Yuri Frigid

Her fingers danced against the keyboard as the resounding clanking echoed amidst her small apartment. Her azure eyes fully focused off the light emulating from the screen of the silver laptop. She glanced at the lower right of the screen and suddenly came to a stop as her hands hovered above the keys.

She took back her hand, collapsed the laptop's frame, and stretched her body with her arms raised in the hair.

Releasing a short sigh, she slowly pushed herself out from her seat, stood up as her bleached shirt fell and reached to her knees.

Her body traversed the small room and reached the end of the bed by the desk. She opened the small mini fridge hinged there and took out a can of beer.

Cracking open the can with a simple practiced motion, she took a mild sip and traversed back to just in front of the desk.

Opening the curtains, a wave of intense brightness instantly assaulted her vision, causing her to narrow her eyes for a moment.

She had practiced another all-nighter again, after all, what was she to do if the author assigned to her always barely made the deadline? The deadline was something to give a sense of time limit, it wasn't something to reach for.

Taking another sip of the cold beer in her hand, she spoke.

"I should go outside for some fresh air."

She reached for the cellphone at her desk and dialed a number.

"Hello, Yuri. Glad to see you calling again." The sweet voice of a girl traveled over.

"Lucy, let's meet up at the usual place." Yuri Frigid resounded as she sipped the contents in her right hand once again.

The voice was silent, then a worried tone followed.

"You don't sound so good. You did another all-nighter again, didn't you? My god, why do you refuse to just tell the company your assigned author sucks ball?" The response came harshly, "also, you're drinking again!? Early in the morning just after a whole night shift!? It's bad for your health, why don't you get something to actually eat!?"

'Yup,' Yuri thought as she gave a small nod.

Even after graduating from college, her best friend still remained the same. Worried for her sake. Truly, Lucy Heartfilia had a name that perfectly encapsulated her nature.

Even when they had both become capable twenty-three-year-olds, she still lingered happily in her life.

"I'll see you there." Yuri finally resounded.

A sigh came through, "fine, what will I do with you? I'll meet you there. But you better listen all right!? This time for sure, do not bring your laptop! You hear me! We are going there to catch up and relax! Do not bring along your work like last time! Okay!?"

"Yeah yeah," Yuri smiled.

"That's good, meet you there." The voice came over, this time sounding slightly less worried.

The call ended.

Yuri drank the rest of the beer in a single gulp.

She prepared to leave.


The cafe was just across the street, amidst the hustle and bustling of the city. She could already see the blonde haired girl waiting for her through the window.

She lightly breathed out as her breath lingered in the air for a moment and tugged her coat closer to her body.

As the white light lit up to show she could walk, she took a step forwards.

The thundering roar of the engine—that was what she heard as her head subconsciously turned to look...

She heard the voices, the yells, the yelps...

Then she felt a thundering force crash into her...

Blood splashed from her lips.


~Unknown Years Later~

~Location; Estia - Chaos Landing~

She stared at the charging army of demonic beasts. From deformed abominations, to two-legged brutes. From monsters of short statures, to monsters thundering the land with every step. They all charged towards her with their crimson eyes nailed to her figure.

She smiled lightly and stretched out her right hand.

As a wave of azure light gathered at her fingertips, she called out.


The energy came out in full force from her fingers, piercing the sky in a team of azure laser-like light.

They traversed over the terrain in quickness and passed over the asundered land unhindered.

The last howls of the beasts were met as the lasers passed their midst.

Digging through the head of one beast, each of the five azure streaks of light danced within the air and found another pry.

They began to drop like flies as a trail of blood followed.

However, as soon as the giants were tried upon, the forces of the lasers was blocked and hindered.

Skidding back across the land, the thick skin and fur of the gigantic furred beasts forcefully pushed against her power.

As she watched the giants taking her blows without hinder, Yuri's expression delivered a surprise. It wasn't the first time this had happened, after all, she had fought against both the vampire ruler Adrit and the legendary hero Astoria. In the end, one escaped her attacks with speed alone while the other took them on fully using brute force.

However, she wasn't keen on allowing demonic beasts to match up to her.


They combined into one.

The singular mass of compressed azure light line ripped apart a gigantic beast as its blood spilled from the sky.

Next, it traversed to its next prey.

Thus, she continued her slaughter—though, at the cost of her high mana.


"Well, This has become quite boring," Yuri said, looking at the ashened land now covered in blood.

"The people I want to fight are too strong for me to match up against, and the people I can fight are too weak for me."


"I wonder...will I ever be able to return?"

"Is there a strength that can break the seal between dimensional planets and allow my return?"