
"That's a simple matter really," Arthur grinned.

"We use the high-grade light attribute magic, . And although it can only be useful during the day or where light is present, it can still be used to change our appearance-not fully, but enough. Then, when night comes, we can use the high-grade dark attribute magic , which has the same effect as its light attribute counterpart but can be used within the night and where there is no light." He brought his head up high with proudness at his plethora of magical knowledge.

"Great Idea, but just one problem," Maria smiled mysteriously.

"What is it?" The prince asked, his voice still brimming with proudness.

Ashe scowled by his side as her crimson eyes narrowed at him, "Does anyone here know how to cast those magic spells?"

The young prince's expression immediately crumbled as he visibly frowned. He looked around the room and saw no one answer to the question of Ashe. Based on his knowledge and observation, only two people here could use magic to a degree-himself and Maria. Finally, the only person here who could cast either of the two spells, Maria, didn't know how to or was never taught how to.

"We could buy a spellbook for the spell , and have Maria learn it." He finally spoke after some thinking.

"How long would that take?" Ashe asked.

"Based on my sister's magic learning speed; at least a month." His voice trailed off.

"Find another way!" Ashe forcefully commented.

She had already wasted almost two days in this realm, and only had a bit less than 28 days left before she had to return. First, she had to destroy that cursed organization; and Second, she had to go look at the formulating military of this kingdom-which, in her opinion, should already be beginning to start moving into place. A month-was not time she had.

"You..." Arthur was utterly lost for words.

However, Ashe didn't deter her statement.

At that moment, the guild master gave a small cough to catch the attention of the gathered people as they swerved their heads towards him. He brought his hand forwards and with a flash of small clustered light, revealed what was held within.

"I'm sure you are all aware of the , introduced by the mages guild." He spoke as the clear silver metallic badge was made known.

'That must be what the assassin used when he propelled my golden blades with a mana shield.' Maria watched as the guild leader held up the badge.

"This particular one holds the magic ." He spoke as a trace of his minuscule mana entered into the badge.

There was a small glimmer on the badge as the words 'Light Distortion' glowed in a faint light within the middle of a magic circle.

Maria watched in silence as the figure of the man before her began to change.

"Simply imagine how you want to look, and hold your mind steady as you undergo the change. A single blink and you could fail and break the activation of the stored spell."

His head of brown hair turned into a darkened texture as it's length visibly shrunk. His hazel eyes became a dead gray set and finally, his clothing transformed into that of peasants--cotton brown trenches.

"Right, how could I forget about that?" Arthur couldn't help but lament.

O'Brien smiled, his facial features already changed into a much younger man reminiscent of a teenager.

"As you can see, this spell bends the light within the air to distort the vision of people and change what they see you as. Although it is possible to change the overall structural look of your body-from burly to thin, or tall to short-I wouldn't recommend it as it could also distort your perception of reality. All in all, I have badges for both the spell, and the spell."

"That's great" Ashe spoke before sneering, "so what do you want this time in return."

As everyone narrowed their eyes at the guild master, he was in utter shock with opened lips.

"What? Why would you think I want something in return?"

No one spoke, slowly waiting for him to continue.

O'Brien coughed and feigned ignorance, "although, this are not cheap."

"Here we go again." Arthur lazily rolled his eyes and collapsed onto the reins of the chair at his back.

"You see," O'Brien splendidly ignored his comment and feigned ignorance.

"You see, I need you all to check on someone for me." He finally admitted.

"Why can't you just put up a guild quest for it?" Ais-being more knowledgeable about the adventure guild than the rest, asked in monotone, "after all, you are the guild master of this branch."

The guild master shook his head, "one of the rules of the adventure guild is that a guild master cannot use their power for personal benefits."

"Then why not put up a normal request." The personnel knight asked back.

O'Brien's lips flapped open, then closed. He was at a loss of words, he had thought about not using the power of the guild for his own benefits that he had completely failed to recognize the simple solution right in front of him. Although he couldn't use the power under him for personal benefits, there was indeed nothing stopping him from going the normal route.

He stood up, and spoke seriously, "nevermind then, I just thought of a better solution."

"Wait!" Ashe forcefully pounded against the table, shaking it, as her crimson eyes glared at the man.

"You were already about to give us the request!"

"Indeed I was, but not anymore." O'Brien nodded

"You're going back on your word!" She bared her fangs.

"I never gave word." The guild master retorted much the same.

"Indeed, he never really did..." Arthur commented by her side, his figure still completely collapsed onto the chair. It seemed as if he was quite enjoying his rest.

However, his words earned him nothing more than a scoff from Ashe.

"Tell me, without the request, how are you going to get the badges? Do you have them on you? If not, do you have the money to pay for them on you? I might know next to nothing about magic, but I at least know magical items sell for fortunes."

Arthur thought for a bit and shook his head in response.

"Good, then be quiet." SHe said as she turned her attention back towards the guild master.

"May we take the request, or at least, may I take the request?"

The guild master smiled slightly, "so, you want to venture into the great dungeon of Albion and find my daughter for me?"

"Dungeon? Your daughter?" Rain asked.

"Indeed, I need you to check on my daughter within the great dungeon. She usually spends her time within training and has never elapsed above a week until now. She has been gone for a week and two days."

"Are you sure you should be giving us this quest?" Maria finally raised her voice.

"After all, it does concern the safety of your daughter."

"I don't need you all to save her or anything. I simply wish for you to check on her." He admitted, "If I was truly worried about her safety, I would go with the idea of your guard."

"You have so much confidence in your daughter?" Ashe asked.

"Please, my daughter is not so weak." The Guild Master scoffed.

"And, of course, she isn't so stupid as to go up towards floors higher than one or two minor ranks above hers," O'Brien replied with a nod.

"She should be able to take care of herself."

"After all; Not only did I train her myself. She also posses the skill , even if she can't win against an opponent, she can infinitely run away."

"So, there could only be one other reason, she has experienced a setback or she is simply delving more into her training. However, I would like to believe she can feel herself in a midst of a breakthrough and is currently pushing her limits to break through a major or minor rank."

"So, how about it?" He smiled, "are you willing to delve into a dungeon?"

"Although it would be easier to just return to the castle, take money, and buy the magic badges our self. I am interested in entering a dungeon for the first time." Arthur spoke in all seriousness with a shrug.

"Include me." Rain gave a small nod.

"No choice," Maria also responded and turned her head towards her guard, "Ais?"

"I will follow you, princess." Ais gave a simple statement.


~A Day Prior~

If there was one thing Vara Laxus V Andunburg had come to qualms with; it would be the fate of this small world she had begun to call home long ago. Transported here, no, awakened here at a young age-she remembered her past in utter vividness.

The days spent working at her desk, her eyes glued to the computer screen. Editing manual scripts of soon to be published work, or glancing over emails from people trying to make a break into the world of a professional author. She had once longed for the same as those hopeful fellows, once toyed with the idea of one day writing her own work. However, she remembered, how distantly she lacked imagination.

Stories would float about in her head, yet, she could never truly put them down on paper and could never even come close to describing the scenes she saw. So, in the end, she just pushed her all into her job as an editor and continued her monotonous lifestyle.

She did so until she died. A young 23-year-old blue collared worker. A simple girl by the name of Yuri Frigid that had just found her way into the real world and left just the same.

At the age of 8, she had come to recognize that dual streak of bright light she had always saw in her dreams, those two hazy white lights that always awakened her in a daze. The headlights of a speeding truck, the thing that took her life.

And so, just like that, at the young age of 8-when she had nearly drowned, she fully recognized her existence. She had fled the Andunburg family more than 200 years ago and had left on a journey to see this world. Not only to strike her imagination in hopes of one day returning to earth and writing her story from memory but to also see the fantasy words that she dearly remembered from otherworldly themed light novels.

Her overpowering strength was nothing more than a secondary, no, her strength was nothing more than a tertiary gain from her adventures within this expansive continent she had come to known as Estia.

She had seen and traveled to many races alike; from the likes of the magically adept elves to the hidden vampire race. She had visited places only the strong could; from Merlin's Tomb to the final resting place of 'Chaos' the dragon that had once almost destroyed this land in his rampage and was finally put to rest by the legendary and forgotten hero Astoria Pendridge. As generations passed, many had long forgotten the olden chaos that had clutched the world and the races that remain hidden; and even more thought of them as nothing more than myths of legends-simple fictitious tales. The only reason the demons remained widely known was simply because of the demonic war every 100 years, if not so, the people would not even know about the land beyond the Cursed Valley.

With all these small memories she held dear, Vara was not quite content with having this world be put under the rule of the man she had foreseen.

Vara took a sip of her tea as she stared at the high sky above. Her azure eyes looking coldly, icily so, at the red star that gleamed the sky in a crimson glare.

A moment passed, then she slowly spoke.

"It is time," her frigid voice drifted from that single clearing within the forest.

"Deliver my message."

She didn't need to elaborate. Each of the cloaked figures of black behind her nodded, and like a dying wisp, disappeared in a black fog.


~Present Day~

The young king sat at the helm of the large and expansive table. His back rested carefully against the leather encasing at his back, located directly in front of the large window that drew the sunlight. He looked at the gathered personals within the room.

The table stretched down the war room as a plethora of people sat comfortably. Amongst them were some familiar faces he was accosted towards. The old white-bearded advisor, the one which had brought the news of the chaos star, Nigel Weathers sat at his right. The commander of the kingdom's united army, a brazen black haired man, Angus Stone, sat at his left.

Then there was Thomas Dawson aways away, and Lambert Clover just the same. Each earned their own right to be here. Thomas holding the second highest backing within the kingdom with his Mages Guild, and Lambert not only being one of the strongest individuals here but also holding a key role in what the king was about to announce.

The room was covered in silence before Abraham finally spoke up "First and foremost, I have decided to act in quickness and begin mobilization of the army at the area designated to most likely be where the war would begin its first spark-the fort city of Astria just before the Cursed Valley.

"Not only is it the only way to get in or out of the Demonic Realm if a large army was to mobilize, it is also the place where the last 3 demonic wars had been sparked and held for a while without progress."

"Now? This soon?" Angus asked.

"If not now, when?" The king shot him a look, "the letter of alliance I have sent to the other kingdoms were left unanswered. There could only be one reason for no reply; they want us to take the full first frontal attack of the war, they want us to be the shield that shields them before the chaos reaches them. After all, history states that the Demons have never been forced back at the start of the chaotic war."

"They can't be serious right? After all, once the demons trample on us, it will only be a matter of time before they step over them just the same." Angus commented

"Who knows, maybe they have all agreed to join together and swallow this kingdom if we lose or maybe they have a grander plan ahead. Along the way, I have begun to wonder why the first generation of Albion's king decided to build his kingdom on this land so close to the realm of the demons in the first place." Abraham shook his head with a sigh.

"This is a land rich in the world's mana and quality your highness, people born in our kingdom generally have a higher aptitude for magic than others," Nigel spoke.

"I know, but could that only be the reason?" The king raised a brow.

"That reason has made me the second most powerful man in the kingdom in terms of military rallying might. And if you weren't married to my little sister, I could very well forcefully take the throne from you." Thomas added.

They all stared at him for a moment, mouths opened slightly.

Thomas coughed, "of course, I wouldn't take the throne from my own brother in law."

Abraham nodded and looked towards Rain's father, "Now, Lambert, for the reason I called you here,"

"Your territory is located closest to the fort city, so, it would be the first to fall if the Astria falls. However, your territory is also of importance."

"Not only will we be using it as a key figure in the transportation of troops and necessities. We will also be setting down our second line of defense there. I repeat, we will be setting our second line of defense at your city. There can be no helping it, expect the fort city of Astria to fall."

"Three times the demonic war has eclipsed, the demons have never been pushed back successfully at the first line. Nor have they ever been pushed back at the first stage of the war. In response, we will have a supply line at your city and a second defense line formed in that same city of yours. After all, space rings can only hold so much items before they are made ineffective, and even then they are still more costly than simply transporting supplies."

"Are there any question!?"

Lambert stared at the young King, "what do we do about the population of Kent once the demons reach the second line."

Abraham spoke seriously, "evacuate them all. Preferably, to the neighboring cities, but if not, I give the permission to bring them into the capital. After the fort city falls, the demons should split up and head towards the other kingdoms-so there will be less of a burden on us."

However, just as he spoke so, a wisp of shadow floated above the table right in front of the young king. Slowly, it began to twist, turn, and twinkle into the shape of a black-clothed figure.

Angus, cladded in an armor of silvery white, immediately stood as his weapon left its sheath and the blade appeared at the neck of the figure.

Thomas brought forth his hand as numerous icicles immediately formed within the air and surrounded the figure.

"Speak!" They both spoke forcefully.

Surrounded by icicles of ice that could pierce and a weapon at neck, the figure calmly nodded before reaching out a hand that held a crystal ball of icy jade.

The magic orb glowed in a faint light before a beautiful, icy, and chilling voice filled and oppressed the room.

'If you're listening to this, then that only means the time has come.

Chaos has but a moments breath away from befalling us all, and a danger is the human race in possession of.

My name is Vara Laxus V Andunburg, founder, and leader of the Adventure Guild as a whole, and I have but a simple wish.

All current Kings of the realms, put down whatever noble obligations you are currently in accordance with and come forth.

At the center of the realm, lays my location-something I'm quite sure you're all aware of. Here we will hold our meeting.

Only one goal remains; A Coalition.

I shall give a single warning, this demonic war will not be the same as of the past.

This war will grow the world into more turbulent winds than it had ever seen.

No single nation will be able to survive this war on its own, and even I, as powerful as I am, dread the enemy at the top.

If you do not join hands with me and the other kingdoms amongst the realm, only one path awaits...

The Death of your kingdom and your people.'