Chapter 23: Red

[PoV: Lith]

One step. It only takes Lith one step to return home. Only the fountain she sees tells her that she really is in district 117. She is so familiar with said fountain because it is located in central square right infront of the lall District Security Building. Now the 102 story tall building is gone and replaced by a treelike factory. The skyscrapers all around seem to have partly collapsed or have out right vanished. Apart from the tree like factory where Lith can make out some guard posts and patrols surrounding the area everythink looks like it was ripped right out of a post-fallout apocalypse game. No really bright and vibrant colour anny where just destruction and oppression. Liths good mood about returning is instantly evaporated in the setting evening sun. ''What the hell?! I thought they would just destroy everything, extract some resources and leave. It's been hat 100 Day's since we lost the district war. How the hell are they still here.'' Says Silencer next to her in an angry disillusioned voice full of regret. Looking at the opened portals near the wooden factory, Lith has got an idear. ''I don't know, but these portals should give us an answer.'' After seeing the fortifications of the factory a sertain bear next to Lith begins to hold his little tummy with a paid expression.''Oh I have a bad feeling going on in my tummy.'' Says Arthur rubbing his tummy and disappearing cutely into a near by ruin. Smiling faintly at each other Lith and her titan discuss their next stepps

Minutes later Lith walks infront of the factory gates near the portal, looking like post-apocalype hooker. Drawing the sexual interest from Elder Administrators and Drakes Guards alike. Looking invitingly and innocently Lith is instantly approached by two big Guards and a skinny looking Administrator. With her looks an undeniable masterpiece they directly invite her into the base. Between soft words from Lith and gentle gestures from the men suddenly a short smashes the head of the Elder that tryed to feel Liths ass. The Drakes go directly into attack mode forgetting Lith entirely and instead go on the hunt for the attacker. Some are also shot, some only wounded. With a big grin Lith walks right up to the pulsating gate. There she finds many containers with a black substance inside. Lith can feel the vitalety leaking from them, vitalety the district is apparently losing. Going through this mase of containers she finds her way to the gates transport office. There Lith finds a machine that looks a lot like a Netbook in size but made out of some kind of wood/mineral. Hacking into the thing she looks to the portal where two Elder carry a familiar seemingly dead body to one of the containers. -Daniel- She instantly knows. Putting the Netbook under her clothes she goes after the Elders and Body. Staying hidden in the shadows she stealthily goes behind one Elder. Before Lith gets to attack the guy a black glove apears out of nowhere smothering her while another pulls her left arm behinde her back. ''I'm like you now keep quiet and follow me.'' Says a calm and collect female voice when the two hands vanish. Lith now free looks behind her but only finds somekind of darker shadow inside the shadow she herself is hiding in. The shadow begins to move and Lith follows it. Disappearing into the second floor of the factory Lith follows climbing through an opened window only to be lifted through it by a singel glove. Being through the window she gets a close up with the shadowy person. Seeing a figure clothed in a black close fitting body suit, stressing all her curves, Lith looks into the face of -Scarlett Johnson as Blackwidow?!-. The woman infront of her indeed looks like a 99% replica of the famous Natasha Romanov from Avengers two, only her golden/red eyes destroying the familiar feeling. ''Call me 'Red'.'' Says the the Avenger look a like, flashing a sharp pair of teeth. ''What are you?'' Asks Lith, impessed from Reds fangs. ''I'm a Valpyrie. Before I, like you met my User I fought the Empire as a Valkyrie, now my Users faithful NPC I'm part Vampire, part Valkyrie. So tell m is your User this districts User?'' ''How do you...?'' Lith wants to ask but is silenced by Red who spotted a near by returning Drake. Having made certainly not to be heard Red continues. ''Good very good. With your Users help we will get the districts resistances help but first can you get me this factorys week points from the Notebook you stole?'' ''Good idear...'' says Lith opening the laptop and inputting some consol comands. ''... Now tell me vampire Blackwidow. What's your name?'' ''My birth name is Maria Odin-Coen. Coen from my husband and Odin from my adoptive father.'' ''You are Hells little girl?'' ''You knew my mother?'' ''Not knew, know. She and I were trapped together for an eternity. To dumm that she can't remember our time together in the 'endless desert'...'' ''She is back alive? Gaukler really found a User with an revive ability?!'' ''Yes, he did....'' Reashores Lith Maria and finally stops her furious typing and air fistbumps happy. ''... Got it...'' Suddenly Red again stops Lith mid sentenced. ''Sh... The Drakes are returning.'' And Red was proven to be right. The gunshots already had stopped and a second after she told Lith two Drake Guards come heavy breathing inside the factory. One of the two wears a heavy metal armor and vew scales while the other one wears light leather armor and many scales. Lith silently draws her bat ready to strike. Jumping down from the second floor time seems to drag on in which Lith wants to strike the heavy armored drakw but is beaten by heard beat by Red. Before Liths bat can even reach her targets head both drakes are already headless. In a blink of darkness Red has banished two short katanas cycling around the drakes slicing scales, armor windpipe and neckbones cleanly. ''The weaknesses!? Fast!'' Comands Red hastely dragging the now blood spraying corpses into an empty container. ''When I have read the building plans correctly then there should be the high pressure pipes near the centre. Destroying or clogging them leads to secondary explosions that combined closing down the portal.'' Advises Lith showing her new friend the factory plans on the monitor. ''Got it. You should better leave fast.'' Says Red vanishing into fine shadowy mist in the factory centers direction.

Following the advice Lith runs out of the factory only to finde her titan in a brutal boxing match not to far outside the patroled parameter. His opponent a slender looking black haired lolly in a squeaking brown leather armor. Bispite the titans obvious advantage the little lolly seams to be a cockroach. Smashed arround, repeatedly crippled but still attacking the lolly posesses inhuman regenerative abilities. ''Ah well fuck it.'' Hears Lith Silencer say when she reaches him. Taking the now doll like body of the lolly he opens a bluish portal and throws her through and closing it instantly after seeing her going through. ''Where did the thing go?'' Asks Lith but is unable to hear the answer because a deafening explosion lightens up the night taking all sound with it. When the sound returns Lith finds the factory partly collapsing, drakes and elder headlessly running around and Red calmly walking out of the chaos she caused. ''Who is that?'' Asks Silencer behinde her so she answers him. ''That is Maria Odin-Coen. Gaukler and Hellenas daughter.'' ''What the fuck?! She looks as old if not older than herr mother.''