Chapter 24: New friend, old foes

[PoV: Silencer]

Minutes prior to Liths return from the factory...

Relaxt I lay on the third floor of a ruined office building opposite the factory, shooting the Drake Guards and Elder Officers with my M110. One trigger pull, all I feel is the guns recoil pressing against my shoulder, all I hear is the gunpowder ignition and all I see is an enemy dying. Reflexively I reload and reaim zeroing in on my next target. Aim, shoot and reload is all I do, decimating one invader after another. Suddenly I feel cold air behind me, seconds before an iron edge reins down on me. I doge to the side holding my rifel in defence infront of me only to see I sliced in half by my attacker. Furious I kick out and my attacker slams into the sealing. Thanks to the incoming lights from the factory I make out a small slender femail body with small dark pixi like hair around a child like face. In the moment a feeling of mild sorrow wants to take me hostage the child like body falls down from the sealing athletically landing on both feet and one hand, raising the other deformed into a raiser sharp blade at me. ''What the fuck?!'' I say raising my other rifel the M4 shooting at the assassin but all my bullets miss their target because the small body vanishes with super speed out of my weapons sight. Using walls, floor and sealing to its advantage the attacker closes in on me now using both arms deformed into blades to threaten my life. Again in shield my self from the incoming attack with my rifle and like last time my weapon is sliced in half. Now totally enraged I punch out, in between stab attacks. With one punch of me my attacker is thrown head first into the wall. -Am I now physically stronger than my weapons?- I think, realising that I have punched out with my gauntlet armored left. With my right I draw my last remaining fire arm the modified M17 handgun. Looking at my wall embedded enemy I shoot half a magazine into the unmoving body. Being sure of my victory I holster my weapon an look out to the factory trying to spot Lith. Seeing only retreating Guards I relax and try to collect my destroyed weapons. When reaching for a part I suddenly feel cold steel between my right shoulder blade. My attacker still not dead has jumped on my back plunging one blade arme into me. With my not crippled arme I grab her of my back, bracking the blade in half. Holding her by her neck I press hard on her windpipe and throw her on the ground outside the ruined office building. -Fuck thst hurts even with all the adrenaline.- I curse the dead looking body below me when removing the still in me remaining blades part. The fingers on my right hand dig deep into my shoulder feeling and finding the blade. With one fast push I draw the blade out of my shoulder, just in time for me to see the former dead body twitch to life. Throwing the blade away and drawing my M 17 again I think -Room- and apear before my enemy. With one punch of my gauntlet I hammer the regenerating body half a meter into the ground and shortly after I empty the rest of my magazine into the crushed body. Holstering again I see in a horror the body moving and coming to life again. Only now I can see the metalliquid like bones reforming before me. -Fuck I don't believe I can't punch you unconscious.- I think going into a boxing stance. Seconds later I see my enemy fully healed walking out of her grave. Punching out and evading all attacks I fall into a kinde of rhythm. Breaking said rhythm I cause damage again and again to my enemy. Finaly I see Lith coming out of the factory running in my direction. ''Ah well fuck it.'' I say thinking -Room- and take the doll like body in front of me throwing her through a portal and closing it instantly. ''Where did the thing go?'' I hear Lith ast but I am unable to hear the answer because one mother of an explosion rips through the air. When the sound returns I find the factory partly collapsing, Guards and Officers headlessly running around and a shadowy figure calmly emerging out of the flaming chaos. ''Who is that?'' I ask Lith infrond of me. ''That is Maria Odin-Coen. Gaukler and Hellenas daughter.'' Totaly taken of guard I exlaim. ''What the fuck?! She looks as old if not older than her mother.'' ''Thank you for the compliment. I try to look older but as a valpyrie I'm unable to age.'' Says Maria infront of me making me speechless. ''You must be an NPC?!'' I ask the valpyrie before who gives me the same feeling as Helena gave me. ''Yep. Jeremia Coens to be more specific I'm the NPC of district 75. But how do you know?'' She asks me back but Lith answers. ''He is a User, this districts User.'' ''You did a good one User! Losing all control but having great soldiers.'' Mocking me the redhead ninja for the poor. ''Are all Users males?'' Asks Lith deeply thinking. ''God no. Only 60% of all Users are from what I know... hahaha... and the remaining 40% are the ones that live longer.'' Answers Red, lauthing out laude. -Room- I think and ask the mocking redhead in black. ''Nice trash talk but oh great NPC of Coen tell me what is that thing?'' I say showing my former attacker helplessly struggeling in the air. ''That?! I don't know. It's my first time seeing something like her.'' Exclaims Red when mustering the in brown leather clothed person. ''That I think I could help you with.'' I hear Bearsons voice from above where I priviously sniped the drake guards. ''Could have helped a bit earlier.'' I say looking at the small bear climbing down from the third floor. Looking at the bear climbing I hear both woman exclaim how cute they finde the King/Blacksmith. -Women.- I think rolling my eyes. Only when he reaches the ground do I see why the climb down was so difficult for the bear. It is so because in his mouth Arthur carries the blade part I formerly extracted from my shoulder. ''This is one contains one of many parts of my User weapon Exalur, which Justbin shattered.'' King Art taking over Arthurs body explains to us showing us the blade. ''What does that mean?'' Asks Red the Kingbear. ''It means that my worst fear came true. The Empire tryes to artificially create Users for their conquered districs. This one here seams to be one of the one of their successful experiments. ''If thats the case I better destroy it.'' I say raising my gauntlet. ''No! You don't know who she is. At least we should question her.'' Vetos Lith my plan, going face to face with the lolly. ''Who are you? What's your name?'' Lith gently asks but only gets muffled noises as an answer. ''Si?! Please.'' She comands me with an anoint under tone. -Room- I think freeing the sound the prisoner makes. ''My name is Daniella Hase! District Governor of distrct 117 of the Emires colonies. Now free me and kill this imposter!'' The lolly comands Lith with more arrogance and authority than any doctator in history might have ever posessed. ''Ups.'' I say shutting up the prisoner again using the roomstone. ''I didn't know that Daniel Hase had a daughter!'' Exclaims Lith full of doubt. ''Oh, oh, I know that one. The Empire has this kinde of soule forging technic. If I had to guess I would say that the soul of Daniella Hase was previously Daniel Hase.'' Explains Red to all of us. ''The Empire found the Hammer of all Creation?!'' Exclaims Art/Athure with one clowning eye. ''Is it called that I don't know?!'' Says Red arrogantly snaring down at him. Hearing that I'm reminded of the Gauntlet Update Requirements. -Fruit of Yggdrasil that I have already collected, Whisper of Time for Timecontrol, Mirrow of Images for Realitycontrol, Heart of an Angel for Lifecontrol, Sorcecode of an AI for Mindcontrol and now a lead for the Hammer of all Creation usable for Creationcontrol- ''Good than I will keep this Daniella save. She is leade me to this hammer.'' I announce to all, letting the body vanish using -Room- again.

Suddenly two bangs like plains breaking through the sound barriers resound all arround us and two familiar figures appear above the now destroyed factory. The Justbins Drake and Elder Generals from the Invasionhave arrived. ''Holy shit! These are Palamedes and Geraint!'' I hear the King announced with a voice full of shock, denial and horror.