've fought with for weeks. I know that this time tomorrow, they won't all be here. Perhaps I won't be here? I guess if that's the case then at least Jims death won't haunt me anymore. I just hope those left alive don't dwell on me. They'll still have a job to do.


Day 70:

Dear reader. I only write this journals so that what our sacrifices will be remembert nothing else. So let me tell you. We had a good week this week. Winter's coming and people are starting to panic. Business with the survivors is growing, likely through word of mouth. That worries me a little. More orders, sure, but more loose lips too. Still, the pointy ears ain't found us yet. I'm glad we all decided to stick to simple valuables like intelligence. Since everything else is highly regulated. Might get the sourvivers some leniency, if they ever have to play that card.

I can't forget to remind people that deliveries to the sourvivers are delayed by a couple weeks. The ears set up some kind of black liquid pumping facility in the central square, and it's pumping who the fuck knows what out of our tunnels, so we gotta find a way to stop them because what ever they are planning must be bad. Ask the Captain to poke around. Here's the order for next week:

- Scout patrol patterns, -Assassinate mages, -Gather intelligence, -Sourvive, -RESIST

Day 80:

Looking back now I never really had much fight in me growing up. I'd get knocked around and bullied, day after day. Back then I was too weak, and I guess too scared to do a thing about it. That was all before the occupation. Today I was voted a leader of a team who foiled a the facility in the central square. Who rescued three generations of a family from experiments. Who secured much needed recourses the resistance, and who continues to fight for the freedom of the district 117.

This is what I do now, day after day.

Day 100:

We are going out on another scavenging mission tonight. This will be my third one this week...Every time I go I tell my wife I'll be back before she wakes up in the morning, but I don't know if I will. Things have been getting more dangerous out there recently. The pointy ears are smarter then us. We finally figured out what the black liquid was. It is biomater. Without it the district becomes a coffin. We are unable to produce our own food. Now we're having to travel further away from the fortress to find any food. We're running into more patrols as well as fighting and sourvivers over the stuff we find. The food is running lower by the day, we all know it, that's why we are sending out more teams on more missions, but it never feels like we're finding enough to make a difference. We can't store food properly any more so what we find has to be eaten soon or be able to last without getting rotten. Some teams aren't even coming back and all of us come back with wounded. Things are getting more and more desperate. I heard the Captain talking about abandoning the sourvivers intelligence entirely because we don't have enough supplies to go around as it is. It must weigh heavily on him to have to turn desperate people away but what choice do we have? When we can't even feed our own people what's the use in talking to more that we can't help. I'm afraid that soon we'll have to start attacking the empire in the open and take what we need by force.

Day 104:

The resistance is breaking apparent and I can only think back to thee time before the occupation. To a time were life was easy. What mide Lith be doing if she is still alife? Thinking I can only say in regret, that I didn't tap that. What ever. The only thing that counts is I'm still alive...


Reading these words the Elder Gouverneur smiles sinister before saying the captured, shackled and mouth plugged Daniel Hase infront of him. ''You had a good life it seems. Hope you enjoy your second one as mutch as this one, as a KI in the Empires service...'' And to a close by guard the Elder commands. ''... Use his Body as a container and refine his soul into a soul puppet. Let the Resistance die by there leaders hands.''